


Function Library Guide: 5.2.3 Exponential Functions


abbreviate name
Function Library Guide: 6.3.4 abbreviate name

Function Library Guide: 2.5.6 abort

abs, absolute value
Function Library Guide: 5.1.4 abs - Absolute Value

Access resident attributes
Function Library Guide: 10.5.1 attribute ...

Access table information
Function Library Guide: 9.4.1 list tables

Accessing table information
Function Library Guide: 9.4 Accessing Table Information

accessing tables
Language Guide: 3.5 Accessing Tables

acos, acos deg
Function Library Guide: 5.2.5 Trigonometric Functions

Function Library Guide: 5.2.6 Hyperbolic Functions

ad-hoc operations, ad-hoc operators
Language Guide: 4.8 Ad-hoc Operators

ad-hoc operators overview
Language Guide: 4.8.2 Ad-hoc Operators Overview

Function Library Guide: 5.3.1 Arithmetic and Boolean Series Functions

add color
Function Library Guide: add color

add rows in case of multiple matches
Function Library Guide: table expand ...

ADD Transactions between tables
Language Guide: 5.5.4 + Transactions between Tables

ADD Transactions between variables
Language Guide: 5.5.1 + Transactions between Variables

ADD Transactions from tables to variables
Language Guide: 5.5.2 + Transactions from Tables to Variables

ADD Transactions from variables to tables
Language Guide: 5.5.3 + Transactions from Variables to Tables

Language Guide: Additions

additional function names
Function Library Guide: 2.3.2 define additional procedure / function

Additional info on fast processing of rows
Function Library Guide: Addt'l Info on fast rows processing

advanced directory listing, advanced directory listing recursive
Function Library Guide: 11.2.2 advanced directory listing ...

Align and Process
User Guide: 5.6 F - Analyze

alternative execution of code blocks
Function Library Guide: 2.1.4 switch, check

Function Library Guide: 5.3.1 Arithmetic and Boolean Series Functions

AND Transactions between tables
Language Guide: 5.3.4 & Transactions between Tables

AND Transactions between variables
Language Guide: 5.3.1 & Transactions between Variables

AND Transactions from tables to variables
Language Guide: 5.3.2 & Transactions from Tables to Variables

AND Transactions from variables to tables
Language Guide: 5.3.3 & Transactions from Variables to Tables

Apply style on tables
Function Library Guide: table style table

Arithmetic and Boolean Series Functions
Function Library Guide: 5.3.1 Arithmetic and Boolean Series Functions

arithmetic operator, arithmetic operators
Language Guide: 4.3.3 Arithmetic Operators

Arrange multiple tables side-by-side
Function Library Guide: table arrange ...

Function Library Guide: 10.2.3 array, array protect

Array functions
Function Library Guide: 10.1.10 insert members (protect)

Array functions
Function Library Guide: 10.2.1 dim / redim

array member, array members
Language Guide: 2.5.2 Arrays

array protect
Function Library Guide: 10.2.3 array, array protect

array to array structure, array to structure
Function Library Guide: 10.2.9 array to structure ...

Language Guide: 2.5.2 Arrays

Arrays and Structures
Function Library Guide: 10.2 Arrays and Structures

asin, asin deg
Function Library Guide: 5.2.5 Trigonometric Functions

Function Library Guide: 5.2.6 Hyperbolic Functions

assign, assign [function]
Function Library Guide: 2.7.6 assign

Language Guide: 4.1 Assignments

Assignment operator, Assignment operators
Language Guide: 4.6 Assignment operators

Assignment symbol, assignments
Language Guide: 4.1 Assignments

Assignments and expressions
Language Guide: 4 Assignments and Expressions

atan, atan deg
Function Library Guide: 5.2.5 Trigonometric Functions

Function Library Guide: 5.2.6 Hyperbolic Functions

attribute delete, attribute listing, attribute modify, attribute read, attribute remove, attribute write
Function Library Guide: 10.5.1 attribute ...

Function Library Guide: 5.5.1 Basic Statistics Functions

average if, average if any
Function Library Guide: 5.6 Conditional Combination Functions

average ignore blanks
Function Library Guide: 5.5.1 Basic Statistics Functions

average ignore blanks if, average ignore blanks if any
Function Library Guide: 5.6 Conditional Combination Functions

average ignore zero
Function Library Guide: 5.5.1 Basic Statistics Functions

average ignore zero if, average ignore zero if any
Function Library Guide: 5.6 Conditional Combination Functions


B4P Interpreter
User Guide: 1 User Guide

B4P Language
Language Guide: 1 The Language

B4P Program, B4P Programs
Language Guide: 1.4 Programs

background color
Function Library Guide: 3.2.4 text / background color

base variable, base variables
Language Guide: 2.5 Variable Forms and Trees

Basic Commands
User Guide: 4.4 Basic Commands

Basic data types
Language Guide: 1.2 Basic Data Types

basic directory and file functions
Function Library Guide: 11.1 Basic Directory and File Functions

Basic language elements
Language Guide: 1.1 Basics

basic math functions
Function Library Guide: 5.1 Basic Math Functions

basic statistics functions
Function Library Guide: 5.5.1 Basic Statistics Functions

basic variables functions
Function Library Guide: 10.1 Basic Variables Functions

best type
Function Library Guide: 4.10 best type

binary operators
Language Guide: 4.3.2 Binary Operators

Function Library Guide: 3.2.6 blinking

Language Guide: 1.5.1 Blocks

Blocks and Statements
Language Guide: 1.5 Blocks and Statements

Function Library Guide: 3.2.7 boldface

bool, boolean conversion function
Function Library Guide: 4.8 bool

boolean to string conversion and formatting, Boolean to String Formatting Parameters
Function Library Guide: 4.1.6 Boolean to String Formatting

Function Library Guide: 2.1 Branches

break case, break loop
Function Library Guide: 2.1.6 break, continue

business functions
Function Library Guide: 5.7 Finance and Business Functions


Function Library Guide: 5.7.1 cagr - Compond Annual Growth Rate

calc, Calculate an expression provided
Function Library Guide: 2.7.4 calc

Language Guide: 4.2.3 Calculations

Function Library Guide: 2.7.1 call

Call function for every parameter set element separately
Function Library Guide: 2.7.2 deep, deepr

Call function or procedure by name provided
Function Library Guide: 2.7.1 call

cascading ad-hoc operators
Language Guide: 4.8.1 Cascading ad-hoc Operators

Function Library Guide: 2.1.5 case

case sensitivity
Language Guide: Case Sensitivity

catch, catch if
Function Library Guide: 2.5.8 catch, catch if

Function Library Guide: 11.1.5 change directory commands

Change tabular contents to serialized contents
Function Library Guide: table serialize ...

Change the prompt used in interactive mode
Function Library Guide: 3.3.1 prompt

Changing between structures and arrays
Function Library Guide: 10.2.8 structure to array ...

character coding
Function Library Guide: 6.2 Character Encoding and Decoding

character decoding
Function Library Guide: 6.2.2 code

character encoding
Function Library Guide: 6.2.1 chr

Character Entities, Character entity
Language Guide: Character Entities

Language Guide: 1.1.5 Characters

Function Library Guide: 11.1.5 change directory commands

Function Library Guide: 2.1.4 switch, check

Check if value contains date or time
Function Library Guide: 7.1.1 date inside, time inside

Check if variable is existing
Function Library Guide: 10.1.1 existing (here and valid)

Check table rows
Function Library Guide: table check row

Checking and processing headers
Function Library Guide: table check header

Checking headers
Function Library Guide: 9.7.1 Checking and Processing Headers

checking numbers
Function Library Guide: 5.1.1 is numeric / integer - Functions

choose recent file
Function Library Guide: 11.2.6 choose recent file

Function Library Guide: 6.2.1 chr

Function Library Guide: 6.1.13 clean

Clean Data
User Guide: 5.2 B - Clean

clean if num, clean num, clean numerals
Function Library Guide: 4.3 clean num, clean if num

clean up exotic spaces and line breaks in strings
Function Library Guide: 6.1.13 clean

Cleaning up and miscellaneous table functions
Function Library Guide: table format numbers

clear, clear parts of screen
Function Library Guide: 3.2.2 clear

clear the screen
Function Library Guide: 3.2.1 cls

Clearing and deleting tables
Function Library Guide: 9.3.4 Deleting Tables

Clearing and deleting tables
Function Library Guide: table clear ...

Function Library Guide: 3.1.9 clipboard

Function Library Guide: 3.2.1 cls

Function Library Guide: 6.2.2 code

Code Execution Functions
Function Library Guide: 2.7 Code Execution Functions

Code piece, Code pieces
Language Guide: 6.4.3 Code Pieces (Func. Param. Type)

Function Library Guide: 9.4.7 col

Color functions
Function Library Guide: add color

Color Palettes
Function Library Guide: Color Palettes

Color Specification
Function Library Guide: 9.9.1 Defining User Specific Colors

Combining multiple tables
Function Library Guide: 9.8.3 Combining Multiple Tables

Command line arguments
User Guide: 3.5.1 Command Line Arguments

Command Line Arguments and Options
User Guide: 3.5 Command Line Arguments and Options

Command line options, Command line switches
User Guide: 3.5.2 Command Line Switches

Language Guide: 1.1.4 Comments

Function Library Guide: 2.7.5 compare

compare pick, compare select
Function Library Guide: 2.6.6 compare select / pick

Compare two tables
Function Library Guide: table compare ...

compare [function]
Function Library Guide: 2.7.5 compare

Comparing and validating tables
Function Library Guide: 9.8.1 Comparing and Validating Tables

Comparison and selection functions
Function Library Guide: 2.6 Comparison and Selection Functions

comparison expression
Language Guide: 4.3.4 Comparison Operators

Comparison Expression [func. params], Comparison Expressions
Language Guide: Comparison Expressions (func. params)

comparison operators
Language Guide: 4.3.4 Comparison Operators

comparison options
Language Guide: 4.3.5 Comparison Options

Language Guide: 4.3.4 Comparison Operators

compose, compose line
Function Library Guide: 3.1.4 compose ...

compound annual growth rate
Function Library Guide: 5.7.1 cagr - Compond Annual Growth Rate

conditional branches
Function Library Guide: 2.1.1 if, unless

conditional combination functions
Function Library Guide: 5.6 Conditional Combination Functions

Function Library Guide: 3.2.5 console

Console I/O Functions
Function Library Guide: 3 Console I/O Functions

Console I/O with tables
Function Library Guide: 9.2 Console I/O with Tables

Console input
Function Library Guide: 3.1.6 input to complete

Console Input/Output
Language Guide: Console Input / Output

Console out text attributes
Function Library Guide: 3.2.6 blinking

Console special effects
Function Library Guide: 3.2 Console Special Effects

Consolidate table rows
Function Library Guide: table consolidate ...

consolidation actions
Function Library Guide: 14.2 Consolidation Actions

continue case, continue loop, continue with next case
Function Library Guide: 2.1.6 break, continue

Control flow functions
Function Library Guide: 2 Control Flow Functions

Control Flow Functions for Tables
Function Library Guide: 9.6 Control Flow Functions for Tables

Control flow statements
Function Library Guide: 2 Control Flow Functions

Function Library Guide: 10.1.2 copy

Copy and split tables
Function Library Guide: table copy table

Copy values to multiple variables or table entries
Function Library Guide: 10.1.2 copy

Copying and renaming and spitting tables
Function Library Guide: 9.7.6 Copying, Renaming and Splitting Tables

copying references
Language Guide: 2.6.4 Copying References

Copying table columns
Function Library Guide: table copy columns ...

