Variables Functions

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This section summarizes all functions processing variables. The functions are categorized into the following:

  • Obtaining information about the variables

Procedures and Functions Provided:

Check if variable is existing:
    existing and valid
    existing here
    existing here and valid

Copy values to multiple variables or table entries:

Identify scope of variable:

Get variable name:

Exchange two values:

Protect variables:
    protect recursive

Delete variables:

Delete variable members, Delete array and structure members:
    delete members

Array functions:
    insert members

Create new variables as global variables:

Define local variables when writing:

Make regional variables accessible in functions called:

Array functions:
    dim protect
    redim protect
    array protect

Structure functions:
    structure protect
    member count
    weight profile

Changing between structures and arrays:
    structure to array
    structure to array recursive
    array to array structure
    array to structure

Read variable members into parameter sets:
    set names

Loading and saving variables using JSON:
    variable load
    json to variable
    variable save
    variable to json

Release references to variables:
    release all

Access resident attributes:
    attribute delete
    attribute listing
    attribute modify
    attribute read
    attribute remove
    attribute write