Date and Time Detection Rules

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The date and time detecion rules in strings is applied in following functions

Please pay attention to ambiguous dates, e.g. '10/11/12' which can be interpreted differently with different locale settings (YY/MM/DD, MM/DD/YY, DD/MM/YY in this case). The universal YYYY-MM-DD format (e.g. 2020-12-31) is robust and shows same behavior regardless of locale settings applied.

Input format legend for following table:

  • xx = 1 or 2 numeric digits
  • yyyy = 4 numeric digits (year)
  • MMM = min 3 letters to describe month. Multiple languages are supported.
  • h = Time related suffix, not case sensitive (h, time, o'clock, am, pm, a.m., p.m., a, p). Different languages are supported, e.g. "Uhr".

am/pm and related formulation influence the hour values.

  • Symbols between values, e.g. ., -, /, are not relevant unless indicated explicitly.
  • Values between colons (:) relate to time info
  • Spaces between letters and numbers are ignored, e.g. 23August is accepted.

Input Formats Examples Outputs Remarks
Blank '' (e.g. in date('')) Blank date
Irrelvant information Hello (e.g. in date(Hello)) Blank date Wrong contents ignored
Reserved keywords: today, now, utc today, now, utc Today's date, full date and time, and full date and time in UTC Allowed to combine with time, e.g. 'today 13:30'.
Various languages supported.
xx 1, 04, 2020 Error Date is incomplete
xx xx 10-11, 10.11, 10 11, 10/11 Depends on local settings
MDY: 2020-10-11
else: 2020-11-10
Assumes current year
xx xx MMM 10-11 April Error Invalid date format
xx xx yyyy 10 11 2012 Depends on local settings
MDY: 2012-10-11
else: 2012-11-10
Fully specified date. See 1
xx xx xx 10 11 12 Depends on local settings
MDY: 2012-10-11
DMY: 2012-11-10
Fully specified date, see 1
xx xx xx yyyy 10 11 12 2013 Error Invalid date format
xx xx xx MMM 10 11 12 April Error Invalid date format
xx xx yyyy yyyy 10 11 2012 2013 Error Invalid date format
xx xx yyyy MMM 10 11 2012 April Error Invalid date format
xx xx xx h 10 11 12 am Time only: 10:11:12 See 4
xx xx xx h xx, xx xx xx : xx,
xx xx xx : xx h
10.11 12 h 30 Depends on local settings
MDY: 2020-10-11 13:30:00
else: 2020-11-10 12:30:00
Assumes current year
xx xx xx h YYYY 10 11 12 h 2013 2013-01-01, 10:11:12 Assumes January 1, see 2
xx xx xx h MMM 10 11 12 h April 2020-04-01, 10:11:12 Assumes 1st day of specified month in current year, see 3
xx xx xx : 10 11 12 : Error Invalid date format (ambiguity)
xx yyyy 10 2011 2011-10-01 Assumes 1st day of specified month, see 1
xx MMM 10 April 2020-04-10 Assumes current year
xx MMM xx 10 Nov 12 Depends on local settings
YMD: 2010-11-12
else: 2012-11-10
Fully specified date, see 1
xx MMM xx h 10 Nov 12 h 2020-11-10, 12:00:00 Assumes current year, see 4
xx xx h 10 11 h, 10 11 am Time only: 10:11:00
xx xx h xx 10 11 h 12 Time only: 10:11:12
xx xx h MMM 10 11 h April 2020-04-01 10:11:00 Assumes 1st day of specified month in current year, see 3
xx xx h yyyy 10 11 h 2012 2012-01-01 10:11:00 Assumes January 1, see 2
yyyy 2012 2012-01-01 Assumes January 1
yyyy xx 2012 11 2012-11-01 Assumes 1st day of specified month
yyyy xx xx 2012 11 10 2012-11-01 Fully specified date, see 1
yyyy xx MMM 2012 11 April 2012-04-01 Fully specified date, see 1
yyyy xx xx h, YYYY xx xx : 2013 12 11 h, 2013 12 11 : Error Invalid date format (ambiguity)
yyyy xx xx h xx, yyyy xx xx : xx,
yyyy xx xx : xx h
2012 11 10 h 09 2012-11-01 10:09:00 Assumes 1st day of specified month
yyyy MMM 2012 Nov 2012-11-01 Assumes 1st day of specified month
yyyy MMM xx 2012 Nov 10 2012-11-10 Fully specified date, see 1
yyyy MMM xx h 2012 Nov 10 am 2012-11-01 10:00:00 Assumes 1st day of specified month, see 4
yyyy MMM xx : 2012 Nov 10 : Error Invalid date format (ambiguity)
