Quoted Strings

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The data subtype quoted string is applied in following cases:

With Text Inside Double Quotation Marks
  a[] = "Hello World";
  b[] = "Hello   World";
  c[] = "  Hello World  ";

  echo( 'a[] = "', a[], '"');
  echo( 'b[] = "', b[], '"');
  echo( 'c[] = "', c[], '"');
  echo( 'Subtype of a[] is ', subtype( a[] ) );
  echo( "Simple comparison returning 'false': ", Hello = "*llo" ); // quoted strings support no wildcards
a[] = "Hello World"
b[] = "Hello   World"
c[] = "  Hello World  "
Subtype of a[] is quoted string
Simple comparison returning 'false': false
Try it yourself: Open LAN_Features_Data_subtype_quoted_strings.b4p in B4P_Examples.zip. Decompress before use.