Function Library Guide: 5.5.3 covariance, correlation

cos, cos deg
Function Library Guide: 5.2.5 Trigonometric Functions

Function Library Guide: 5.2.6 Hyperbolic Functions

Function Library Guide: 5.3.5 count Functions

count elements, count elements ignore blanks, count elements ignore both, count elements ignore case, Count elements in parameter sets
Function Library Guide: 8.1.8 count elements ...

count files, count files recursive
Function Library Guide: 11.2.7 count files ...

count functions
Function Library Guide: 5.3.5 count Functions

count if, count if any
Function Library Guide: 5.6 Conditional Combination Functions

count ignore blanks
Function Library Guide: 5.3.5 count Functions

count ignore blanks if, count ignore blanks if any
Function Library Guide: 5.6 Conditional Combination Functions

count ignore both
Function Library Guide: 5.3.5 count Functions

count ignore both if, count ignore both if any
Function Library Guide: 5.6 Conditional Combination Functions

count ignore zero
Function Library Guide: 5.3.5 count Functions

count ignore zero if, count ignore zero if any
Function Library Guide: 5.6 Conditional Combination Functions

covariance, covariance and correlation
Function Library Guide: 5.5.3 covariance, correlation

_read_write___delete_tables.html">Create / read / write / delete tables
Function Library Guide: 9.3 Creating, Writing, Reading, Deleting

Create and initialize tables
Function Library Guide: table create ...

Create hash signatures for values provided
Function Library Guide: 4.13 hash signature

Create new variables as global variables
Function Library Guide: 10.1.11 global

Creating tables
Language Guide: 3.4 Creating Tables

Creating tables and building up tables
Function Library Guide: 9.3.1 Creating and Building up Tables

Creating Variables
Language Guide: 2.2 Creating Variables

Cross-functional info
Function Library Guide: 14 Cross-Functional Info

Language Guide: CSV File Format

cursor, cursor position
Function Library Guide: 3.2.3 cursor

custom initialization program
User Guide: 3.5.4 User Initialization Program


darken color
Function Library Guide: darken color

darken colors
Function Library Guide: darken colors

Data Storage Abstracts
Language Guide: 1.3 Data Storage Abstracts

Data subtype quoted strings
Language Guide: Quoted Strings

Data subtype softquoted strings
Language Guide: Softquoted Strings

data type strings
Language Guide: 1.2.1 Strings

data types booleans
Language Guide: 1.2.4 Booleans

data types dates
Language Guide: 1.2.3 Dates

data types numerals
Language Guide: 1.2.2 Numerals

data types parameter sets
Language Guide: 1.2.6 Parameter sets

data types parameter sets indexing
Language Guide: Indexing Parameter Sets

data types parameter sets value ranges
Language Guide: Parameter sets - Value Ranges

data types parameter sets value repetitions
Language Guide: Parameter sets - Value Repetitions

data types voids
Language Guide: 1.2.5 Voids

Function Library Guide: 4.5 date, pure date, date time

Date and Time Detection Rules
Function Library Guide: 4.7 Date and Time Detection Rules

date and time functions
Function Library Guide: 7 Date and Time Functions

date conversion functions
Function Library Guide: 4.5 date, pure date, date time

date functions
Function Library Guide: 7.1 Date Functions

Date info functions
Function Library Guide: 7.1.2 year, quarter, month, day

date info functions
Function Library Guide: 7.1.4 serial date

date inside
Function Library Guide: 7.1.1 date inside, time inside

date time
Function Library Guide: 4.5 date, pure date, date time

date to string conversion and formatting, Date to String Formatting Parameters
Function Library Guide: 4.1.4 Date to String Formatting

Function Library Guide: 7.1.2 year, quarter, month, day

day of year
Function Library Guide: 7.1.3 day of year

De-installing B4P
User Guide: 2.5 De-installing B4P

decode entities
Function Library Guide: 6.2.3 decode entities

Function Library Guide: 2.7.2 deep, deepr

deep assignment operators
Language Guide: 4.7 Deep Assignment Operators

deep binary operators
Language Guide: 4.5.2 Deep Binary Operators

deep operators
Language Guide: 4.5 Deep Operators

deep unary operators
Language Guide: 4.5.1 Deep Unary Operators

Function Library Guide: 2.7.2 deep, deepr

default members
Language Guide: 2.5.3 Structures

define additional function, define additional procedure, define additional procedure and function
Function Library Guide: 2.3.2 define additional procedure / function

define function
Function Library Guide: 2.3.1 define procedure / function

Define local variables when writing
Function Library Guide: 10.1.12 local

define procedure, define procedure and function, defining user procedures and user functions
Function Library Guide: 2.3.1 define procedure / function

Defining User Specific Colors
Function Library Guide: 9.9.1 Defining User Specific Colors

Function Library Guide: 10.1.8 delete

Delete array and structure members, delete members
Function Library Guide: 10.1.9 delete members

Delete table contents
Function Library Guide: table delete cells selected rows

delete user function
Function Library Guide: 2.3.6 delete user function

Delete variable members
Function Library Guide: 10.1.9 delete members

Delete variables
Function Library Guide: 10.1.8 delete

Deleting table rows
Function Library Guide: table delete rows (if needed)

Function Library Guide: 10.2.7 depth

Derive disjoint union exclusive or) from both tables
Function Library Guide: table exclude ...

Function Library Guide: 6.3.3 describe

Detects dates correctly in strings
Function Library Guide: 4.7 Date and Time Detection Rules

Function Library Guide: 5.5.1 Basic Statistics Functions

deviation if, deviation if any
Function Library Guide: 5.6 Conditional Combination Functions

deviation ignore blanks
Function Library Guide: 5.5.1 Basic Statistics Functions

deviation ignore blanks if, deviation ignore blanks if any
Function Library Guide: 5.6 Conditional Combination Functions

deviation ignore zero
Function Library Guide: 5.5.1 Basic Statistics Functions

deviation ignore zero if, deviation ignore zero if any
Function Library Guide: 5.6 Conditional Combination Functions

Function Library Guide: 5.4.8 diagonal

Function Library Guide: 10.2.1 dim / redim

dim protect
Function Library Guide: 10.2.2 dim / redim protect

Function Library Guide: 11.2.4 dir

Direct character input from console
Function Library Guide: 3.1.7 input quick ...

Language Guide: 1.6.4 Directories and Files

directory and file system functions
Function Library Guide: 11 Directory and File System Functions

Directory and files
Language Guide: 1.6.4 Directories and Files

directory create, directory create ... Functions, directory create all, directory create silently
Function Library Guide: 11.3.1 directory create ...

directory create temp
Function Library Guide: 11.3.3 directory create temp

directory delete, directory delete ... Functions, directory delete all
Function Library Guide: 11.3.6 directory delete ...

directory delete multiple, directory delete multiple all, directory delete multiple/recursive ... Functions, directory delete recursive, directory delete recursive all, directory delete recursive if empty
Function Library Guide: 11.3.7 directory delete multiple/recursive ...

directory delete silently
Function Library Guide: 11.3.6 directory delete ...

directory existing
Function Library Guide: 11.1.1 directory existing, file existing

directory listing, directory listing recursive
Function Library Guide: 11.2.1 directory listing ...

directory rename, directory rename ... Functions, directory rename all, directory rename silently
Function Library Guide: 11.3.10 directory rename ...

directory size
Function Library Guide: 11.1.7 directory size

Function Library Guide: 5.7.4 discount - Discount Values

disk space, disk space free
Function Library Guide: 11.1.9 disk space ...

distribute, distribute advance
Function Library Guide: 5.7.5 distribute - Value Distribution over Timeline

distribute amount
Function Library Guide: 5.1.9 distribute amount

Distribute quantities over timeline
Function Library Guide: table distribute ...

distribution over timeline
Function Library Guide: 5.7.5 distribute - Value Distribution over Timeline

Function Library Guide: 5.3.1 Arithmetic and Boolean Series Functions

Language Guide: Divisions

Function Library Guide: 2.2.1 do

Do nothing
Function Library Guide: 2.5.10 null - Function

Function Library Guide: 2.2.1 do

Function Library Guide: 13.2 help ...

Function Library Guide: 13.3 docs

dump entities
Function Library Guide: 13.12 dump entities

dump functions
Function Library Guide: 13.11 dump functions


e.g. for production planning
Function Library Guide: table distribute ...

Function Library Guide: 3.1.1 echo, print ...

Edit B4P Programs under Linux
User Guide: 3.2.1 Linux Edit B4P Programs

Edit B4P Programs under MacOS
User Guide: 3.3.1 MacOS Edit B4P Programs

Edit B4P Programs under Windows
User Guide: 3.1.1 Windows Edit B4P Programs

Function Library Guide: 2.1.2 else

encode entities
Function Library Guide: 6.2.4 encode entities

Function Library Guide: 2.5.5 end

User Guide: 5.5 E - Augment

entering interactive mode
User Guide: 4.2 Entering Interactive Mode

Language Guide: Character Entities

Language Guide: 4.3.5 Comparison Options

equal to
Language Guide: Equal to

Language Guide: Reserved Keywords

even, even numbers
Function Library Guide: 5.1.2 even, odd, whole

Example - Retrieve stock market data
User Guide: 6.3 Stock Markets - Program

Example: Merge football clubs
User Guide: 6.2 Football Club Merger - Program

Example: Merging football clubs - interactive approach
User Guide: 6.1 Football Club Merger - Interactive

User Guide: 6 Examples

excel column
Function Library Guide: 4.14 excel column

excel coordinates
Function Library Guide: 4.15 excel coordinates

excel list sheets
Function Library Guide: 9.1.3 excel list sheets

Excel sheet functions
Function Library Guide: 4.14 excel column

excel validate sheet name
Function Library Guide: 4.16 excel validate sheet name

Function Library Guide: 2.5.9 exception

Exception functions
Function Library Guide: 2.5 Exception Functions

exchange, Exchange two values
Function Library Guide: 10.1.6 exchange

Function Library Guide: 2.7.3 exec

Execute B4P expressions interactively
User Guide: 4.7 Execute B4P Expressions Interactively

Execute B4P statements interactively
User Guide: 4.6 Execute B4P Statements Interactively

Execute B4P statements provided
Function Library Guide: 2.7.3 exec

executing system commands
Function Library Guide: 12.1 Executing System Commands

existing, existing and valid, existing here, existing here and valid
Function Library Guide: 10.1.1 existing (here and valid)

Function Library Guide: 2.5.4 exit

Function Library Guide: 5.2.3 Exponential Functions

explain functions
Function Library Guide: 13.10 list / explain functions

Function Library Guide: table explore

Explore and filter and extract sub-tables
Function Library Guide: 9.5.2 Explore, Filter, Extract Sub-Tables

exponential functions
Function Library Guide: 5.2.3 Exponential Functions

exponential regression
Function Library Guide: 5.5.5 Linear and Exponential Regression

Expression to select rows
Language Guide: 6.4.4 Expressions to Select Rows

Language Guide: 4.2 Expressions

Expressions to select columns
Language Guide: 6.4.5 Expressions to Select Columns

Expressions to select rows
Language Guide: 6.4.4 Expressions to Select Rows

Expressions [func params]
Language Guide: Expressions (func. params)

Extracting substrings
Language Guide: Slicing Strings


Features and Benefits
Master Document: 2 Features and Benefits

file browser
Function Library Guide: 11.2.3 file browser

File comporession and decompression
Function Library Guide: 11.4.1 zip compress

file compression decompression
Function Library Guide: 11.4 File Compression and Decompression

file copy, file copy ... Functions, file copy all
Function Library Guide: 11.3.11 file copy ...

file copy multiple, file copy multiple all, file copy multiple overwrite, file copy multiple overwrite all, file copy multiple/recursive ... Functions
Function Library Guide: 11.3.12 file copy mulitple/recursive ...

file copy overwrite, file copy overwrite all, file copy overwrite silently
Function Library Guide: 11.3.11 file copy ...

file copy recursive, file copy recursive all, file copy recursive overwrite, file copy recursive overwrite all
Function Library Guide: 11.3.12 file copy mulitple/recursive ...

file copy silently
Function Library Guide: 11.3.11 file copy ...

file create link, file create link ... Functions, file create link all, file create link silently
Function Library Guide: 11.3.13 file create link ...

file delete, file delete ... Functions, file delete all
Function Library Guide: 11.3.4 file delete ...

file delete multiple, file delete multiple all, file delete multiple/recursive ... Functions, file delete recursive, file delete recursive all
Function Library Guide: 11.3.5 file delete multiple/recursive ...

file delete silently
Function Library Guide: 11.3.4 file delete ...

file download, file download ... Functions, file download all, file download overwrite, file download overwrite all, file download overwrite silently, file download silently
Function Library Guide: 11.3.14 file download ...

file existing
Function Library Guide: 11.1.1 directory existing, file existing

file name, file names
Language Guide: Path and File Names

file rename, file rename ... Functions, file rename all, file rename silently
Function Library Guide: 11.3.9 file rename ...

file size
Function Library Guide: 11.1.8 file size

filter, filter 1
Function Library Guide: 8.1.10 filter ...

filter and extract tables
Function Library Guide: table explore

filter n, filter start, filter start include, filter start n, filter start n include, filter stop, filter stop include
Function Library Guide: 8.1.10 filter ...

finance functions
Function Library Guide: 5.7 Finance and Business Functions

financial quarter
Function Library Guide: 7.1.7 fq - Fiscal Quarter

financial year
Function Library Guide: 7.1.8 fy - Fiscal Year

Function Library Guide: 6.1.1 find ... (string function)

Function Library Guide: 8.1.2 find ... (parameter set function)

find ignore blanks
Function Library Guide: 6.1.1 find ... (string function)

find ignore blanks
Function Library Guide: 8.1.2 find ... (parameter set function)

find ignore both
Function Library Guide: 6.1.1 find ... (string function)

find ignore both
Function Library Guide: 8.1.2 find ... (parameter set function)

find ignore case
Function Library Guide: 6.1.1 find ... (string function)

find ignore case, find [parameter set function]
Function Library Guide: 8.1.2 find ... (parameter set function)

find [string function]
Function Library Guide: 6.1.1 find ... (string function)

Finishing up formatting
Function Library Guide: 9.9.3 Finishing up formatting

fiscal quarter
Function Library Guide: 7.1.7 fq - Fiscal Quarter

fiscal year
Function Library Guide: 7.1.8 fy - Fiscal Year

flat, Flatten matrix
Function Library Guide: 5.4.7 flat

font color
Function Library Guide: 3.2.4 text / background color

Function Library Guide: 2.2.2 for

for all current table columns
Function Library Guide: 9.6.6 for all current table columns

for all current table selected columns
Function Library Guide: 9.6.7 for all current table selected columns

for all parameters
Function Library Guide: 2.2.4 for all parameters

for all table columns
Function Library Guide: 9.6.4 for all table columns

for all table rows
Function Library Guide: 9.6.2 for all table rows

for all table selected columns
Function Library Guide: 9.6.5 for all table selected columns

for all table selected rows
Function Library Guide: 9.6.3 for all table selected rows

for all variables, for all variables if existing, for all variables if existing and valid
Function Library Guide: 2.2.5 for all variables

Function Library Guide: 2.2.2 for

for-loop through parameter elements
Function Library Guide: 2.2.4 for all parameters

for-loop through table columns
Function Library Guide: 9.6.4 for all table columns

for-loop through table rows
Function Library Guide: 9.6.2 for all table rows

for-loop through variables
Function Library Guide: 2.2.5 for all variables

foreground color
Function Library Guide: 3.2.4 text / background color

forget memorized table columns
Function Library Guide: forget memorized table columns

format, format print
Function Library Guide: 3.1.3 format, format print

Format the results
User Guide: 5.7 G - Format

Formatting and styling tables
Function Library Guide: 9.9 Formatting and Styling Tables

Formatting Coverages, Formatting Precedences
Function Library Guide: Formatting Coverages and Precedences

formatting template
Function Library Guide: 4.1 str, soft

Formatting the Tables
Function Library Guide: 9.9.2 Styling Functions

Function Library Guide: 7.1.7 fq - Fiscal Quarter

Full UNICODE Support
Language Guide: Full UNICODE Support

Function call, Function calls
Language Guide: 6 Functions and Procedures

function existing
Function Library Guide: 2.3.5 function / user function existing

Function Library, Function Library Guide
Function Library Guide: 1 Function Library

Function Names, Function Naming
Language Guide: 6.1 Function Naming

Function parameter
Language Guide: 6.2 Function Parameters

Function parameter directions
Language Guide: 6.3 Function Parameter Directions

Function parameter types
Language Guide: 6.4 Function Parameter Types

Function Parameters
Language Guide: 6.2 Function Parameters

Functions and Procedures
Language Guide: 6 Functions and Procedures

Functions for reading tables
Function Library Guide: 9.3.3 Reading Tables

Functions for writing tables
Function Library Guide: 9.3.2 Writing Tables

Function Library Guide: 7.1.8 fy - Fiscal Year


Generic Attribute Names, Generic Attribute Values, Generic Formatting Attributes
Function Library Guide: Generic Formatting Attributes

geometric mean
Function Library Guide: 5.5.1 Basic Statistics Functions

geometric mean if, geometric mean if any
Function Library Guide: 5.6 Conditional Combination Functions

geometric mean ignore blanks
Function Library Guide: 5.5.1 Basic Statistics Functions

geometric mean ignore blanks if, geometric mean ignore blanks if any
Function Library Guide: 5.6 Conditional Combination Functions

geometric mean ignore zero
Function Library Guide: 5.5.1 Basic Statistics Functions

geometric mean ignore zero if, geometric mean ignore zero if any
Function Library Guide: 5.6 Conditional Combination Functions

get console size, get cursor position
Function Library Guide: 3.2.5 console

get differences
Function Library Guide: 6.1.15 get differences

get long options
Function Library Guide: 2.4.3 get long options

get text position
Function Library Guide: 3.2.5 console

Get variable name
Function Library Guide: 10.1.5 name

getch, getch ignore case
Function Library Guide: 3.1.8 getch ...

gini, gini coefficient, gini ignore blanks, gini ignore zero
Function Library Guide: 5.5.4 gini Coefficient Functions

github markdown
Language Guide: 1.1.4 Comments

Function Library Guide: 10.1.11 global

global privileges
Function Library Guide: 12.4.1 global / script privileges

Global variables
Language Guide: 2.3.1 Global Variables

greater than or equal to
Language Guide: Greater than (or Equal to)


harmonic mean
Function Library Guide: 5.5.1 Basic Statistics Functions

harmonic mean if, harmonic mean if any
Function Library Guide: 5.6 Conditional Combination Functions

hash signature
Function Library Guide: 4.13 hash signature

header name exception handling
Language Guide: 3.5.8 Header Name Exception Handling

Function Library Guide: 6.1.6 height

Function Library Guide: 13.1 help

help and support functions
Function Library Guide: 13 Help and Support Functions

help functions, help index, help keywords, help language, help library, help user guide, help welcome
Function Library Guide: 13.2 help ...

hex to decimal
Function Library Guide: 5.1.8 hex to decimal

Hijacking parameters
Language Guide: 1.7 Language Pitfalls

Function Library Guide: 5.4.5 horizontal

horizontal table access
Language Guide: 3.5.2 Horizontal Table Access

Horizontal table access using parameter sets
Language Guide: Horizontal Table Access w. Param. Sets

Horizontal table access using ranges
Language Guide: Horizontal Table Access w. Ranges

Horizontal table access using wildcards
Language Guide: Horizontal Table Access w. Wildcards

horizontal table accesses
Language Guide: 3.5.2 Horizontal Table Access

Function Library Guide: 7.2.1 hour, minute, second

hyperbolic functions
Function Library Guide: 5.2.6 Hyperbolic Functions


I/O parameters
Language Guide: 6.3 Function Parameter Directions

Function Library Guide: 10.1.3 identify

Identify optimum data type for value provided
Function Library Guide: 4.10 best type

Identify scope of variable
Function Library Guide: 10.1.4 scope

Identify variable types and subtypes
Function Library Guide: 4.12 type, subtype

Function Library Guide: 2.1.1 if, unless

Import source data
User Guide: 5.1 A - Import

include, include B4P program, include libraries, include library
Function Library Guide: 2.4.2 include

income disparity
Function Library Guide: 5.5.4 gini Coefficient Functions

Indexing elements, Indexing parameter sets
Language Guide: Indexing Parameter Sets

Indexing strings
Language Guide: Indexing Strings

Indirect parameter passing
Language Guide: 6.5 Indirect Parameter Passing

Function Library Guide: 3.1.5 input

input parameters
Language Guide: 6.3 Function Parameter Directions

input quick, input quick ignore case
Function Library Guide: 3.1.7 input quick ...

input to complete
Function Library Guide: 3.1.6 input to complete

insert members
Function Library Guide: 10.1.10 insert members (protect)

Insert table rows
Function Library Guide: table insert rows (if needed)

Inserting table columns
Function Library Guide: table insert (missing) columns

Function Library Guide: 3.3.3 inspect

Inspection and debugging
Function Library Guide: 3.3 Inspection and Debugging

User Guide: 2 Installation

Installation on Linux
User Guide: 2.2 Linux

Installation on MacOS
User Guide: 2.3 MacOS

Installation on Windows
User Guide: 2.1 Windows

integrate results
Function Library Guide: table expand ...

integrate results from one or more matching row into target table row
Function Library Guide: table digest ...

