Type Conversion and Formatting

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A set of functions are available to convert data in one type (e.g. strings) into other types (e.g. dates and numerals). Converting values to string type supports a broad library of smart formatting features in order to output numbers, dates, etc. in a desirable format.

Procedures and Functions Provided:

string conversion, formatting template, string conversion functions:

numeral conversion function:

clean numerals:
    clean if num
    clean num

smart numerals:
    smart if num
    smart num

date conversion functions:
    date time
    pure date

time conversion functions:
    pure time

boolean conversion function:

parameter set conversion function:
    parameter set

Identify optimum data type for value provided:
    best type

Join parameter set elements into a string:
    join ignore blanks
    join unique
    join unique ignore blanks

Identify variable types and subtypes:

Create hash signatures for values provided:
    hash signature

Excel sheet functions:
    excel column
    excel coordinates
    excel validate sheet name