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Loops are control flow functions where the following statements or blocks are executed repeatedly until a condition to stop repeating is met.

  • while() / until(): The subsequent statements or block are exected repeatedly as long the condition inside the while-function call is met.
  • do ... while() / until(): Checking the condition whether to continue the loop is done after the loop is executed for the first time.
  • for(): Loop statement where an interator variable is initialized, then repeatedly checked and updated (typically incremented) at the end over every loop.

In addition, a sesries of for all ...() statements exist which loop throgh parameter sets, variables

Further more, see the seeparate section on control flow functions for tables where the following functions, mostly loops, are defined:

Procedures and Functions Provided:




parameter set, for-loop through parameter elements:
    for all parameters

for-loop through variables:
    for all variables
    for all variables if existing
    for all variables if existing and valid