Function Library Guide: 2.5.3 interactive

Interactive editing
User Guide: 4.1 Interactive Input and Editing

interactive expressions
User Guide: 4.7 Execute B4P Expressions Interactively

Interactive help
User Guide: 4.3 Interactive Help

Interactive input
User Guide: 4.1 Interactive Input and Editing

interactive mode
User Guide: 4 Interactive Mode

interactive statements
User Guide: 4.6 Execute B4P Statements Interactively

Interactive Visualization
User Guide: 4.8.1 Interactive Visualization

internal rate of return
Function Library Guide: 5.7.2 irr - Internal Rate of Return

Interpolation Examples, interpolation examples
Function Library Guide: Interpolation Examples Visualized

Introduction to User-Defined Functions
Language Guide: 6.6 Introduction to User-Defined Functions

Function Library Guide: 5.7.2 irr - Internal Rate of Return

is integer, is integer or blank, is numeric, is numeric or blank, is strictly integer, is strictly integer or blank, is strictly numeric, is strictly numeric or blank
Function Library Guide: 5.1.1 is numeric / integer - Functions


Function Library Guide: 4.11 join ...

join if, join if any
Function Library Guide: 5.6 Conditional Combination Functions

join ignore blanks
Function Library Guide: 4.11 join ...

join ignore blanks if, join ignore blanks if any
Function Library Guide: 5.6 Conditional Combination Functions

Join parameter set elements into a string, join unique
Function Library Guide: 4.11 join ...

join unique if
Function Library Guide: 5.6 Conditional Combination Functions

join unique ignore blanks
Function Library Guide: 4.11 join ...

join unique ignore blanks if
Function Library Guide: 5.6 Conditional Combination Functions

json to variable
Function Library Guide: 10.3.2 json to variable ...


Keeping and deleting table columns
Function Library Guide: table keep ... columns


Language Guide
Language Guide: 1 The Language

Language pitfalls
Language Guide: 1.7 Language Pitfalls

Launch other B4P programs
Function Library Guide: 2.4 Launch other B4P programs

Function Library Guide: 6.1.8 left ... (string function)

Function Library Guide: 8.1.3 left ... (parameter set function)

left include
Function Library Guide: 6.1.8 left ... (string function)

left include
Function Library Guide: 8.1.3 left ... (parameter set function)

left last match
Function Library Guide: 6.1.8 left ... (string function)

left last match
Function Library Guide: 8.1.3 left ... (parameter set function)

left last match include
Function Library Guide: 6.1.8 left ... (string function)

left last match include, left [parameter set function]
Function Library Guide: 8.1.3 left ... (parameter set function)

left [string function]
Function Library Guide: 6.1.8 left ... (string function)

Left-Hand Side Expression, Left-Hand Side Expressions
Language Guide: 4.2.1 Left-Hand Side Expressions

Function Library Guide: 6.1.4 length ... (string function)

Function Library Guide: 8.1.1 length ... (parameter set function)

Length of parameter sets
Language Guide: Indexing Parameter Sets

length [parameter set function]
Function Library Guide: 8.1.1 length ... (parameter set function)

length [string function]
Function Library Guide: 6.1.4 length ... (string function)

LHS Expression, LHS Expressions
Language Guide: 4.2.1 Left-Hand Side Expressions

License Activation
User Guide: 2.7 License Activation

license apply key
Function Library Guide: 12.4.3 license apply key

license provide identification
Function Library Guide: 12.4.2 license provide identification

licensing and privileges
Function Library Guide: 12.4 Licensing and Privileges

lighten color
Function Library Guide: lighten color

lighten colors
Function Library Guide: lighten colors

linear, linear equation
Function Library Guide: 5.4.4 linear - Solve Linear Equations

linear interpolation
Function Library Guide: 5.5.6 Interpolation Functions

linear regression
Function Library Guide: 5.5.5 Linear and Exponential Regression

Linux - Batch Installation
User Guide: 2.2.4 Linux - Batch Installation

Linux Download
User Guide: 2.2.2 Linux - Download

Linux Installation
User Guide: 2.2.3 Linux - Installation

Linux Prerequisites
User Guide: 2.2.1 Linux - Prerequisites

Linux Start B4P to run B4P programs
User Guide: Linux Start B4P to run B4P programs

list functions
Function Library Guide: 13.10 list / explain functions

list global variables, list local variables
Function Library Guide: 3.3.4 list variables ...

List of all entities
Function Library Guide: 13.12 dump entities

List of all functions
Function Library Guide: 13.11 dump functions

list of Locales
Language Guide: 1.6.1 Locales

list of parameter types in user functions
Function Library Guide: 2.3.3 Parameter Types in User-Defined Functions

list of system variables
Language Guide: List of System Variables

list system variables
Function Library Guide: 3.3.4 list variables ...

list tables
Function Library Guide: 9.4.1 list tables

list variables, List variables including their members and data types
Function Library Guide: 3.3.4 list variables ...

Listing directories
Function Library Guide: 11.2.1 directory listing ...

listing directories and files
Function Library Guide: 11.2 Listing and Searching Directories and Files

Function Library Guide: 5.2.4 Logarithmic Functions

Loading and saving tables
Function Library Guide: 9.1 Loading and Saving Tables

Loading and saving tables
Function Library Guide: 9.1.1 table load ...

Loading and saving variables
Function Library Guide: 10.3 Loading and Saving Variables

Loading and saving variables using JSON
Function Library Guide: 10.3.1 variable load ...

loading files
Language Guide: Loading Files - Character sets

Loading FULL HTML files
Function Library Guide: Loading FULL HTML files

Loading HTML files
Function Library Guide: Loading HTML files

Loading JSON files
Function Library Guide: Loading JSON files

Loading XML files
Function Library Guide: Loading XML files

Function Library Guide: 10.1.12 local

Local variables
Language Guide: 2.3.2 Local Variables

locale, Locales
Language Guide: 1.6.1 Locales

locate differences
Function Library Guide: 6.1.16 locate differences

log, logarithmic functions
Function Library Guide: 5.2.4 Logarithmic Functions

logical and
Language Guide: Logical And

logical operators
Language Guide: 4.3.6 Logical Operators

logical or
Language Guide: Logical Or

Long command line options, Long Options
User Guide: 3.5.3 Long Options

Looking up data from other tables
Function Library Guide: table lookup ...

Looking up data from other tables
Function Library Guide: table expand ...

Looking up data from other tables
Function Library Guide: table digest ...

Looking up data from other tables and integrating their results
Function Library Guide: table integrate ...

Looking up other tables
Function Library Guide: 9.8.2 Looking up Other Tables

lookup access exception handling
Language Guide: 3.5.9 Lookup Access Exception Handling

Function Library Guide: 2.2 Loops

Function Library Guide: 2.2.3 while, until


MacOS - Batch Installation
User Guide: 2.3.4 MacOS - Batch Installation

MacOS Download
User Guide: 2.3.2 MacOS - Download

MacOS Installation
User Guide: 2.3.3 MacOS - Installation

MacOS Prerequisites
User Guide: 2.3.1 MacOS - Prerequisites

MacOS Start B4P to run B4P programs
User Guide: MacOS Start B4P to run B4P programs

Make matrix horizontal
Function Library Guide: 5.4.5 horizontal

Make matrix vertical
Function Library Guide: 5.4.6 vertical

Make regional variables accessible in functions called
Function Library Guide: 10.1.13 regional

Manipulate table contents
Function Library Guide: table manipulate (selected rows)

manipulating directories and files
Function Library Guide: 11.3 Manipulating Directories and Files

Language Guide: 1.1.4 Comments

Mathematics and Statistics
Function Library Guide: 5 Mathematics and Statistics

matrix determinant
Function Library Guide: 5.4.3 mdet - Matrix Determinant

matrix division
Function Library Guide: 5.4.1 mmul, mmdiv - Multiplication and Division

matrix functions
Function Library Guide: 5.4 Matrix Functions

matrix inversion
Function Library Guide: 5.4.2 minv - Matrix Inversion

matrix mathematics
Language Guide: 4.5.3 Matrix Operations Summary

matrix multiplication
Function Library Guide: 5.4.1 mmul, mmdiv - Multiplication and Division

matrix operations summary
Language Guide: 4.5.3 Matrix Operations Summary

matrix table access, matrix table accesses
Language Guide: 3.5.4 Matrix Table Access

max 123
Function Library Guide: 5.3.4 min, max Functions on Numerals

max 123 if, max 123 if any, max 123 ignore zero if, max 123 ignore zero if any
Function Library Guide: 5.6 Conditional Combination Functions

max 124 ignore zero
Function Library Guide: 5.3.4 min, max Functions on Numerals

max abc
Function Library Guide: 5.3.3 min, max Functions on Strings

max abc if, max abc if any
Function Library Guide: 5.6 Conditional Combination Functions

max abc ignore case
Function Library Guide: 5.3.3 min, max Functions on Strings

max abc ignore case if, max if, max if any
Function Library Guide: 5.6 Conditional Combination Functions

max ignore blanks
Function Library Guide: 5.3.2 min, max Functions

max ignore blanks if, max ignore blanks if any
Function Library Guide: 5.6 Conditional Combination Functions

max ignore zero
Function Library Guide: 5.3.2 min, max Functions

max ignore zero if, max ignore zero if any
Function Library Guide: 5.6 Conditional Combination Functions

max numeral
Function Library Guide: 5.3.4 min, max Functions on Numerals

max numeral if, max numeral if any
Function Library Guide: 5.6 Conditional Combination Functions

max numeral ignore zero
Function Library Guide: 5.3.4 min, max Functions on Numerals

max numeral ignore zero if, max numeral ignore zero if any
Function Library Guide: 5.6 Conditional Combination Functions

max string
Function Library Guide: 5.3.3 min, max Functions on Strings

max string if, max string if any
Function Library Guide: 5.6 Conditional Combination Functions

max string ignore case
Function Library Guide: 5.3.3 min, max Functions on Strings

max string ignore case if
Function Library Guide: 5.6 Conditional Combination Functions

Function Library Guide: 11.3.2 create directory commands

Function Library Guide: 5.4.3 mdet - Matrix Determinant

Function Library Guide: 5.4.1 mmul, mmdiv - Multiplication and Division

Function Library Guide: 5.5.1 Basic Statistics Functions

median if, median if any
Function Library Guide: 5.6 Conditional Combination Functions

median ignore zero
Function Library Guide: 5.5.1 Basic Statistics Functions

median ignore zero if, median ignore zero if any
Function Library Guide: 5.6 Conditional Combination Functions

member count
Function Library Guide: 10.2.5 member count

member variable, member variables
Language Guide: 2.5 Variable Forms and Trees

memory effect
Language Guide: 3.6 Header Names - Memory Effect

Merge and Consolidate
User Guide: 5.4 D - Merge

Merge two tables with union-set principle
Function Library Guide: table merge ...

