compare select / pick

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Function Names

compare select, compare pick


These two functions carry out a sequence of comparisons with comparison expressions provided and then return the corresponding value in the following parameter.

Call as: procedure or function


Indirect parameter passing is enabled for 'select by value'.

Parameter count

4, 6, 8, etc.


valid types Value to compare

The value provided in the 1st function parameter will be compared with the comparison expresssions in the following odd-numbered parameters.

boolean Default Value

Applicable to compare select: This is the default value to be returned if all comparisons specified in the following function parameters turned out false.

Alt. 2
Default Expression

Applicable to compare pick: This is the default expression to be calculated if all comparisons in the following function parameters turned out false.

3, 5, ...
comparison expression
Values to compare with

The value provided in the 1st function parameter will be compared with the comparison expressions provided in these odd-numbered function parameters. Once a positive match (comparison returns true) has been found, then comparison will stop and the value from the next function aparameter will be returned. This parameter is a piece of code typically found on the right-hand side of a comparison with '=' or '<>'. Single values, ranges (e.g. 3..5), multiple values separated by commas are supported. For text comparison, wildcards are supported if the string is of type softquoted string.

Attention: To avoid hijacking further function parameters as additional values to be compared, put the expression into parentheses if no operators, = or <> have been used. This hijacking issues does not apply if the following operators are used: <, >, ==, != .

4, 6, ...
boolean Value to select

Applicable to compare select: This value will be returned if a match with the previous parameter applies.

Alt. 4, 6, ...
Expression to select

Applicable to compare pick: This expression will be calculated and the value returned if a match with the previous parameter applies. Otherwise, the expression will not be calculated.

Return value

all types Selected value


  echo( "Demonstrate 'compare pick': 'Greater than 5' is only printed out when the value is needed");
  for (i[] = 1, i[] <= 10, i[]++)
      a[] = compare select( i[], Others, (2,5,7), "Is 2 or 3", >5, print("Greater than 5  ") );
      echo( i[], ": ", a[] );

  echo( new line, "Demonstrate 'compare pick': 'Greater than 5' is only printed out when the value is needed");
  for (i[] = 1, i[] <= 10, i[]++)
      a[] = compare pick ( i[], Others, (2,5,7), "Is 2 or 3", >5, print("Greater than 5  ") );
      echo( i[], ": ", a[] );


Demonstrate 'compare pick': 'Greater than 5' is only printed out when the value is needed
Greater than 5  1: Others
Greater than 5  2: Is 2 or 3
Greater than 5  3: Others
Greater than 5  4: Others
Greater than 5  5: Is 2 or 3
Greater than 5  6: Greater than 5  
Greater than 5  7: Is 2 or 3
Greater than 5  8: Greater than 5  
Greater than 5  9: Greater than 5  
Greater than 5  10: Greater than 5  

Demonstrate 'compare pick': 'Greater than 5' is only printed out when the value is needed
1: Others
2: Is 2 or 3
3: Others
4: Others
5: Is 2 or 3
Greater than 5  6: Greater than 5  
7: Is 2 or 3
Greater than 5  8: Greater than 5  
Greater than 5  9: Greater than 5  
Greater than 5  10: Greater than 5  
Try it yourself: Open LIB_Function_compare_select.b4p in Decompress before use.

See also

select ifs
pick ifs
select by value
pick by value