fy - Fiscal Year

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This function identifies the financial (or fiscal) year of the date provided. If 2 parameters (date and month year ending) are provided, then the financial year will be returned as a 4-digit numeral. Example: fy( "2022-04-01", 3 ) returns 2022. If a formatting string is provided, then the returned value is a string which contains either one year or the combination of two years. The format pattern string will be checked for pound '#' characters. Following rules apply:

  • If one contiguous set of 2 '#' characters is identified, then these symbols will be replaced by the last two digits of the ending year
  • If one contiguous set of 4 '#' characters is identified, then these symbols will be replaced by the last four digits of the ending year
  • If one single '#' character is identified, then the quarter inside the financial year will be returned. Example: For years ending in March, then February is considered to be in the 4th quarter.
  • Any other number of contiguous '#' characters, or a 3rd set of 2 or 4 '#' characters remain unchanged.
  • Any other character is treated as being part of the string to be returned, e.g. "FY ####-##" returns "FY 2020-21".
  • In case the month specified equals twelve, then the starting and ending years are obviously the same.

If a blank date is provided, then 0 is returned in case no format pattern string is provided, otherwise a blank string is returned.

Call as: function


Indirect parameter passing is disabled

Parameter count



date or string converted to date Date

Value to extract as described above

numeral Month year ending

Specify the last month of the financial year (Example: Specify 3 for fiscal years ending on 31. March every year). Value must be between 1 and 12.

Opt. 3
string Format pattern

If a formatting string is provided, then the financial year will be returend as a string and not as a number.

Default value: A numeric 4-digit year will be returned.

Return value


Numeric 4-digit year if 2 parameters are provided, or string result if 3 parameters including the format pattern are provided.


  date[] = "2022-05-01";
  echo( "Date is ", date[] );
  patterns[] = { "FY ##", "####/##", "Q# FY ##-##" };

  for (month[]=1, month[]<=12, month[]++ )
      echo( "Year ending in ", str( date(2022,month[],1),"Mmmm" ), ": " );
      print( "    FY: ", fy( date[], month[] ) );
      for all parameters( patterns[], pattern[] )
      print("    ", fy( date[], month[], pattern[] ) );


Date is 2022-05-01
Year ending in January:
    FY: 2023    FY 23    2022/23    Q2 FY 22-23
Year ending in February:
    FY: 2023    FY 23    2022/23    Q1 FY 22-23
Year ending in March:
    FY: 2023    FY 23    2022/23    Q1 FY 22-23
Year ending in April:
    FY: 2023    FY 23    2022/23    Q1 FY 22-23
Year ending in May:
    FY: 2022    FY 22    2021/22    Q4 FY 21-22
Year ending in June:
    FY: 2022    FY 22    2021/22    Q4 FY 21-22
Year ending in July:
    FY: 2022    FY 22    2021/22    Q4 FY 21-22
Year ending in August:
    FY: 2022    FY 22    2021/22    Q3 FY 21-22
Year ending in September:
    FY: 2022    FY 22    2021/22    Q3 FY 21-22
Year ending in October:
    FY: 2022    FY 22    2021/22    Q3 FY 21-22
Year ending in November:
    FY: 2022    FY 22    2021/22    Q2 FY 21-22
Year ending in December:
    FY: 2022    FY 22    2022/22    Q2 FY 22-22
Try it yourself: Open LIB_Function_fy.b4p in B4P_Examples.zip. Decompress before use.

See also