Function Library Guide: 6.1.10 middle ... (string function)

Function Library Guide: 8.1.5 middle ... (parameter set function)

middle include
Function Library Guide: 6.1.10 middle ... (string function)

middle include
Function Library Guide: 8.1.5 middle ... (parameter set function)

middle until
Function Library Guide: 6.1.10 middle ... (string function)

middle until
Function Library Guide: 8.1.5 middle ... (parameter set function)

middle until include
Function Library Guide: 6.1.10 middle ... (string function)

middle until include, middle [parameter set function]
Function Library Guide: 8.1.5 middle ... (parameter set function)

middle [string function]
Function Library Guide: 6.1.10 middle ... (string function)

Function Library Guide: 5.3.2 min, max Functions

min 123
Function Library Guide: 5.3.4 min, max Functions on Numerals

min 123 if, min 123 if any
Function Library Guide: 5.6 Conditional Combination Functions

min 123 ignore zero
Function Library Guide: 5.3.4 min, max Functions on Numerals

min 123 ignore zero if, min 123 ignore zero if any
Function Library Guide: 5.6 Conditional Combination Functions

min abc
Function Library Guide: 5.3.3 min, max Functions on Strings

min abc if, min abc if any
Function Library Guide: 5.6 Conditional Combination Functions

min abc ignore blanks
Function Library Guide: 5.3.3 min, max Functions on Strings

min abc ignore blanks if, min abc ignore blanks if any
Function Library Guide: 5.6 Conditional Combination Functions

min abc ignore both
Function Library Guide: 5.3.3 min, max Functions on Strings

min abc ignore both if, min abc ignore both if any
Function Library Guide: 5.6 Conditional Combination Functions

min abc ignore case
Function Library Guide: 5.3.3 min, max Functions on Strings

min abc ignore case if any
Function Library Guide: 5.6 Conditional Combination Functions

min and max functions
Function Library Guide: 5.3.2 min, max Functions

min and max functions on numerals
Function Library Guide: 5.3.4 min, max Functions on Numerals

min and max functions on strings
Function Library Guide: 5.3.3 min, max Functions on Strings

min if, min if any
Function Library Guide: 5.6 Conditional Combination Functions

min ignore blanks
Function Library Guide: 5.3.2 min, max Functions

min ignore blanks if, min ignore blanks if any, min ignore zero if, min ignore zero if any
Function Library Guide: 5.6 Conditional Combination Functions

min numeral
Function Library Guide: 5.3.4 min, max Functions on Numerals

min numeral if, min numeral if any
Function Library Guide: 5.6 Conditional Combination Functions

min numeral ignore zero
Function Library Guide: 5.3.4 min, max Functions on Numerals

min numeral ignore zero if, min numeral ignore zero if any
Function Library Guide: 5.6 Conditional Combination Functions

min string
Function Library Guide: 5.3.3 min, max Functions on Strings

min string if, min string if any
Function Library Guide: 5.6 Conditional Combination Functions

min string ignore blanks
Function Library Guide: 5.3.3 min, max Functions on Strings

min string ignore blanks if, min string ignore blanks if any
Function Library Guide: 5.6 Conditional Combination Functions

min string ignore both
Function Library Guide: 5.3.3 min, max Functions on Strings

min string ignore both if, min string ignore both if any
Function Library Guide: 5.6 Conditional Combination Functions

min string ignore case
Function Library Guide: 5.3.3 min, max Functions on Strings

min string ignore case if any
Function Library Guide: 5.6 Conditional Combination Functions

Function Library Guide: 7.2.1 hour, minute, second

Function Library Guide: 5.4.2 minv - Matrix Inversion

Miscellaneous Features
Language Guide: 1.6 Miscellaneous Features

Function Library Guide: 11.3.2 create directory commands

Function Library Guide: 5.4.1 mmul, mmdiv - Multiplication and Division

mod, modulo
Function Library Guide: 5.1.6 mod - Modulo function

Function Library Guide: 7.1.2 year, quarter, month, day

Move and rearrange table rows
Function Library Guide: table move rows

move cursor
Function Library Guide: 3.2.3 cursor

Function Library Guide: 5.3.1 Arithmetic and Boolean Series Functions

Multi-line strings, Multi-line text
Language Guide: Multi-Line Text

Multi-table integration
Function Library Guide: 9.8 Multi-Table Integration

Language Guide: Multiplications

My B4P Init.b4p
User Guide: 3.5.4 User Initialization Program


Function Library Guide: 10.1.5 name

nearest neighbor interpolation, nearest right neighbor interpolation
Function Library Guide: 5.5.6 Interpolation Functions

negative indexing
Language Guide: 1.6.3 Negative Indexing

nested partial table specification, nested partial table specifications
Language Guide: 3.5.6 Nested Partial Table Specifications

New Line
Language Guide: New Line

not equal to
Language Guide: Not Equal to

null, Null function
Function Library Guide: 2.5.10 null - Function

Function Library Guide: 4.2 num

Number, Numbers
Language Guide: 1.1.2 Numbers

numeral conversion function
Function Library Guide: 4.2 num

numeral to string conversion and formatting, Numeral to String Formatting Parameters
Function Library Guide: 4.1.3 Numeral to String Formatting


odd, odd numbers
Function Library Guide: 5.1.2 even, odd, whole

office document properties, Office functions
Function Library Guide: 11.2.9 office document properties

Function Library Guide: 2.1.3 once

One table does row-subtraction on other table
Function Library Guide: table subtract ...

One table overlays the other table
Function Library Guide: table overlay/subtract ...

one-time execution
Function Library Guide: 2.1.3 once

Function Library Guide: 12.1.1 open

Open-ended ranges
Language Guide: 5.2.3 Transactions from Variables to Tables

Function Library Guide: 13.4 openweb

Operating System Commands
User Guide: 4.5 Operating System Commands

Language Guide: 4.3 Operators

Operator Precedence
Language Guide: 4.4 Operator Precedence and Parentheses

Language Guide: 4.3 Operators

Function Library Guide: 5.3.1 Arithmetic and Boolean Series Functions

OR Transactions between tables
Language Guide: 5.4.4 | Transactions between Tables

OR Transactions between variables
Language Guide: 5.4.1 | Transactions between Variables

OR Transactions from tables to variables
Language Guide: 5.4.2 | Transactions from Tables to Variables

OR Transactions from variables to tables
Language Guide: 5.4.3 | Transactions from Variables to Tables

OS Commands
User Guide: 4.5 Operating System Commands

Other string functions
Function Library Guide: 6.3 Miscellaneous String Functions

output parameters
Language Guide: 6.3 Function Parameter Directions

Function Library Guide: 6.1.11 outside ... (string function)

Function Library Guide: 8.1.6 outside ... (parameter set function)

outside exclude
Function Library Guide: 6.1.11 outside ... (string function)

outside exclude
Function Library Guide: 8.1.6 outside ... (parameter set function)

outside until
Function Library Guide: 6.1.11 outside ... (string function)

outside until
Function Library Guide: 8.1.6 outside ... (parameter set function)

outside until exclude
Function Library Guide: 6.1.11 outside ... (string function)

outside until exclude, outside [parameter set function]
Function Library Guide: 8.1.6 outside ... (parameter set function)

outside [string function]
Function Library Guide: 6.1.11 outside ... (string function)


Function Library Guide: 5.5.1 Basic Statistics Functions

parallel if, parallel if any
Function Library Guide: 5.6 Conditional Combination Functions

parameter set
Function Library Guide: 2.2.4 for all parameters

parameter set, parameter set conversion function
Function Library Guide: 4.9 parameter set

parameter set extraction functions
Function Library Guide: 8.1 Set Search and Extraction Functions

parameter set functions
Function Library Guide: 8 Parameter Set Functions

parameter set or string
Language Guide: 6.4.1 Parameter Set or String (Func. Param. Type)

parameter set search and extraction, parameter set search functions
Function Library Guide: 8.1 Set Search and Extraction Functions

Parameter Set to string conversion and formatting, Parameter Set to String Formatting Parameters
Function Library Guide: 4.1.5 Parameter Set to String Formatting

parameter set value ranges
Language Guide: Parameter sets - Value Ranges

parameter set value repetitions
Language Guide: Parameter sets - Value Repetitions

Language Guide: 4.4 Operator Precedence and Parentheses

partial table specifications
Language Guide: 3.5.5 Partial Table Specifications

path names
Language Guide: Path and File Names

Function Library Guide: 2.5.1 pause

Function Library Guide: 2.6.1 select, pick

pick by value
Function Library Guide: 2.6.5 select / pick by value

pick if
Function Library Guide: 2.6.2 select if, pick if

pick if existing, pick if existing and valid
Function Library Guide: 2.6.4 select/pick if existing ...

pick ifs
Function Library Guide: 2.6.3 select ifs, pick ifs

Pivoting and consolidating tables
Function Library Guide: 9.7.5 Pivoting and Conosolidating Tables

plain date, plain dates
Language Guide: 1.2.3 Dates

plain numeral, plain numerals
Language Guide: 1.2.2 Numerals

Plain Text
Language Guide: Plain Text

polynomial interpolation
Function Library Guide: 5.5.6 Interpolation Functions

pow, power function
Function Library Guide: 5.2.2 pow - Power Function

Language Guide: 4.3 Operators

Function Library Guide: 3.1.1 echo, print ...

print bar
Function Library Guide: 3.1.2 print bar

print line
Function Library Guide: 3.1.1 echo, print ...

Problem Statement
Master Document: 1 Problem Statement

Procedure call, Procedure calls
Language Guide: 6 Functions and Procedures

Procedure Names
Language Guide: 6.1 Function Naming

Process table cells
Function Library Guide: table process cells (selected rows)

Process table columns
Function Library Guide: table process (selected) columns

Process table rows
Function Library Guide: table process (all) (selected rows)

Processing headers
Function Library Guide: 9.7.1 Checking and Processing Headers

Processing table columns
Function Library Guide: 9.7.2 Processing Table Columns

Processing table contents
Function Library Guide: 9.7.4 Processing Table Contents

Processing table rows
Function Library Guide: 9.7.3 Processing Table Rows

Processing tables
Function Library Guide: 9.7 Processing Tables

Function Library Guide: 5.5.1 Basic Statistics Functions

product if, product if any
Function Library Guide: 5.6 Conditional Combination Functions

product ignore blanks
Function Library Guide: 5.5.1 Basic Statistics Functions

product ignore blanks if, product ignore blanks if any
Function Library Guide: 5.6 Conditional Combination Functions

product ignore zero
Function Library Guide: 5.5.1 Basic Statistics Functions

product ignore zero if, product ignore zero if any
Function Library Guide: 5.6 Conditional Combination Functions

Language Guide: 1.4 Programs

Function Library Guide: 3.3.1 prompt

protect, protect recursive, Protect variables
Function Library Guide: 10.1.7 protect ...

protecting setting, protecting variables, protection settings
Language Guide: 2.7 Protecting Variables

pure date
Function Library Guide: 4.5 date, pure date, date time

pure time
Function Library Guide: 4.6 time, pure time

Put values diagonally into matrix
Function Library Guide: 5.4.8 diagonal

Function Library Guide: 11.1.4 pwd working directory command


quantile, quantile ignore zero
Function Library Guide: 5.5.2 quantile ...

