table save excel file

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table save excel file


This function saves 1 or more tables into an Excel file (.xlsx) based on Open Office format. In addition to the contents, defined styles will also be included. In order include the defined style information, call translate style attributes for excel() immediately before saving.

The following type conversions will be made unless forced to string contents using table style(..., type, string) on selected table contents.

  • 'true' and 'false' will be saved as Boolean values
  • Dates (YYYY-MM-DD) times (hh:mm:ss) or combination of both (YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss) will be saved as dates.
    • Dates and times in other formats (e.g. DD.MMM.YYYY, or YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm) will be treated as text.
    • B4P date variables (regardless if with or without time included) written to tables will be written in the correct as specified above so the conversion takes place automatically.
  • Text wrapping will be activated if contents contain line breaks so the whole text is visible
  • All numbers will be saved as numeric data.
    • Numbers containing scientific notation (e.g. 1E3 for 1000) will be saved using scientific notation format.
    • Other number formats like percentages: Save the numbers as they are (e.g. 0.15 for 15%), then apply styles functions such as table style columns() with the attribute name number format followed by the attribute value as understood by Excel, e.g. "0.00%".

Call as: procedure


Indirect parameter passing is disabled

Parameter count



parameter set or string name(s) of table(s)

Specify the table name directly, or to specify multiple tables:

  • Use parameter sets containing table names
  • Use softquoted string containing the table names separated with commas

parameter set or string Corresonding sheet names

Specify the sheet names (as seen on the bottom tabs when opened in Excel). The number of sheet names must match with the number of tables specified in the 1st function parameter.

string name of Excel file name

The file name must contain the file type ending '.xlsx'.

Opt. 4
string Active sheet name

You can specify the active sheet name which shall appear on the screen after opening the file in Excel. If no sheet name is specfied, then the first table specified will be opened.

Default value: (1st sheet specified)


  table load( c, "Examples/Cities.csv" );

  echo("Original table: ");
  table list ( c );

  table save excel file( c, Cities, "Examples/Cities.xlsx" );
  table load excel file( d, "Examples/Cities.xlsx" );

  echo("Table save in Excel format and loaded again: ");    
  table list ( d );


Original table:
    0 : Country | City          | State/Province | Inhabitants | Famous attraction  | Alt. (m) | Famous cultural place | Moving along
    1 : USA     | New York City | New York       | 8300000     | St. of Liberty     | 10       | Guggenheim            | Taxi         
    2 : USA     | Washington    | D.C.           | 650000      | Lincoln Statue     | 7        | Smithsonian Inst.     | The Beast    
    3 : USA     | Philadelphia  | Pennsylvania   | 1500000     | Independence hall  | 12       |                       | PCC streetcar
    4 : USA     | Boston        | Massachusetts  | 620000      | Freedom trail      | 43       |                       | Walking      
    5 : USA     | San Francisco | California     | 805000      | Golden Gate        | 16       | SFMOMA                | Cable car    
    6 : CAN     | Montréal      | Quebec         | 1700000     | Hôtel du Parlement |          | Rialto Theater        | Skidoo       
    7 : DAN     | Copenhagen    | Hovedstaten    | 580000      | Little Mermaid     | 24       | Royal Theater         | Bicycle      
    8 : ITA     | Venice        | Venetia        | 260000      | Doge's Palace      | 1        | Theatro la Fenice     | Gondola      
    9 : USA     | Los Angeles   | California     | 3800000     | Hollywood          | 100      | Getty Center          | Car          
   10 : AUT     | Vienna        |                | 1800000     | Prater             |          | Opera                 | Fiacre       
   11 : THA     | Bangkok       |                | 8250000     | Wat Phra Kaeo      | 5        | National Museum       | Longtail boat
   12 : SWI     | Zürich        | Kt. Zürich     | 404000      | Street Parade      | 408      | Kunsthaus             | Tram         
   13 : FRA     | Paris         | Île de France  | 2240000     | Eiffel Tower       |          | Louvre                | Métro        
   14 : SWI     | Davos         | Grisons        | 11000       | Weissfluhgipfel    | 1650     | Kirchner Museum       | Ski lift     

    Saved table(s) to EXCEL file 'Examples/Cities.xlsx' containing 1 sheets.

    Identified sheet number 1
Table save in Excel format and loaded again:
    0 : Country | City          | State/Province | Inhabitants | Famous attraction  | Alt. (m) | Famous cultural place | Moving along
    1 : USA     | New York City | New York       | 8300000     | St. of Liberty     | 10       | Guggenheim            | Taxi         
    2 : USA     | Washington    | D.C.           | 650000      | Lincoln Statue     | 7        | Smithsonian Inst.     | The Beast    
    3 : USA     | Philadelphia  | Pennsylvania   | 1500000     | Independence hall  | 12       |                       | PCC streetcar
    4 : USA     | Boston        | Massachusetts  | 620000      | Freedom trail      | 43       |                       | Walking      
    5 : USA     | San Francisco | California     | 805000      | Golden Gate        | 16       | SFMOMA                | Cable car    
    6 : CAN     | Montréal      | Quebec         | 1700000     | Hôtel du Parlement |          | Rialto Theater        | Skidoo       
    7 : DAN     | Copenhagen    | Hovedstaten    | 580000      | Little Mermaid     | 24       | Royal Theater         | Bicycle      
    8 : ITA     | Venice        | Venetia        | 260000      | Doge's Palace      | 1        | Theatro la Fenice     | Gondola      
    9 : USA     | Los Angeles   | California     | 3800000     | Hollywood          | 100      | Getty Center          | Car          
   10 : AUT     | Vienna        |                | 1800000     | Prater             |          | Opera                 | Fiacre       
   11 : THA     | Bangkok       |                | 8250000     | Wat Phra Kaeo      | 5        | National Museum       | Longtail boat
   12 : SWI     | Zürich        | Kt. Zürich     | 404000      | Street Parade      | 408      | Kunsthaus             | Tram         
   13 : FRA     | Paris         | Île de France  | 2240000     | Eiffel Tower       |          | Louvre                | Métro        
   14 : SWI     | Davos         | Grisons        | 11000       | Weissfluhgipfel    | 1650     | Kirchner Museum       | Ski lift     

Try it yourself: Open LIB_Function_table_save_excel_file.b4p in Decompress before use.

See also

table load excel file
table save