Java - String compareTo() Method
There are two variants of this method. First method compares this String to another Object and second method compares two strings lexicographically.
Here is the syntax of this method:
int compareTo(Object o) or int compareTo(String anotherString)
Here is the detail of parameters:
o -- the Object to be compared.
anotherString -- the String to be compared.
Return Value :
The value 0 if the argument is a string lexicographically equal to this string; a value less than 0 if the argument is a string lexicographically greater than this string; and a value greater than 0 if the argument is a string lexicographically less than this string.
public class Test { public static void main(String args[]) { String str1 = "Strings are immutable"; String str2 = "Strings are immutable"; String str3 = "Integers are not immutable"; int result = str1.compareTo( str2 ); System.out.println(result); result = str2.compareTo( str3 ); System.out.println(result); result = str3.compareTo( str1 ); System.out.println(result); } }
This produces the following result:
0 10 -10