directory delete multiple/recursive ...

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Function Names

directory delete multiple, directory delete multiple all, directory delete recursive, directory delete recursive all, directory delete recursive if empty


These functions delete multiple directories in specified directories. Wildcards are supported to select directories to delete.
directory delete multiple ... Only the directory / directories specified in 1st parameter will be considered to search and delete directories. Directories containing files will not be deleted.
directory delete recursive ... All subdirectories are also included for searching and deleting these directories. Files and subdirectories inside specified directories will be deleted.
directory delete ... all will try to delete all directories, skipping those which cannot be deleted. No exceptions asserted in this case.

The function directory delete recursive if empty will delete only those directories which are empty and ignore those containing files.

Attention: System files are not touched, but hidden files are. Directories containing such files will not be deleted.

Call as: procedure or function


Indirect parameter passing is disabled.
Wildcards are allowed on final directory names only

Parameter count



parameter set or string path name(s)

Names of existing directory paths to delete. Nothing is deleted if the parameter is empty. If the parameter contains a blank string, then current the directory is assumed. If the 2nd parameter is not specified, then all files in the specified path are affected.

Opt. 2
parameter set or string directory name(s) or patterns

If number of names or patterns in this function parameter equals to number of path names, then a 1:1 relationship is assumed, i.e. 1st path relates to 1st name, 2nd path to 2nd name, etc. If this parameter contains fewer elemeents, then the last element will apply for the remaining path names. If this parameter contains more elements, then the excess names or patterns will be ignored.
Attention: Nothing will be deleted if this parameter contains a blank string or empty parameter set.

Default value: * (all directories)

Return value

numeral Number of directories deleted successfully

Files inside directories will not be counted


Directory not found
Directory not empty
Directory not accessible
Directory is a file


      directory delete multiple( "D:\A", "*");
      // Deletes all subdirectories in directory A if they are empty. The directory A will not be deleted.
      // Deleting will stop when encountering first issue, e.g. non-empty or blocked directory.
      directory delete multiple all ( "D:\A", "*");
      // Same as above, but continues deleting the remaining directories in case of an issue

      directory delete multiple( "", "A");
      // Deletes subdirectory A if empty

      directory delete recursive( "D:\A", "*");
      // Deletes all subdirectories including their files and nested sub-directories in directory A. The directory A will not be deleted.
      // Deleting will stop when encountering first issue, e.g. non-empty or blocked directory.
      directory delete recursive all ( "D:\A", "*");
      // Same as above, but continues deleting the remaining directories in case of an issue

      directory delete recursive( "", "A");   directory delete recursive ("A"), directory delete recursive ("./", "A" )
      // Deletes subdirectory A including their files and nested sub-directories in directory A

      directory delete recursive if empty( "D:\A", "*");
      // Deletes all subdirectories including their nested sub-directories in directory A if empty
      // The directory A will not be deleted.
      // This function implies '… all', meaning it tries to delete all existing subdirectories, even if an issue occurs.

      directory delete recursive if empty ( "", "A");
      //  Deletes subdirectory A including their nested sub-directories in directory A if empty

See also

directory delete ... Functions
file delete multiple/recursive ... Functions