Windows Start B4P Programs

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Starting a B4P Program under Windows - Hello World

Two possibilites exist to start B4P programs:

  • Double-click on the file "Hello World.b4p" using the left mouse button
  • Click the file "Hello World.b4p" with the right mouse button and choose the 1st menu entry Open.

Windows Start in Explorer

The program will start and you will see the following output:

In the very first run, B4P searches the 7-Zip utility and memorizes its whereabouts:
B4P - Beyond Former Performance

Version 10.00 Release Candidate 2 (2022-03-27)
Copyright (C) 2012..2022 Georg zur Bonsen, all rights reserved.
Licensing info ...

Look for the 7Z compression/decomopression utility

Found following program file paths: {'C:\Program Files','C:\Program Files (x86)'}
 - 7z.exe Zip-utility found in {'C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe'} (OK)
Hello World
Today, the date is 2024-02-15
Done - Press ENTER key
Outcome if this is not the very first run:
B4P - Beyond Former Performance

Version 10.00 Release Candidate 2 (2022-03-27)
Copyright (C) 2012..2022 Georg zur Bonsen, all rights reserved.
Licensing info ...

Hello World
Today, the date is 2024-02-15
Done - Press ENTER key

Start B4P Program with Windows Commands

Start cmd or alternatively powershell and type b4p or B4P. Following two appraoches are possible: Type B4P followed by full B4P program file with file type, or just type the B4P file. The command and files are not case sensitive. Quotation marks are required if the file names contain spaces.

  • B4P "Hello World.b4p"
  • "Hello World.b4p"

If you want to suppress the "Press [Enter] ..." before finishing, add the command line switch -x, for example

  • B4P -x "Hello World.b4p"

PS C:\Users\username> cd "C:\Users\username\B4P"                     
PS C:\Users\userame\B4P> ls *.b4p                                                           

    Verzeichnis: C:\Users\username\B4P

Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                -------------         ------ ----
-a----         06.11.20     22:18            482 Hello World.b4p
-a----         02.10.20     21:52             12 interactive.b4p
-a----         15.08.20     23:52             11 Main.b4p
-a----         06.11.20     22:34            555 Start B4P here.b4p

PS C:\Users\username\B4P> b4p "Hello World.b4p"
B4P - Beyond Former Performance

Version 10.04RC1 Release Candidate (2023-12-31)
Copyright (C) 2012..2024 Georg zur Bonsen, all rights reserved.
Licensed (local machine) ...

Hello World
Today, the date is 2024-02-15
Done - Press ENTER key

PS C:\Users\username\B4P>