Stopwatch Functions

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Function Names

watch start, watch stop, watch continue, watch reset, watch read


watch start Returns previous time, resets and starts the watch
watch stop Returns the time and stops the watch.
watch continue Returns the time and lets the watch continue to run
watch reset Returns the time and resets the watch. If the watch was continuing before, then it will continue from zero.
watch read Returns the time. No push-button actions on the watch.

Call as: procedure or function

OS differences

Windows uses wall clock time. Pause applications to measure true performance.
LINUX and MACOS uses actual CPU processing time.

Parameter count


Return value

numeral Stopwatch time in milliseconds elapsed

The watch time will be returned before the indicated action will happen. E.g. watch reset returns the time before the reset operation.


      watch start;
      sleep (0.05); // 50 ms
      echo( "Started: ", watch read(), " ms" );
      sleep (0.05);
      echo( "Before resetting: ", watch reset() );
      sleep (0.05);
      echo( "Before stopping: ", watch stop() );
      sleep (0.05);
      echo( "Before continuing: ", watch continue() );
      sleep (0.05);
      echo( watch stop(),", ", watch reset(), " and now back at zero: ", watch reset() );


Started: 65 ms
Before resetting: 128
Before stopping: 62
Before continuing: 62
125, 125 and now back at zero: 0
Try it yourself: Open LIB_Function_watch_start.b4p in Decompress before use.