G - Format

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Before saving the results, consider shaping up the data as you need present. At a first step, check and process the contents.

If you plan to save the work in Excel (or HTML), then consider adding styles such as applying colors, different typefaces, freezing the header row, adjusting column width, applying autofilters, etc.

Wikipedia Example (continued from step 6)

Do some validation on this table:

  • Apply a theme "Zebra" (interchanging white and field color patterns)
  • Autowidth, but at least 12 Excel width units wide
  • Set autofilter on header row and freeze it

Simple Example

  table style theme              ( countries, Zebra, pattern, 2 );
  table style auto width         ( countries, min, 12 );
  table style table              ( countries, sheet, freeze rows, 1, autofilter, 0 );
  echo("Formatting done.");
The table has been formatted.
Formatting done.
Try it yourself: Open GUI_Features_Format_the_results.b4p in B4P_Examples.zip. Decompress before use.