Function Library Guide: 7.1.2 year, quarter, month, day

quote path
Function Library Guide: 12.1.3 quote path

Quoted string, Quoted strings
Language Guide: Quoted Strings


Function Library Guide: 5.1.7 random - Random Integers

random letters, random string
Function Library Guide: 6.3.2 random string, random letters

Ranking options
Function Library Guide: 14.1 Sorting and Ranking Options

Function Library Guide: 11.3.8 remove directory commands

read access, read access repeat if locked
Function Library Guide: 11.1.2 read access ..., write access ...

Read variable members into parameter sets
Function Library Guide: 10.2.10 set, set names

Reading tables
Function Library Guide: table read row

Recent Releases
User Guide: 7 Recent Releases

Function Library Guide: 10.2.1 dim / redim

redim protect
Function Library Guide: 10.2.2 dim / redim protect

redirecting references
Language Guide: 2.6.3 Redirecting References

References in member variables
Language Guide: 2.6.6 References in Member Variables

references to variables
Language Guide: 2.6 References to Variables

Function Library Guide: 10.1.13 regional

Regional variables
Language Guide: 2.3.3 Regional Variables

registry access functions
Function Library Guide: 12.3 Registry Access Functions

Function Library Guide: 5.5.5 Linear and Exponential Regression

Relational division of two tables
Function Library Guide: table divide ...

Relational multiplication of two tables
Function Library Guide: table multiply ...

Function Library Guide: 10.4.1 release

Release 10.0 Labour Day
User Guide: 7.1 Release 10.0

Release 10.1 Charles Dow
User Guide: 7.2 Release 10.1

release all
Function Library Guide: 10.4.2 release all

Release references to variables
Function Library Guide: 10.4.1 release

Releasing references
Language Guide: 2.6.5 Releasing References

Remove all style attributes from the table
Function Library Guide: table style reset

Renaming tables
Function Library Guide: table rename

replace, replace all
Function Library Guide: 6.1.2 replace, replace all

replicate, replicate characters, replicate strings
Function Library Guide: 6.3.1 replicate ... (string function)

Function Library Guide: 7.1.9 reschedule

reserved keywords
Language Guide: Reserved Keywords

reset console
Function Library Guide: 3.2.10 reset console

Resident attributes functions
Function Library Guide: 10.5 Resident Attributes Functions

Resolve directory and file names, resolve directory name, resolve file name, resolve path name
Function Library Guide: 11.2.8 resolve path/directory/file name

Function Library Guide: 2.3.4 return

Function Library Guide: 3.2.8 reverse

Function Library Guide: rgb

RHS Expression, RHS Expressions
Language Guide: 4.2.2 Right-Hand Side Expressions

Function Library Guide: 6.1.9 right ... (string function)

Function Library Guide: 8.1.4 right ... (parameter set function)

right include
Function Library Guide: 6.1.9 right ... (string function)

right include
Function Library Guide: 8.1.4 right ... (parameter set function)

right last match
Function Library Guide: 6.1.9 right ... (string function)

right last match
Function Library Guide: 8.1.4 right ... (parameter set function)

right last match include
Function Library Guide: 6.1.9 right ... (string function)

right last match include, right [parameter set function]
Function Library Guide: 8.1.4 right ... (parameter set function)

right [string function]
Function Library Guide: 6.1.9 right ... (string function)

Right-Hand Side Expression, Right-Hand Side Expressions
Language Guide: 4.2.2 Right-Hand Side Expressions

Function Library Guide: 11.3.8 remove directory commands

Function Library Guide: 5.5.1 Basic Statistics Functions

rms if, rms if any
Function Library Guide: 5.6 Conditional Combination Functions

rms ignore blanks
Function Library Guide: 5.5.1 Basic Statistics Functions

rms ignore blanks if, rms ignore blanks if any
Function Library Guide: 5.6 Conditional Combination Functions

rms ignore zero
Function Library Guide: 5.5.1 Basic Statistics Functions

rms ignore zero if, rms ignore zero if any
Function Library Guide: 5.6 Conditional Combination Functions

round, round down, round up, rounding functions
Function Library Guide: 5.1.5 round, round up / down

Function Library Guide: 9.4.6 row

Row-wise intersection made from two tables
Function Library Guide: table intersect ...


Save and Export
User Guide: 5.8 H - Export

saving files
Language Guide: Saving Files - Character sets

Saving JSON files
Function Library Guide: Saving JSON files

Scientific Notation
Language Guide: Scientific Notation

Function Library Guide: 10.1.4 scope

screen color
Function Library Guide: 3.2.4 text / background color

script privileges
Function Library Guide: 12.4.1 global / script privileges

Search and count files, search files, search files recursive
Function Library Guide: 11.2.5 search files ...

Search functions
Function Library Guide: 9.5.1 Search Functions

Searching and exploring tables
Function Library Guide: 9.5 Searching and Exploring Tables

Searching tables
Function Library Guide: table search ...

Function Library Guide: 7.2.1 hour, minute, second

Function Library Guide: 3.3.2 see

Function Library Guide: 2.6.1 select, pick

select by value
Function Library Guide: 2.6.5 select / pick by value

select if
Function Library Guide: 2.6.2 select if, pick if

select if existing, select if existing and valid
Function Library Guide: 2.6.4 select/pick if existing ...

select ifs
Function Library Guide: 2.6.3 select ifs, pick ifs

Select parameter based on boolean value in 1st parameter
Function Library Guide: 2.6.2 select if, pick if

Select parameter based on matching corresponding values
Function Library Guide: 2.6.5 select / pick by value

Select parameter based on multiple boolean values
Function Library Guide: 2.6.3 select ifs, pick ifs

Select parameter based on numeric value in 1st parameter
Function Library Guide: 2.6.1 select, pick

Select value from variable if existing
Function Library Guide: 2.6.4 select/pick if existing ...

Selection based sequence of comparisons
Function Library Guide: 2.6.6 compare select / pick

selection of multiple values
Language Guide: 4.3.4 Comparison Operators

serial date
Function Library Guide: 7.1.4 serial date

series functions
Function Library Guide: 5.3 Series Functions

Function Library Guide: 10.2.10 set, set names

set locale
Function Library Guide: 12.2 set locale

set names
Function Library Guide: 10.2.10 set, set names

shifted table column specification, shifted table column specifications
Language Guide: 3.5.7 Shifted Table Column Specifications

Short error messages on directories and files
Function Library Guide: 11 Directory and File System Functions

simple references to variables
Language Guide: 2.6.1 Simple References

simple table access
Language Guide: 3.5.1 Simple Table Access

simple variables
Language Guide: 2.5.1 Simple Variables

sin, sin deg
Function Library Guide: 5.2.5 Trigonometric Functions

Function Library Guide: 5.2.6 Hyperbolic Functions

Function Library Guide: 7.3.1 sleep, sleep countdown

sleep and wait functions
Function Library Guide: 7.3 Sleep and Wait Functions

Sleep and wait functions, sleep countdown
Function Library Guide: 7.3.1 sleep, sleep countdown

sleep until, sleep until countdown
Function Library Guide: 7.3.2 sleep until, sleep until countdown

Slicing Parameter sets
Language Guide: Slicing Parameter Sets

Slicing strings
Language Guide: Slicing Strings

smaller than or equal to
Language Guide: Smaller than (or Equal to)

smart conversion and formatting, smart formatting, Smart Formatting Parameters
Function Library Guide: 4.1.7 Smart Formatting

smart if num, smart num, smart numerals
Function Library Guide: 4.4 smart num, smart if num

Function Library Guide: 4.1 str, soft

Softquoted string, Softquoted strings
Language Guide: Softquoted Strings

Sort and rearrange table rows
Function Library Guide: table sort (selected) rows

Sorting and rearranging table columns
Function Library Guide: table sort columns

Sorting options
Function Library Guide: 14.1 Sorting and Ranking Options

Special Console Output Characters
Language Guide: Special Console Output Characters

Special Keyboard Input Characters, Special keys
Language Guide: Special Keyboard Input Characters

Special output characters
Language Guide: Special Console Output Characters

specifying members with parameter sets
Language Guide: 2.5.5 Parameter Sets Specifying Members

spline interpolation
Function Library Guide: 5.5.6 Interpolation Functions

spontaneous array creation
Language Guide: 2.5.2 Arrays

Spread serialized data across specified columns
Function Library Guide: table spread ...

sqrt, Square Root
Function Library Guide: 5.2.1 sqrt - Square Root

start, start B4P program
Function Library Guide: 2.4.1 start

Start B4P Programs as Executables under Linux
User Guide: Linux Start B4P Programs as Executables

Start B4P Programs as Executables under MacOS
User Guide: MacOS Start B4P Programs as Executables

Starting a B4P Program under Linux
User Guide: 3.2.2 Linux Start B4P Programs

Starting a B4P Program under MacOS
User Guide: 3.3.2 MacOS Start B4P Programs

Starting a B4P Program under Windows
User Guide: 3.1.2 Windows Start B4P Programs

Starting B4P
User Guide: 3 Starting B4P

Starting B4P Directly under Linux
User Guide: 3.2.3 Linux Start B4P Directly

Starting B4P Directly under Windows
User Guide: 3.1.3 Windows Start B4P Directly

Starting B4P under Linux
User Guide: 3.2 Starting B4P under Linux

Starting B4P under MacOS
User Guide: 3.3 Starting B4P under MacOS

Starting B4P under Windows
User Guide: 3.1 Starting B4P under Windows

Starting Behavior
User Guide: 3.4 Starting Behavior Basics

Starting Behavior Advanced
User Guide: 3.4.1 Starting Behavior Advanced

starting directory
Function Library Guide: 11.1.6 starting directory

Language Guide: 1.5.2 Statements

Statements [func params]
Language Guide: Statements (func. params)

statistics functions
Function Library Guide: 5.5 Statistics Functions

Function Library Guide: 2.5.2 stop

Stopwatch functions
Function Library Guide: 7.2.2 Stopwatch Functions

Function Library Guide: 4.1 str, soft

strictly equal to
Language Guide: Strictly Equal to

strictly not equal to
Language Guide: Strictly Not Equal to

string conversion, string conversion functions
Function Library Guide: 4.1 str, soft

string extraction functions
Function Library Guide: 6.1 String Search and Extraction Functions

string functions
Function Library Guide: 6 String Functions

string search and extraction, string search functions
Function Library Guide: 6.1 String Search and Extraction Functions

string to string conversion and formatting, String to String Formatting Parameters
Function Library Guide: 4.1.1 String to String Formatting

structure, Structure functions
Function Library Guide: 10.2.4 structure, structure protect

structure members
Language Guide: 2.5.3 Structures

structure protect
Function Library Guide: 10.2.4 structure, structure protect

structure to array, structure to array recursive
Function Library Guide: 10.2.8 structure to array ...

