excel coordinates

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excel coordinates


This function converts row nand column numbers into Microsoft Excel coordinates. Please note the following nuances:

  • B4P table column 0 is A, columns 25 - 27 are Z, AA and AB respectively. And so forth.
  • B4P table row 0 translates to Excel row 1
  • If no parameters are applied, then the function looks for current row and column numbers in the context for partial table specifications. Exception will be asserted if no context info for partial table specifciaton is available.
  • Exceptions will also be flagged if the row and column numbers are out of Excel range

Attention: No negative indexing is allowed here.

Call as: function


Indirect parameter passing is enabled

Parameter count



numeral Column number

The column number will translate to 1 or more letters. Valid range: 0..16383

numeral Row number

The column number will be incremented by 1 and added after the column designation. Valid range: 0..1048575

Default value: No row number will be specified in the output

Return value

string Excel coordinate

If 1 parameter is provided, then the column designation will be provided. If 2 parameters are provided, then the Excel coordinates contain both column and row information.


  coord[A1] = { 0, 0 };
  coord[B]  = { 1 };
  coord[Z10]  = { 25, 9 };
  coord[AA4]  = { 26, 3 };
  coord[AZ4]  = { 51, 3 };
  coord[BA14]  = { 52, 13 };
  coord[ZZ]    = { 701 };
  coord[AAA]   = { 702 };
  coord[XFD1048576]   = { 16383, 1048575 };

  for all variables( coord[], val[], i[], name[] )
      coord[] = excel coordinates( val[] ); // Makes use of indirect parameter passing
      echo("Input {col,row}: ", val[], "  Result: ", coord[], " (Expected: ", name[], ")" );

  echo( new line, "Apply the function with 0 parameters on a table:" );
  table initialize ( blank table, {{ Name, Age }, { Zoe, 30 }, { Nic, 40 }} );

  table process cells( blank table, echo( "Row: ", row(), "  Column: ", col(), "  Value: ", [.], "  Excel coordinates: ", excel coordinates() ) );


Input {col,row}: {0,0}  Result: A1 (Expected: A1)
Input {col,row}: {26,3}  Result: AA4 (Expected: AA4)
Input {col,row}: {702}  Result: AAA (Expected: AAA)
Input {col,row}: {51,3}  Result: AZ4 (Expected: AZ4)
Input {col,row}: {1}  Result: B (Expected: B)
Input {col,row}: {52,13}  Result: BA14 (Expected: BA14)
Input {col,row}: {16383,1048575}  Result: XFD1048576 (Expected: XFD1048576)
Input {col,row}: {25,9}  Result: Z10 (Expected: Z10)
Input {col,row}: {701}  Result: ZZ (Expected: ZZ)

Apply the function with 0 parameters on a table:
Row: 1  Column: 0  Value: Zoe  Excel coordinates: A2
Row: 1  Column: 1  Value: 30  Excel coordinates: B2
Row: 2  Column: 0  Value: Nic  Excel coordinates: A3
Row: 2  Column: 1  Value: 40  Excel coordinates: B3
Try it yourself: Open LIB_Function_excel_coordinates.b4p in B4P_Examples.zip. Decompress before use.