References in Member Variables

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The past examples have been made with simple references. However B4P also allows declaring member variables in structures and arrays as references. Here, a similar rule applies that references can only be made on member variables which are not yet existing or do not contain their own sub-members. Two code examples below illustrate this powerful feature.

Example 1

In the following example, 3 members in variable c[] point to variable a[] and a[g] accordingly. In addition, a[g] is a reference which referst to c[]. An "eight-loop" has been created, and the code example demonstrates that you can walk the path through the loop multiple times.
References in Member Variables 2

// Black part in illustration

a[] = Ha;
a[b] = He;
c[] = Hi;

// Greeen part in illustration

c[d] = ^a[];
c[e] = ^a[b];
c[f] = ^c[e]; // references to a[b]
echo( c[d],", ", c[e] ); // Ha,He

// Blue part of illustration

a[g] = ^c[];
echo( a[g],", ", a[g,d] ); // Hi, Ha

// You can loop around multiple times if you wish:

echo( a[g,d,b] ); // He
echo( a[g,d,g],", ", a[g,d,g,d], ", ", a[g,d,g,d,g] ); // Hi, Ha, Hi
Ha, He
Hi, Ha
Hi, Ha, Hi
Try it yourself: Open LAN_Features_References_in_member_variables.b4p in Decompress before use.

Example 2

In the following example, 3 members in variable c[] point to variable a[] and a[g] accordingly. In addition, a[g] is a reference which referst to c[]. An "eight-loop" has been created, and the code example demonstrates that you can walk the path through the loop multiple times.
References in Member Variables 2

// Black part in illustration

array( a[ ],{Ha,He,Hi,Ho} );

// Green part in illustration

a[0] =^  a[3];
a[1] =^^ a[0]; // a[1] refers to a[0] (and not to a[3] directly)

echo( a[0],", ", a[1] ); // Ho, Ho

// Blue part in illustration

a[0] =^ a[2];
echo( a[0],", ", a[1] ); // Hi, Hi
Ho, Ho
Hi, Hi
Try it yourself: Open LAN_Features_References_in_member_variables_01.b4p in Decompress before use.

Avoid Tail-Biting

Be aware that you do not build up references resembling infinite loops because B4P will start circling around through 1 or more variables. See the following code examples with one variables and the tail-biting effect with two variables.

  // Bad example 1: 1 dog runs in a circle, attempting to bite its own tail
  a[] = a[];

  // Bad example 2: 2 dogs run in a circle, attempting to bite each other's tails
  x[] = 5;
  y[] =^x[];
  x[] =^y[];