Language Guide: 2.5.3 Structures

Function Library Guide: 9.9 Formatting and Styling Tables

Function Library Guide: 5.3.1 Arithmetic and Boolean Series Functions

subset, subset ignore blanks, subset ignore both, subset ignore case, subset recursive, subset recursive ignore blanks, subset recursive ignore both, subset recursive ignore case, Subsets from parameter sets
Function Library Guide: 8.1.9 subset ...

substitute, substitute all
Function Library Guide: 6.1.3 substitute, substitute all

Language Guide: Subtractions

Function Library Guide: 4.12 type, subtype

Language Guide: 1.2 Basic Data Types

Function Library Guide: 5.5.1 Basic Statistics Functions

sum if, sum if any
Function Library Guide: 5.6 Conditional Combination Functions

Function Library Guide: 2.1.4 switch, check

Language Guide: 1.1.3 Symbols

Function Library Guide: 12.1.2 system

system functions
Function Library Guide: 12 System Functions

system variables
Language Guide: 2.3.4 System Variables


Language Guide: Reserved Keywords

table access methods
Language Guide: 3.5 Accessing Tables

table add missing row
Function Library Guide: table (write or) add missing row

table add row
Function Library Guide: table add / write row

table all selected rows
Function Library Guide: table selected rows

table append
Function Library Guide: table append ...

table append blank rows
Function Library Guide: table append blank rows

table append on same field, table append on same row
Function Library Guide: table append ...

table arrange, table arrange with spacing
Function Library Guide: table arrange ...

table check duplicates, table check duplicates ignore blanks, table check duplicates ignore blanks selected rows, table check duplicates ignore case, table check duplicates ignore case selected rows, table check duplicates ingore both, table check duplicates ingore both selected rows, table check duplicates selected rows
Function Library Guide: table check duplicates ...

table check header
Function Library Guide: table check header

table check headers, table check headers silently
Function Library Guide: table check headers ...

table check row
Function Library Guide: table check row

table clean
Function Library Guide: table clean

table clear
Function Library Guide: table clear ...

table column number
Function Library Guide: table column number

Table columns, table columns as function parameters
Language Guide: 6.4.2 Table Columns (Func. Param. Type)

table compare, table compare ignore blanks, table compare ignore both, table compare ignore case
Function Library Guide: table compare ...

Table comparison reports
Function Library Guide: Table Comparison Reports

Table comparison strategy
Function Library Guide: Table Comparison Strategy

Table configuration settings, table configure
Function Library Guide: table configure

Table console I/O
Function Library Guide: 9.2.1 table list

table consolidate, table consolidate selected rows
Function Library Guide: table consolidate ...

table context
Language Guide: 3.5.5 Partial Table Specifications

table copy columns, table copy columns selected rows
Function Library Guide: table copy columns ...

table copy table
Function Library Guide: table copy table

table copy table columns, table copy table columns selected rows
Function Library Guide: table copy table columns ...

table copy table selected rows
Function Library Guide: table copy/split table selected rows

table correct headers, table correct headers ignore case
Function Library Guide: table correct headers ...

table create, table create if not existing
Function Library Guide: table create ...

table delete
Function Library Guide: table delete ...

table delete all blank columns, table delete all empty columns, table delete all unnamed columns, table delete blank columns
Function Library Guide: table delete blank/empty/unnamed columns

table delete blank rows
Function Library Guide: table delete blank rows

table delete cells selected columns
Function Library Guide: table delete cells selected columns

table delete cells selected rows
Function Library Guide: table delete cells selected rows

table delete columns
Function Library Guide: table delete columns

table delete empty columns
Function Library Guide: table delete blank/empty/unnamed columns

table delete remaining columns
Function Library Guide: table delete remaining columns

table delete remaining rows, table delete remaining rows if needed
Function Library Guide: table delete remaining rows (if needed)

table delete rows, table delete rows if needed
Function Library Guide: table delete rows (if needed)

table delete selected rows
Function Library Guide: table delete selected rows

table delete silently
Function Library Guide: table delete ...

table delete unnamed columns
Function Library Guide: table delete blank/empty/unnamed columns

table describe, table describe ignore case, table describe selected rows, table describe selected rows ignore case
Function Library Guide: table describe ...

table digest, table digest ignore case
Function Library Guide: table digest ...

table digest smart, table digest smart ignore case
Function Library Guide: table digest smart ...

table digest with rules, table digest with rules ignore case
Function Library Guide: table digest with rules ...

table digest with rules ignore case once, table digest with rules once
Function Library Guide: table digest with rules once ...

table distribute, table distribute accumulate, table distribute advance, table distribute advance accumulate
Function Library Guide: table distribute ...

table divide, table divide selected rows
Function Library Guide: table divide ...

table duplicate columns
Function Library Guide: table duplicate columns

table exclude, table exclude columns, table exclude exclude columns, table exclude exclusive columns, table exclude extend columns
Function Library Guide: table exclude ...

table existing
Function Library Guide: 9.4.2 table existing

table expand
Function Library Guide: table expand ...

table expand fast, table expand fast ignore case
Function Library Guide: table expand fast ...

table expand fast smart, table expand fast smart ignore case
Function Library Guide: table expand fast smart ...

table expand fast with rules, table expand fast with rules ignore case
Function Library Guide: table expand fast with rules ...

table expand fast with rules ignore case once, table expand fast with rules once
Function Library Guide: table expand fast with rules once ...

table expand ignore case
Function Library Guide: table expand ...

table expand smart, table expand smart ignore case
Function Library Guide: table expand smart ...

table expand with rules, table expand with rules ignore case
Function Library Guide: table expand with rules ...

table expand with rules once, table expand with rules once ignore case
Function Library Guide: table expand with rules once ...

table explore
Function Library Guide: table explore

table extract
Function Library Guide: table extract ...

table fill horizontally, table fill horizontally selected rows
Function Library Guide: table fill horizontally ...

table fill vertically, table fill vertically selected rows, Table filling and substitution functions
Function Library Guide: table fill vertically ...

table filter, table filter ignore case
Function Library Guide: table filter ...

table find row
Function Library Guide: table find row

table fit
Function Library Guide: table fit

table format numbers
Function Library Guide: table format numbers

table functions
Function Library Guide: 9 Table Functions

table initialize
Function Library Guide: table initialize

table insert above selected rows
Function Library Guide: table insert ... selected rows

table insert columns, table insert missing columns
Function Library Guide: table insert (missing) columns

table insert rows, table insert rows if needed
Function Library Guide: table insert rows (if needed)

table insert selected rows
Function Library Guide: table insert ... selected rows

table integrate
Function Library Guide: table integrate ...

table integrate fast, table integrate fast ignore case
Function Library Guide: table integrate fast ...

table integrate ignore case
Function Library Guide: table integrate ...

table integrate once, table integrate once ignore case
Function Library Guide: table integrate once ...

table integrate smart, table integrate smart ignore case
Function Library Guide: table integrate smart ...

table integrate smart once, table integrate smart once ignore case
Function Library Guide: table integrate smart once ...

table integrate top down, table integrate top down ignore case
Function Library Guide: table integrate ...

table integrate with rules, table integrate with rules ignore case
Function Library Guide: table integrate with rules ...

table integrate with rules once, table integrate with rules once ignore case
Function Library Guide: table integrate with rules once ...

Table integration operation identifiers
Function Library Guide: Table Integration Operation Identifiers

table intersect, table intersect columns, table intersect exclusive columns, table intersect extend columns, table intersect intersect columns
Function Library Guide: table intersect ...

table keep columns, table keep existing columns
Function Library Guide: table keep ... columns

table keep selected rows
Function Library Guide: table keep selected rows

table length
Function Library Guide: 9.4.3 table length

table lift contents, table lift header row, table lift headers
Function Library Guide: table lift ...

table list
Function Library Guide: 9.2.1 table list

table load
Function Library Guide: 9.1.1 table load ...

table load excel file
Function Library Guide: 9.1.4 table load excel file

table load unchanged
Function Library Guide: 9.1.1 table load ...

table lookup
Function Library Guide: table lookup ...

table lookup fast, table lookup fast ignore case
Function Library Guide: table lookup fast ...

table lookup ignore case
Function Library Guide: table lookup ...

table lookup once, table lookup once ignore case
Function Library Guide: table lookup once ...

table lookup smart, table lookup smart ignore case
Function Library Guide: table lookup smart ...

table lookup smart once, table lookup smart once ignore case
Function Library Guide: table lookup smart once ...

table lookup top down, table lookup top down ignore case
Function Library Guide: table lookup ...

table lookup with rules, table lookup with rules ignore case
Function Library Guide: table lookup with rules ...

table lookup with rules once, table lookup with rules once ignore case
Function Library Guide: table lookup with rules once ...

table manipulate, table manipulate selected rows
Function Library Guide: table manipulate (selected rows)

table max width
Function Library Guide: 9.4.5 table min/max width

table menu, table menu quick
Function Library Guide: 9.2.2 table menu ...

table merge, table merge exclusive columns, table merge extend columns, table merge intersect columns, table merge subtract columns
Function Library Guide: table merge ...

table min width
Function Library Guide: 9.4.5 table min/max width

table move rows
Function Library Guide: table move rows

table move selected rows
Function Library Guide: table move selected rows

table multiply, table multiply selected rows
Function Library Guide: table multiply ...

Table names
Language Guide: 3.2 Tables - Naming Rules

table overlay, table overlay columns, table overlay exclusive columns, table overlay extend columns, table overlay intersect columns
Function Library Guide: table overlay/subtract ...

table process
Function Library Guide: table process (all) (selected rows)

table process all cells
Function Library Guide: table process cells (selected rows)

table process all rows, table process all selected rows
Function Library Guide: table process (all) (selected rows)

table process cells
Function Library Guide: table process cells (selected rows)

table process cells in columns, table process cells in columns selected rows
Function Library Guide: table process cells in columns (selected rows)

table process cells selected rows
Function Library Guide: table process cells (selected rows)

table process columns
Function Library Guide: table process (selected) columns

table process rows
Function Library Guide: table process (all) (selected rows)

table process selected columns
Function Library Guide: table process (selected) columns

table process selected rows
Function Library Guide: table process (all) (selected rows)

table process selected rows fast
Function Library Guide: table process selected rows fast

Table properties
Language Guide: 3.3 Table Properties

table rank rows, table rank selected rows
Function Library Guide: table rank (selected) rows

table read column selected rows
Function Library Guide: table read column selected rows

table read row
Function Library Guide: table read row

table rearrange columns, table rearrange existing columns
Function Library Guide: table rearrange ... columns

table rearrange selected rows
Function Library Guide: table rearrange selected rows

table references
Language Guide: 3.5 Accessing Tables

table rename
Function Library Guide: table rename

table rename column headers, table rename existing headers, table rename headers
Function Library Guide: table rename ... headers

table row width
Function Library Guide: 9.4.4 table row width

table save
Function Library Guide: 9.1.2 table save ...

table save excel file
Function Library Guide: 9.1.5 table save excel file

table save multiple, table save with decimal comma, table save with local decimal separator
Function Library Guide: 9.1.2 table save ...

table search
Function Library Guide: table search ...

table search header row
Function Library Guide: table search header row

table search row
Function Library Guide: table search row

table search vertically
Function Library Guide: table search ...

table selected column numbers, table selected columns, table selected headers
Function Library Guide: table selected columns/headers ...

table selected rows
Function Library Guide: table selected rows

table serialize, table serialize all, table serialize ignore zero
Function Library Guide: table serialize ...

table sort columns
Function Library Guide: table sort columns

table sort rows, table sort selected rows
Function Library Guide: table sort (selected) rows

table split table columns
Function Library Guide: table split table columns ...

