B - Clean

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Data obtained from external sources may be named and structured differently, and the table may contain unnecessary contents which need to be cleaned up first, and/or semantic alignments to be made. Some typical functions are listed below:

Wikipedia Example (continued from step 1)

The file downloaded from Wikipedia does indeed need some cleanup.

  • First, the table contain two header rows where the 2nd header is the row of interest containing column header names.
  • The header names are sophisticated, e.g. "Internet ccTLD".
  • In addition, lots of cross references like [1] are included and they distract.
  • Various fields, particularly country names, contain leading spaces.

Simple Example
  // The table contains an exotic 'hairline spatium' space symbol, various fields begin with spaces,
  // and references with 1 or 2 characters in brackets, e.g. [a], [aa].  The following two statements do the cleanup.
  // Note: str(...) is needed in order to avoid error messages when numbers are read from the table.

  table process all cells        ( countries, [.] = replace all( str([.]), {'[?]', '[??]' }, '' ) );
  table clean                    ( countries, trim spaces );

  table lift header row          ( countries, Name ); // Find header row automatically
  table correct headers          ( countries, {Name, 'A-2', 'A-3'}, {Country name, 'Alpha-2 code', 'Alpha-3 code' } );
  table process                  ( countries, [Country name]= left([Country name], ' (') ); // Remove name additions

  table list( countries, briefly, 5, 1st col, 0, last col, 1 ); // List first and last 5 rows and 2 columns only
The table has been cleaned up.
Row #: Code Text _______________________________________________________
    1:   include ( Support Library );
    2:   table load                     ( countries, temp.csv); // Hide!  Step 2 begins
    3:   // The table contains an exotic 'hairline spatium' space symbol, various fields begin with spaces,
    4:   // and references with 1 or 2 characters in brackets, e.g. [a], [aa].  The following two statements do the cleanup.
    5:   // Note: str(...) is needed in order to avoid error messages when numbers are read from the table.
    7:   table process all cells        ( countries, [.] = replace all( str([.]), {'[?]', '[??]' }, '' ) );
    8:   table clean                    ( countries, trim spaces );
   10:   table lift header row          ( countries, Name ); // Find header row automatically
Calling: table lift header row (countries,{'Name'}

2nd function parameter (columns to check) = {'Name'}:
No row with matching header contents have been found
Table row not found (row number wrong or no match).
Code execution will stop.  Going to interactive mode
Type 'help' for help, 'docs' or 'toc' for online B4P documentation.
Try it yourself: Open GUI_Features_Clean_Data.b4p in B4P_Examples.zip. Decompress before use.