parameter set

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parameter set


This function converts a value provided to a parameter set.

  • Numerals, Booleans, Dates: Put as single element into a parameter set.
  • Parameter sets: Will be passed through.
  • Strings: See below

In case of converting strings: The input string may be embedded in braces ("{ … }" ) or not. The elements must be separated with commas. The number of opening and closing braces must be equal. Braces inside quotation marks are considered as part of a text element to include.

  • If elements look like numerals and Booleans (e.g. 123, true) , then they will be converted accordingly
  • If elements look like unambiguous dates in the strict and exact format as listed below, then they will be converted to dates (optionally including time of day)
    • "YYYY-MM-DD": Dates
    • "hh:mm:ss": Times
    • "YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss": Dates with times
    • "0000-00-00" Blank dates

Any additional or missing characters (incl. spaces) will suppress automatic date conversion. If you have other date formats (e.g. MM/DD/YY, hh:mm), convert them by dates afterwards with the date(…) function.

  • A blank value is assumed between 2 consecutive commas (e.g. {a,,b})
  • A blank value is also assumed if comma follows open brace or leads close brace symbols (e.g. {,a}, {a,})
  • 2 blank values are included in this sequence: {,}
  • One HTML entity will be decoded: ' ' single quotation mark / apostrophe

Reason: Strings in conversion from parameter sets to string will be put into single quotation marks and internal single quotation marks needed to be encoded to avoid confusion with closing quotation marks

  • Nesting is supported, e.g. {a,{b,c}}
  • Symbols other than braces and commas are considered as strings, e.g. {+} -> '+' in 1st element.
  • No variable names (e.g. "{a[]}" , functions and expressions will be calculated. It's just plain data.

Call as: function


Indirect parameter passing is disabled

Parameter count



valid types Value

Value to be converted as described above.

Return value

parameter set Result

Identified parameter set


      echo( parameter set ( "{a,1,{true,TRUE,false}} " ) );     // {{'a',1,{true,'TRUE',false}}}
      echo( parameter set ( "a,1,{true,TRUE,false} " ) );   // {'a',1,{true,'TRUE',false}}
      echo( parameter set ( "2019-07-14,10:30:00"  ) ); // 2 date values: { 2019-07-14,10:30:00 }
      echo( type( parameter set ( "2019-07-14,10:30:00" ){0} ) );   // Check type of date
      echo( parameter set ( "2019/07/14,10:30"  ) );        // 2 strings: { '2019/07/14','10:30' } (not qualified as dates)
      echo( parameter set ( "{a,,b}"  ) );          // 4 strings: { 'a','','','b' } (2 strings are blank)


Try it yourself: Open LIB_Function_parameter_set.b4p in Decompress before use.