yyyy xx h 2012 11 h 2012-01-01 11:00:00 Assumes January 1, see 4
yyyy xx : 2012 11 : Error Invalid date format (ambiguity)
yyyy xx : MMM 2012 10 : November 2012-11-10 Fully specified date, see 1
MMM April 2020-04-01 Assumes 1st day of specified month in current year
MMM xx Dec 11 Depends on local settings
MDY: 2020-12-11
else: 2011-12-01
MDY: Assumes current year.
else: Assumes 1st day of specified month
MMM xx xx, MMM xx yyyy,
MMM xx : yyyy
Dec 11 13, Dec 11 2013, Dec 11 : 2013 2013-12-11 Fully specified date, see 1
MMM xx xx h, MMM xx xx : Dec 11 h Error Invalid date format (ambiguity)
MMM xx xx h xx, MMM xx xx h xx :
MMM xx xx : xx, MMM xx xx : xx
Oct 11 12 h 13, Oct 11 12 h 13:
Oct 11 12:13, Oct 11 12 h 13:
Depends on local settings
MDY: 2020-10-11 12:13:00
else: 2011-10-01 12:13:00
MDY: Assumes current year.
else: Assumes 1st day of specified month, see 5
MMM yyyy Dec 11 2020-12-11 Assumes current year, see 1
MMM xx h Dec 11 h 2020-12-01 11:00:00 Assumes 1st day of specified month in current year, see 4
MMM xx : Dec 11 : Error Invalid date format (ambiguity)
MMM xx : xx, MMM xx : xx h,
MMM xx : xx :
Dec 11 : 10 2020-12-01 11:10:00 Assumes January 1, see 5
xx h, xx : 15 h, 15 : Time only: 15:00:00 See 4
xx h xx, xx h xx :
xx : xx, xx : xx h, xx : xx :
15h30, 15h30:
15:30h, 15:30:
Time only: 15:30:00 See 5
xx h xx xx, xx : xx xx 15 h 20 30, 15 : 20 30 Time only: 15:20:30
xx h xx : xx, xx : xx : xx
xx : xx h xx, xx : xx xx h
xx : xx : xx h
15h20:30, 15:20:30
15h20 30h, 15:20:30h
Time only: 15:30:30 See 6
Above values with additional colon behind e.g. 15 h 20 30 : Error Invalid time format
xx h yyyy 15 h 2020 2020-01-01 15:00:00 Assumes January 1, see 2
xx h MMM 15 h October 2020-10-01 15:00:00 Assumes 1st day of specified month in current year, see 3
xx : xx yyyy, xx : xx h yyyy 15 : 20 2020, 15 : 20 h 2020 2020-01-01 15:20:00 Assumes 1st day of specified month in current year, see 2
xx h xx yyyy 15 h 20 2020 Error Invalid time format
xx : xx : yyyy, xx : xx : MMM 15 : 30 : 2020 Error Invalid time format
xx : xx MMM, xx : xx h MMM 15 : 20 Oct, 15 : 20 h Oct 2020-01-01 15:20:00 Assumes 1st day of specified month in current year, see 2
... MMM ... MMM ...
Multiple months identified
15 Jan Feb 2020 Error Invalid time format
... yyyy ... yyyy
Multiple years identified
13. Feb 2019 or 2020 Error Invalid time format
Year is not 00-99 and not 1900-9999 04. July 1776 Error Invalid year value (before 1900)
Month is not 01-12 2012-13-14 Error Invalid month value
Day is out of range
2013-02-29 Error (Leapyear: 2012-02-09 would be correct) Invalid day value
Time values out of range
hours: 1-23, min,sec: 0-59
24:00:00, 15:60:00 Error Invlaid time value
More than 6 values recognized 2012 11 10 15:20:30 40 Error Invalid date and time format
Multiple time-related suffices 10:30 h p.m. Error (Either use 'h' or 'p.m.') Invalid time format

1 1-3 additional numbers following afterwards are recognized as hours, minutes and seconds
2 The date has been started with year. Month and day may be specified afterwards to complete the date
3 The date has been started with month. Day and year may be specified afterwards to complete the date
4 The date has been completed with hour. Minute and second values may be specified afterwards to complete the time
5 The date has been completed with hour and minute. Second value may be specified afterwards to complete the time
6 A complete time has been specified in a valid and unambiguous format. A date may follow afterwards, e.g. '20:30:40 2020-02-02'

Some code examples
  set locale( en_us );
  echo( date("10-11-12 8:15p") );
  set locale( de_ch );
  echo( date("10-11-12 8:15p") );
2012-10-11 20:15:00
2012-11-10 20:15:00
Try it yourself: Open LIB_Features_Detects_dates_correctly_in_strings.b4p in Decompress before use.