Control Flow Functions

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Flow control covers programming language features like branches (if ... lese), loops, etc. Unlike in other common programming langauges, control flow in B4P is implmented as functions which are then called as procedures which will then determine whether to execute the subsequent statements or blocks or not.

For example, a keyword as simple as if() is a B4P function called as a procedure taking one Boolean parameter. It decides whether to execute the next statement or block or not.

B4P provides a large variety of control flow functions, covering:

In case you miss the goto statement, there is a good reason for this. The highly structured B4P interpreter would have faced risky challenge if that statement would have been impleemented. Further more, see the seeparate section on control flow functions for tables where the following functions, mostly loops, are defined:

Procedures and Functions Provided:

conditional branches:

one-time execution:

alternative execution of code blocks:
    break case
    break loop
    continue case
    continue loop
    continue with next case




for-loop through parameter elements, parameter set:
    for all parameters

for-loop through variables:
    for all variables
    for all variables if existing
    for all variables if existing and valid

defining user procedures and user functions, user-defined function:
    define function
    define procedure
    define procedure and function

additional function names:
    define additional function
    define additional procedure
    define additional procedure and function

function existing:
    function existing
    user function existing

delete user function:
    delete user function

start B4P program:

include B4P program, include library, include libraries:
    get long options
    catch if

Null function, Do nothing:

Select parameter based on numeric value in 1st parameter:

Select parameter based on boolean value in 1st parameter:
    pick if
    select if

Select parameter based on multiple boolean values:
    pick ifs
    select ifs

Select value from variable if existing:
    pick if existing
    pick if existing and valid
    select if existing
    select if existing and valid

Select parameter based on matching corresponding values:
    pick by value
    select by value

Selection based sequence of comparisons:
    compare pick
    compare select

Call function or procedure by name provided:

Call function for every parameter set element separately:

Execute B4P statements provided:

Calculate an expression provided:

compare [function]:

assign [function]: