Entering Interactive Mode

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Following appraoches are available to enter interactive mode:

Command line option -i Starting B4P with the command lien option -i will activate interactive mode immediately.
Start interactive.b4p Run this B4P program available in the installation to enter interactive immediately
Start B4P alone B4P will give you the choice to enter interactive mode or start 'main.b4p' if one is available
Call 'interactive' function Add 'interactive;' in your B4P program to enter interactive mode. Type 'return' to continue executing from there
Exceptions (errors) happened In most exceptions (e.g. syntax errors, wrong parameters, etc.), interactive mode is entered so you can inspect your code, variables and loaded tables
B4P waiting before starting "Main.b4p" If B4P is started without B4P program file specified (i.e. b4p typed as sole command or started form desktop or start menu), then "Main.b4P" will start running after waiting for 2 seconds. If a key is pressed, then this program will not start and interactive mode is entered.

  echo("Add the 'interactive' statement int your B4P program ...");
Add the 'interactive' statement int your B4P program ...
interactive (); called

Type 'help' for help, 'docs' or online B4P documentation.