table keep selected rows

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table keep selected rows


This function keeps all rows where the expression to select rows applies.

Call as: procedure or function


Indirect parameter passing is disabled
This function provides a table context for partial table specifications with table name and row number for selected function parameters

Parameter count

2 - 4


string Name of existing table

Expression to select rows

Specify the conditions or rules to select the rows. See expressions to select rows.
The table context for partial table specifications is available for referencing just the columns easily. Example: [Year]>=2022.
Attention: Comparison operators = and <> (instead of == and !=) may hijack the next function parameters for its own use as additional comparison operands, e.g. a[]=1,3,5. As long this comparison is not made in the last function parameter, then put parentheses around them, e.g. ... , (a[]=1,3,5), ....

Opt. 3.
numeral Number of rows to keep

If ≤0: No rows will be kept
If 1: Affected row will be kept
If ≥2: Neighboing rows are kept once. Example: Rows 5 and 6 apply, so rows 5, 6, and 7 will be kept.

Default value: 1
Opt. 4.
numeral Row offset value

If 0: Deletes selected rows (and further down if number of rows to delete is >1).
If 1: Deletes next row below selected rows (and further down)
If ≥2: First row to delete is n rows below selected row.
If -1: Deletes selected rows (and further up if number of rows to delete is >1)
If -2: Deletes next row above selected row (and further up)
If ≤-3; First row to delete is abs(n)-1 above selected row
If offset is negative and reach into the header row, the header rows are protected from getting kept.

Default value: 0

Return value

numeral Number of rows kept

Number of rows kept. -1 is returned if table is empty.


  table initialize ( table 1,
  { { Animal, leg count }, { Worm,  0}, { Bird, 2 }, { Dog, 4 }, { Fly, 6 }, { Tick, 8 } } );

  table copy table( table 1, t1 );
  echo("Keep 2 rows: Bird and Tick:");
  table keep selected rows( t1, ([Animal]='*i*') ); // Bird, Tick kept
  table list( t1 ); // Only Dog and Fly are left

  echo("Dog will also be kept:");
  table copy table( table 1, t1 );
  table keep selected rows( t1, ([Animal]='*i*'), 2 ); // Bird, Tick, Dog kept
  table list( t1 ); // Only Dog and Fly are left

  echo("Keep animal above Dog and Worm:");
  table copy table( table 1, t1 );
  table keep selected rows( t1, ([Animal]='*o*'), 1, -2 ); // Rows above Worm, Dog. Worm is header. Ignore.
  table list( t1 ); // Only Dog and Fly are left


Keep 2 rows: Bird and Tick:
    0 : Animal | leg count
    1 : Bird   | 2        
    2 : Tick   | 8        

Dog will also be kept:
    0 : Animal | leg count
    1 : Bird   | 2        
    2 : Dog    | 4        
    3 : Tick   | 8        

Keep animal above Dog and Worm:
    0 : Animal | leg count
    1 : Bird   | 2        

Try it yourself: Open LIB_Function_table_keep_selected_rows.b4p in Decompress before use.

See also

table delete selected rows