Java - String lastIndexOf() Method



This method has the following variants:

  • int lastIndexOf(int ch): Returns the index within this string of the last occurrence of the specified character or -1 if the character does not occur.

  • public int lastIndexOf(int ch, int fromIndex): Returns the index of the last occurrence of the character in the character sequence represented by this object that is less than or equal to fromIndex, or -1 if the character does not occur before that point.

  • public int lastIndexOf(String str): If the string argument occurs one or more times as a substring within this object, then it returns the index of the first character of the last such substring is returned. If it does not occur as a substring, -1 is returned.

  • public int lastIndexOf(String str, int fromIndex): Returns the index within this string of the last occurrence of the specified substring, searching backward starting at the specified index.


Here is the syntax of this method:

int lastIndexOf(int ch)


public int lastIndexOf(int ch, int fromIndex)


public int lastIndexOf(String str)


public int lastIndexOf(String str, int fromIndex)


Here is the detail of parameters:

  • ch -- a character.

  • fromIndex -- the index to start the search from.

  • str -- A string.

Return Value:

  • This method returns the index.



public class Test {

   public static void main(String args[]) {
      String Str = new String("Welcome to");
      String SubStr1 = new String("Tutorials" );
      String SubStr2 = new String("Sutorials" );

      System.out.print("Found Last Index :" );
      System.out.println(Str.lastIndexOf( 'o' ));
      System.out.print("Found Last Index :" );
      System.out.println(Str.lastIndexOf( 'o', 5 ));
      System.out.print("Found Last Index :" );
      System.out.println( Str.lastIndexOf( SubStr1 ));
      System.out.print("Found Last Index :" );
      System.out.println( Str.lastIndexOf( SubStr1, 15 ));
      System.out.print("Found Last Index :" );
      System.out.println(Str.lastIndexOf( SubStr2 ));

This produces the following result:

Found Last Index :27
Found Last Index :4
Found Last Index :11
Found Last Index :11
Found Last Index :-1

