How To - Create & Write to a TextFile
Creating & Writing to a TextFile
The below methods is the easiest way to create and write to a Text File in Java, using the following I/O Components:
Writing to a text file, replacing contents
public class IOTest { public void writeToTextFile(String content, String fileName) throws IOException { File file = new File(fileName); if (file.exists() != true) { // Checking if the file exists or not. If it doesn't exist create a new file. file.createNewFile(); // Remeber to add catch clause for IOException } FileWriter writer = new FileWriter(file); writer.write(content); // Could also use -- writer.append() -- method. writer.flush(); writer.close(); } }
Writing to an existing text file and keeping contents
public class IOTest { public void writeToTextFile(String content, String fileName) throws IOException { File file = new File(fileName); if (file.exists() != true) { // Checking if the file exists or not. If not create a new file. file.createNewFile(); // Remeber to add catch clause for IOException } // The "true" will append the new data, while retaining the old data. FileWriter writer = new FileWriter(file, true); writer.write(content); // Could also use -- writer.append() -- method. writer.flush(); writer.close(); } }