date, pure date, date time

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Function Names

date, pure date, date time


Sorry! This is not the function where you can find your date.

This function converts date information contained in strings or numeric date information into B4P plain date type. The differences of the three function names are described below:

date If input variables contain date information only, then result contains the date only.
If time information is provided, then the result contains both date and time information.
date time Result will always contain date and time. If no time information is provided, then 00:00:00 (midnight) is assumed.
pure date The result contains date only. Any time info will be ignored.

Blank or missig date information will convert to blank date values. Various appraoches are available to convert value to dates:

Input Form # Parameters required Description
String input 1 or 2 Converts a string to date. Locale settings (referring to system variable 'local settings[date format short]' rule the year/month/day sequence if the date is ambiguous, e.g. "10.11.12". Change that value prior to the call if dates are ambiguous and need to use a different format assumption. See Date and Time Detection Rules for details.
today 1 Uses today's date (local time zone)
now 1 Uses today's date and time (local time zone)
utc 1 Uses today's date and time (UTC)
numeric date 1 Numeric date in YYYYMMDD format with range 19000101 ... 99993112. Values behind decimal commas are ignored, i.e. not converted to time info
serial date 1 Microsoft serial date and time, as used in Excel. E.g. 44000.75 translates to 2020-06-18 18:00:00.
numeric time 1 Values between 0 and 1/(24+60+60), i.e. below 1, convert to time-only information. The function pure date() returns blank date.
date in numbers 2 or 3 Provide year, month and optionally day (if not specified: 1st day) to convert to date
date and time in numbers 4 or 5 or 6 Like above, but also include hours, minutes and seconds.
variable in date format 1 Input parameters of date types are passed through. Text representations will be elimnated.
parameter set 1 Indirect parameter passing scheme: Put the 1-6 parameters into a parameter set, e.g. date( { 2020,12,31,23,59,59 } );

Call as: function

Parameter count



string Date

Convert a date (optionally with time) in a string to a date. Locale settings are used to resolve ambiguous date formats.
Specific treatment applies to keywords 'today' and 'now' in english and other supported languages.
See Date and Time Detection Rules for ruling details.

Alt. 1
numeral Year

See table above on 'numeric date', 'serial date' and 'numeric time' how numeric dates are converted

Alt. 1
numeral Year

Range: 1900 .. 9999. Only applicable if at least the next parameter (month) is also specified.

Opt. 2
numeral Month

Range: 1 .. 12. Only valid if 1st paramter contains a year.

Default value: 1
Opt. 3
numeral Day

Range: 1 .. 31

Default value: 1
Opt. 4
numeral Hour

Range: 0 .. 23

Default value: Resulting date will contain no time information
Opt. 5
numeral Minute

Range: 0 .. 59

Default value: 0
Opt. 6
numeral Second

Range: 0 .. 59

Default value: 0

Return value

string Date and/or time

Contains date, time, date and time combined or blank date. No string context of the date is preserved or included.


      echo( date ( now ) );       // Date and time (local time zone)
      echo( date ( today ) );     // Date only
      echo( date ( utc ) );       // Date and time (UTC)
      echo( pure date ( now ) );      // Date only (local time zone)
      a[] = { 2020, 07, 14 };
      echo( date ( a[] ));        // Quatorze Juillet
      a[] += { 22, 33, 44 };      // Add time
      echo( date ( a[] ));        // 2020-07-04 22:33:44
      echo( date("03. Oktober 1990 21 Uhr") ); // 1990-10-03 21:00:00


2024-07-14 10:08:53
2024-07-14 08:08:53
2020-07-14 22:33:44
1990-10-03 21:00:00
Try it yourself: Open LIB_Function_date.b4p in Decompress before use.

See also

pure time