best type

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best type


In case the input parameter is a string, then it will be converted to the best type, depending on the contents. All non-string types (numerals, parameter sets, dates, booleans voids) will be passed through without modifications Following rules apply for strings provided as parameters

  • If the contents look like number, e.g. "123.45", then a conversion to numerals takes plae.
  • If the contents equals true or false, then a converion to boolean takes place.
  • Followng rules apply if unabiguous dates and/or times are provided:
    • "YYYY-MM-DD": Dates
    • "hh:mm:ss": Times
    • "YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss": Dates with times
    • "0000-00-00" Blank dates
    • Any other characters, including spaces before or after dates, will suppress date conversion.
    • If the 2nd parameter is true, then strings will be converted to parameters sets if the contents look like parameter sets, e.g. contents inside braces { ... }. The elements must be separated with commas.
  • In all other cases, the string contents are passed through without changes.

Call as: function


Indirect parameter passing is disabled

Parameter count



valid types Value

Contents to be converted to best type.

boolean Do parameter sets

If 'true', then string contents looking like parameter set descriptions will be converted to parameter sets

Default value: false

Return value

parameter set Result

Value converted into best type


  values[] =
     { 1.2, date(today), true, { 1,2,{3,a} }, "Hello",  // No conversions
       "true", "True",         // Only 'true' will be converted
       "false", "False",       // Only 'false' will be converted
       "2020-04-17", "2020-04-07 22:30:00", "2020-04-07 22:30", // Time conversion if fully specified.  3rd exmaple si not converted
       "{1,2,{3,A} }",         // Converts to parameter set
       "1.2", "1E+3",          // Converts to numbers
       "0000-00-00" };         // Converts to blank date

  for all parameters( values[], v[] )
      n[] = best type( v[], true ); // 2nd parameter set also asks to convert strings containing parameter sets to parameter sets.
      echo("Value: ", n[],  "   Type: ", type(n[]) );


Value: 1.2   Type: numeral
Value: 2024-07-14   Type: date
Value: true   Type: boolean
Value: {1,2,{3,'a'}}   Type: parameter set
Value: Hello   Type: string
Value: true   Type: boolean
Value: True   Type: string
Value: false   Type: boolean
Value: False   Type: string
Value: 2020-04-17   Type: date
Value: 2020-04-07 22:30:00   Type: date
Value: 2020-04-07 22:30   Type: string
Value: {1,2,{3,'A'}}   Type: parameter set
Value: 1.2   Type: numeral
Value: 1E+3   Type: numeral
Value:    Type: date
Try it yourself: Open LIB_Function_best_type.b4p in Decompress before use.