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The protagonists of ColorColab


Color Colab’s initial prototype will be designed around four ancient sculptures found in Il Museo Ostiense inside the Parco Archeologico di Ostia Antica, 15km from Rome. The museum, housed on the ground floor of a building dating back to the 15th century, was created in 1865 by the archaeologist Pietro Ercole Visconti to expose the finds that were being discovered in the excavations. Ostia itself served as Rome’s principal port and harbour throughout antiquity. 

The museum has particularly rich collections of Roman portraits, especially of Roman emperors and their wives. This makes it a particularly suited museum to later expand Color Colab to an even greater number of sculptures.

The Ostiense Museum opens to the public from Tuesday to Sunday from 9.30 am to 6.15 pm (one hour after opening and one hour before the archaeological area closes).

Follow these links for more information about the museum:

More information about Ancient Ostia (Ostia Antica) and its historical importance

More information about The Ostiense Museum (Il Museo Ostiense) - Italian

More information about The Ostiense Museum (Il Museo Ostiense) - English

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