table split table selected rows
Function Library Guide: table copy/split table selected rows

table spread, table spread accumulating
Function Library Guide: table spread ...

table spread given headers, table spread given headers accumulating
Function Library Guide: table spread given headers ...

table style auto width
Function Library Guide: table style auto width

table style cells
Function Library Guide: table style cells

table style columns
Function Library Guide: table style columns

table style reset
Function Library Guide: table style reset

table style rows
Function Library Guide: table style rows

table style table
Function Library Guide: table style table

table style theme
Function Library Guide: table style themes (beta)

table substitute horizontally, table substitute horizontally selected rows
Function Library Guide: table substitute horizontally ...

table substitute vertically, table substitute vertically selected rows
Function Library Guide: table substitute vertically ...

table subtract, table subtract columns, table subtract exclusive columns, table subtract extend columns, table subtract subtract columns
Function Library Guide: table subtract ...

table transpose
Function Library Guide: table transpose

table validate
Function Library Guide: table validate

table validate - examples
Function Library Guide: table validate - Examples

table validate - group results, table validate - row results
Function Library Guide: table validate - Row and Group Results

table view
Function Library Guide: 13.6 table view

table write column selected rows
Function Library Guide: table write column selected rows

table write or add missing row
Function Library Guide: table (write or) add missing row

table write row
Function Library Guide: table add / write row

Language Guide: 3 Tables

Tables - Example used in the Following Sections
Language Guide: 3.1 Tables - Example File

tan, tan deg
Function Library Guide: 5.2.5 Trigonometric Functions

Function Library Guide: 5.2.6 Hyperbolic Functions

terminal value
Function Library Guide: 5.7.3 tv - Terminal Value

Terms and Conditions
User Guide: 2.6 Terms and Conditions

Language Guide: 1.1.1 Text

text color
Function Library Guide: 3.2.4 text / background color

Text composition
Function Library Guide: 3.1.4 compose ...

Text from standard input
Function Library Guide: 3.1.5 input

text input/output
Function Library Guide: 3.1 Text Input / Output

Text inside double quotation marks
Language Guide: Text Inside Double Quotation Marks

Text inside single quotation marks
Language Guide: Text Inside Single Quotation Marks

text row
Function Library Guide: 6.1.7 text row

Text to standard output
Function Library Guide: 3.1.1 echo, print ...

Language Guide: 2.6.2 Through-Referencing

Function Library Guide: 2.5.7 throw

Function Library Guide: 4.6 time, pure time

time and stopwatch functions
Function Library Guide: 7.2 Time and Stopwatch Functions

time conversion functions
Function Library Guide: 4.6 time, pure time

time functions
Function Library Guide: 7.2 Time and Stopwatch Functions

Time Info Functions
Function Library Guide: 7.2.1 hour, minute, second

time inside
Function Library Guide: 7.1.1 date inside, time inside

Function Library Guide: 6.1.14 tokenize

Transaction operator
Language Guide: 5 Transactions

Transaction operator
Language Guide: 5.1 Transactions - Syntax and Operators

Transaction operators
Language Guide: 5 Transactions

Transaction operators, Transaction Syntax
Language Guide: 5.1 Transactions - Syntax and Operators

Language Guide: 5 Transactions

Transactions between tables
Language Guide: 5.2.4 Transactions between Tables

Transactions between variables
Language Guide: 5.2.1 Transactions between Variables

Transactions from tables to variables
Language Guide: 5.2.2 Transactions from Tables to Variables

Transactions from variables to tables
Language Guide: 5.2.3 Transactions from Variables to Tables

Transactions with ADD assignment operator
Language Guide: 5.5 + Transaction Assignment Operators

Transactions with AND assignment operator
Language Guide: 5.3 & Transaction Assignment Operators

Transactions with OR assignment operator
Language Guide: 5.4 | Transaction Assignment Operators

transcendental functions
Function Library Guide: 5.2 Transcendental Functions

Translate applied style to target file format, translate style attributes for excel, translate style attributes for excel xml 2003, translate style attributes for html
Function Library Guide: translate style attributes ...

transpose, transpose matrix
Function Library Guide: 5.4.9 transpose

Transpose tables
Function Library Guide: table transpose

trigonometric functions
Function Library Guide: 5.2.5 Trigonometric Functions

Function Library Guide: 6.1.12 trim ... (string function)

Function Library Guide: 8.1.7 trim ... (parameter set function)

trim all
Function Library Guide: 6.1.12 trim ... (string function)

trim [parameter set function]
Function Library Guide: 8.1.7 trim ... (parameter set function)

trim [string function]
Function Library Guide: 6.1.12 trim ... (string function)

Function Library Guide: 5.7.3 tv - Terminal Value

Two parameter passing methods for series functions
Function Library Guide: 5.3.1 Arithmetic and Boolean Series Functions

Function Library Guide: 4.12 type, subtype

type conversion, Type Conversion Functions
Function Library Guide: 4 Type Conversion and Formatting

Language Guide: 1.2 Basic Data Types

Typical Workflow
User Guide: 5 Typical Workflow


unary operators
Language Guide: 4.3.1 Unary Operators

Function Library Guide: 3.2.9 underscore

Function Library Guide: 2.1.1 if, unless

Function Library Guide: 2.2.3 while, until

Updates and Upgrades
User Guide: 2.4 Updates and Upgrades

Use case - Analyzing Stock Data
Master Document: 4.1 Analyzing Stock Data

Use case - Comparing Bills of Material
Master Document: 4.2 Comparing Bills of Material

Use case - Different data from different sources
Master Document: 4.3 Different data from different sources

Use case - Machine to Machine Data Transfer
Master Document: 4.4 Machine to Machine Data Transfer

Use cases
Master Document: 4 Use Cases

user function existing
Function Library Guide: 2.3.5 function / user function existing

user functions
Function Library Guide: 2.3 User-Defined Procedures and Functions

User Guide
User Guide: 1 User Guide

User initialization program
User Guide: 3.5.4 User Initialization Program

user parameter types
Function Library Guide: 2.3.3 Parameter Types in User-Defined Functions

user procedures
Function Library Guide: 2.3 User-Defined Procedures and Functions

user-defined function
Function Library Guide: 2.3.1 define procedure / function

user-defined functions, user-defined procedures, User-defined procedures and functions
Function Library Guide: 2.3 User-Defined Procedures and Functions

User-specific colors
Function Library Guide: 9.9.1 Defining User Specific Colors


Validate and Explore
User Guide: 5.3 C - Validate

Validation functions
Function Library Guide: table validate

value ranges
Language Guide: 4.3.4 Comparison Operators

Language Guide: 1.1 Basics

Language Guide: 2 Variables

Variable attributes
Language Guide: 2.4 Variable Attributes

Variable forms
Language Guide: 2.5 Variable Forms and Trees

variable load
Function Library Guide: 10.3.1 variable load ...

Variable names
Language Guide: 2.1 Variables - Naming Rules

variable protection, variable protections
Language Guide: 2.7 Protecting Variables

variable references
Language Guide: 2.6 References to Variables

Variable references functions
Function Library Guide: 10.4 Variable References Functions

variable save
Function Library Guide: 10.3.3 variable save ...

Variable scopes
Language Guide: 2.3 Variable Scopes

variable to json
Function Library Guide: 10.3.4 variable to json ...

variable view
Function Library Guide: 13.7 variable view

Language Guide: 2 Variables

Variables and Tables
Language Guide: 1.3 Data Storage Abstracts

variables functions
Function Library Guide: 10 Variables Functions

Variables [func params]
Language Guide: Variables (func. params)

Function Library Guide: 5.5.1 Basic Statistics Functions

variance if, variance if any
Function Library Guide: 5.6 Conditional Combination Functions

variance ignore blanks
Function Library Guide: 5.5.1 Basic Statistics Functions

variance ignore blanks if, variance ignore blanks if any
Function Library Guide: 5.6 Conditional Combination Functions

variance ignore zero
Function Library Guide: 5.5.1 Basic Statistics Functions

variance ignore zero if, variance ignore zero if any
Function Library Guide: 5.6 Conditional Combination Functions

verbose, verbose levels
Language Guide: 1.6.2 Verbose Levels

Function Library Guide: 5.4.6 vertical

vertical table access
Language Guide: 3.5.3 Vertical Table Access

Vertical table access using parameter sets
Language Guide: Vertical Table Access w. Param. Sets

Vertical table access using ranges
Language Guide: Vertical Table Access w. Ranges

Vertical table access using wildcards
Language Guide: Vertical Table Access w. Wildcards

vertical table accesses
Language Guide: 3.5.3 Vertical Table Access

Function Library Guide: 13.8 view

View directory listings
User Guide: 4.8 View Directory Listings

view reset
Function Library Guide: 13.9 view reset

View Tables Interactively
User Guide: 4.9 View Tables Interactively

View variables interactively
User Guide: 4.10 View Variables Interactively

void to string conversion and formatting, Void to String Formatting Parameters
Function Library Guide: 4.1.2 Void to String Formatting


wait, wait countdown
Function Library Guide: 7.3.4 wait, wait countdown

wait until, wait until countdown
Function Library Guide: 7.3.3 wait until, wait until countdown

watch continue, watch read, watch reset, watch start, watch stop
Function Library Guide: 7.2.2 Stopwatch Functions

weaken color
Function Library Guide: weaken color

weaken colors
Function Library Guide: weaken colors

Function Library Guide: 7.1.6 week

weekday, weekday from date
Function Library Guide: 7.1.5 weekday

weight, weight profile
Function Library Guide: 10.2.6 weight, weight profile

Function Library Guide: 2.2.3 while, until

whole, whole numbers
Function Library Guide: 5.1.2 even, odd, whole

Function Library Guide: 6.1.5 width

wildcard symbols, wildcards
Language Guide: Wildcards

Windows - Batch Installation
User Guide: 2.1.4 Windows - Batch Installation

Windows Download
User Guide: 2.1.2 Windows - Download

Windows Installation
User Guide: 2.1.3 Windows - Installation

Windows Prerequisites
User Guide: 2.1.1 Windows - Prerequisites

with table
Function Library Guide: 9.6.1 with table

without adding rows
Function Library Guide: table overlay/subtract ...

Without Transaction Assignment Operators
Language Guide: 5.2 Without Transaction Assignment Operators

Workflow Overview
Master Document: 3 Workflow Overview

working directory
Function Library Guide: 11.1.3 working directory

write access, write access repeat if locked
Function Library Guide: 11.1.2 read access ..., write access ...

Writing tables
Function Library Guide: table append ...


xnor, xor
Function Library Guide: 5.3.1 Arithmetic and Boolean Series Functions


Function Library Guide: 7.1.2 year, quarter, month, day


Function Library Guide: 5.1.3 zebra

zero members
Language Guide: 2.5.4 Zero Members Variables

zip compress
Function Library Guide: 11.4.1 zip compress

zip extract all
Function Library Guide: 11.4.3 zip extract all

zip extract files
Function Library Guide: 11.4.2 zip extract files


[This is a user-defined function you need to create]
Function Library Guide: Change Indication Function