str, soft

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str, soft


These functions convert variables of any type to strings, including void values. The function str returns strings as quoted strings whereas soft returns strings as softquoted strings. If only one parameter containing the value to provide, then following default rules are applied:

Original Type Approach
boolean Converts to true or false, using lower case letters
date Converts to dates in text format using universal format YYYY-MM-DD, e.g 2020-12-31
numeral Converts to numbers in text format using decimal point "." and without thousand spearators.
parameter set Converts to values arranged inside braces and separated with commas. Strings and dates are put into single quotation marks.
string Contents stay unchanged
void Converts to '# Invalid Value #', in case the void value does not come along with a different message inside '#' signs.

With the additional 1-3 parameters, specific formatting templates (patterns), options and placeholder characters can be applied. 2 approaches exist:

  • Direct Formatting using a formatting rule for a specific type, e.g. from date to string
  • Smart Formatting, providing different formatting rules to be applied automatically for the different types and, in some cases, value ranges.

Call as: function


Indirect parameter passing is disabled

Parameter count



all types Value to convert

Value to check.

Opt. 2
string Formatting template

The formatting template is a string which containing patterns to convert a value of a specific type to a string. Different rules and patterns apply for the different types to convert. This means that you cannot use the same formatting template to convert a numeral to a string as well as a date to a string successfully because numeral formatting rules things like decimal points, number of digits behind decimal points, etc, where date formatting rules things like arranging date/month/year, using numbered or written months, time of day, etc.

See next sections for details on formatting:

Default value: Default rules as described above are applied
Alt. 2
parameter set Smart formatting parameters

In some cases, you wish to convert values of different types to string and need to apply different formatting templatess for them. In this case, put the following contents into a 2-level nested parameter set and pass it as 2nd function parameter to this function.
{ Original data type, optionally a formatting template, optionally a formatting option or locale, and optionally a placeholder character }, like the function parameters described above and below. The function will first check the type of the data to convert, and then use the appropriate function call.

str( 123.4, { { numeral, "#,###.00", en_US }, { date, "YYYY-MM-DD" }, { string, "### ### ### *", align right } } );

See next section on Smart Formatting Parameters for details.

Default value: Default rules as described above are applied
Opt. 3
parameter set or string Formatting option or locale

For converting numerals, booleans and dates, a locale (related to countries and languages) information is expected.
For formatting strings, voids and booleans , different formatting options apply and are described in the next sections. For parameter sets, this 3rd and 4th function parameter are not supported.

Locales can either be a combination of language and country (e.g. de_CH), or just a language or country name. Alternatively, specify 'local' for using the configured local country settings, or 'none' for using locale-independent formatting. All locale settings are not case sensitive, i.e. both 'germany' and 'GERMANY' are valid. Using locales (combined language and country) is highly recommended because common languages are spoken in many countries (e.g. 'english') and in several countries, multiple languages are supported (e.g. 'belgium', 'switzerland') in order to avoid ambiguities. Check the list of locales for available languages, countries and codes.

Default value: For numbers, booleans and dates: 'none'
Opt. 4
string Placeholder symbol

Applicable to formatting numerals, strings and voids (which are converted to strings). In order to use these symbols, the formatting template (2nd function parameter) must provide space for them, e.g. with sufficient number of characters provided in string formatting, and use of question marks in number to string conversion.

Default value: space symbol ' '

Return value

string Result

Converted and formatted string


  echo( str( Abc ), ", ", str( 123.45 ), ", ", str(true) );
  echo( str(date('14.juillet.2020')), ", ", str( date('1. Aug 20 22:30')), ", ", str( time( '10:15' ) ) );
  echo( null() ); // void
  echo( {a,1,date(today),false} ); // void


Abc, 123.45, true
2020-07-14, 2020-08-01 22:30:00, 10:15:00
# Invalid Value #
Try it yourself: Open LIB_Function_str.b4p in Decompress before use.