Basic Commands

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The following commands are recommended for interactive use and are described below:

Command Description
start ( Program Name.b4p ) Start executing a B4P program. Note: All variables created in that program will be global variables, even if defined outside user-defined procedures and functions.
return Return to executing the program. Very useful if interactive mode is activated using an interactive; statement.
exit Leaves B4P interpreter
Pressing CTRL+C Leaves B4P interpreter, too
prompt ("...") You can change the prompt. See prompt() for more details. Qutoation marks are required here.
prompt ("working directory()" ) Choose to show the working directory in the prompt. It will be memorized until changed again or reset.
prompt ("system info[user name]") Choose to show your user name in the prompt. You can combine mulitple info, e.g. showing both user name and current path name.
prompt ("") Reset prompt to factory settings


Change the prompt interactively

>> prompt ("working directory()+' >>'" )
C:\Users\User Name\Documents\Programs\B4P >> prompt ("system info[user name]+':'")
User Name: prompt('')
>> exit