table load excel file

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table load excel file


This function loads Excel files (Open Office format) directly into B4P tables. Following features are supported:

  • One or multiple Excel sheets can be loaded into one or multiple B4P tables using one function call only. In this case, an equal number of tables and Excel sheet names need to be specified. Loading multiple sheets with one function call takes less time than calling this function multiple times for every table.
    Example: table load excel file( { table 1, table 2 }, "Example.xlsx", { Base Data, My Calculations } );
  • Instead of sheet names, sheet numbers (The left-most sheet seen in Excel begins with 1) can be loaded instead.
  • The sheet number 0 refers to the active (visible) sheet in Excel at the time the Excel file has been saved
  • If no sheet name or number is specified, then the active (visible) sheet will be loaded, too.
  • If only one table is loaded from one Excel sheet, then additional options can be applied, such as loading formulas into a separate table.

B4P is able to distinguish properly between strings (strings), numerals, boolean values (true, false), dates, times and date-time combinations (YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss format). Other information such as formulas, cell formatting, color information, etc. are not loaded into the target tables.

Note: In Excel files, various numeric data are shown in different formats, e.g. monetary values with only two digits behind decimal point (e.g. 'EUR 1.25'), thousand separators, currency symbols, etc. B4P loads the original and unformatted value. Example: If 'EUR 1.25' is seen, but the actual value is 1.2488, then 1.2488 will be loaded. The same applies to percentages, e.g. 15% is loaded as 0.15.
In fields which contain formulas, the calculated value will be loaded.

Attention: Encrypted Excel files (e.g. marked confidential with the confidentiality-stamp where supported), binary and proprietary legacy file types (e.g. .xlsb, .xls) cannot be processed. File types .xlsx, .xlsm and .xlst are fine.

Loading Excel formulas:
You can optionally load the underlying Excel formulas if two additional parameters are added: "formulas" followed by name of table which will be initialized and populated with formulas at the corresponding coordinates to the main Excel table. For example, if row 5 / column 3 contains 10, the formula table may contain the formula "=5*2", always beginning with equal signs.
Note: The excel formulas are kept as they are. No coordinates are modified, e.g. into B4P table coordinates.
Note: If formulas are entreed once in Excel and then copied and pasted horizontally or vertically across the table, the Excel has the lazy habit of writing the formula only 1-3 times, followed by a shared notification, probably attempting to save disk space. In these cases, the string value "(Shared)" will be written into the coresponding table location.

Call as: procedure


Indirect parameter passing is disabled

Parameter count

2,3,5,7,9,...(odd numbers)


parameter set
name of target table

If only one table needs to be loaded, then it is OK to provide the table name as a string. If more tables need to be loaded from the file, then include the names into a parameter set. In case more than 1 table shall be loaded, then precisely 3 function paramters need to be provided, not more and not less. In case an empty set (zero tables) is provided, then nothing will be loaded. If target tables are existing, then they will be initialized before loading.

string name of Excel file name

It must be an existing Excel file in Open Office format, e.g. with file type .xlsx, .xlsm, .xlst.

Attention: Binary (.xlsb), encrypted and legacy files (.xls) are not supported. Encrypted files cannot be loaded.

Opt. 3
parameter set
Excel sheet name

This parameter specifies the Excel sheets in the workbook to be loaded. It is optional when loading only one sheet. in this case, the active (visible) Excel sheet will be loaded. Otherwise, the name number of sheet names or sheet numbers specified must equal to the number of target tables specified.

Note: Excel sheets which are not worksheets (e.g. chart sheets) cannot be loaded.

If the sheet names are not known, then use the function excel list sheets() to obtain all sheet names.

Regarding sheet numbers: 0 refers to the active and visible sheet. 1 is the left-most sheet, with 2,3, etc. further to the right.

Default value: 0 (Open the currently active and visible sheet in the Excel workbook)
Opt. 4
string Attribute name

Following attribute names are supported:

  • formulas Specify table name in attribute value parameter which shall be used to read all Excel formulas.

Note: Attribute value in the next function parameter is required.
Note: This feature and function parameter is only supported when loading only one sheet.

Opt. 5
string Attribute value

Specify the attribute value as defined by the previous function parameter attribute name.
Note: This feature and function parameter is only supported when loading only one sheet.

      table load excel file( football, "Examples\Football Membership List.xlsx" );
      table list( football );
    0 : First Name | Family Name | City         | Level      
    1 : Abel       | Amberstone  | Amsterdam    | Beginner   
    2 : Beata      | Berghill    | Barcelona    | Experienced
    3 : Corinne    | Carlson     | Copenhagen   | Beginner   
    4 : Dietmar    | Davis       | Dublin       | Beginner   
    5 : Ellen      | Evans       | Essen        | Beginner   
    6 : Fred       | Fisher      | Frankfurt    | Experienced
    7 : Gregory    | Green       | Gaza City    | Experienced
    8 : Henry      | Hansson     | Hamburg      | Experienced
    9 : Ida        | Ingelberg   | Ingolstadt   | Beginner   
   10 : John       | Janssen     | Johannesburg | Beginner   
   11 : Karl       | Karlsson    | Kansas City  | Experienced

Try it yourself: Open LIB_Function_table_load_excel_file.b4p in Decompress before use.
Excel file with formulas

  table load excel file( table, "Examples\Formulas_Inside.xlsx", 0, formulas, formula table);

  echo("Values: ");
  table list( table );

  echo("Formulas: ");
  table list( formula table );
    0 : Today:  | 2021-03-13 |               |      | Numbers repeated      
    1 : Values  | Double+1   | Sq-Roots      | Text | (with matrix formula)
    2 : 1       | 3          | 1             | Text | 1                     
    3 : 5       | 11         | 2.2360679775  | Text | 5                     
    4 : 25      | 51         | 5             | Text | 25                    
    5 : 50      | 101        | 7.0710678119  | Text | 50                    
    6 : 100     | 201        | 10            | Text | 100                   
    7 :         |            |               |      | Sum of products       
    8 : Totals: |            |               |      | (Intermediate vectors)
    9 : 181     | 367        | 25.3071357894 | 0    | 181                   

    0 :             | =TODAY()    |           |          |         
    1 :             |             |           |          |         
    2 :             | =A3*2+1     | =SQRT(A3) | =D2      | =A3:A7  
    3 :             | =A4*2+1     | =SQRT(A4) | =D3      |         
    4 :             | (Shared)    | (Shared)  | (Shared) |         
    5 :             | (Shared)    | (Shared)  | (Shared) |         
    6 :             | (Shared)    | (Shared)  | (Shared) |         
    7 :             |             |           |          |         
    8 :             |             |           |          |         
    9 : =SUM(A3:A7) | =SUM(B3:B7) | (Shared)  | (Shared) | (Shared)

Try it yourself: Open LIB_Function_table_load_excel_file_01.b4p in Decompress before use.

See also

excel list sheets
table load
table save excel file