Releasing References

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Following methods are available to release references:

  • Function call release(): Specify references to variables directly. Example: release ( ref1[ ], ref2[ ], ref3[ ] );
  • Function call release all(): All locally defined references to variables will be released. When called from the main program (neither function nor other program called), then all globally defined references will be released.
  • Function call release all(): Specify references to variables directly, or variables which contain one or more members / sub-members which are references to variables. All of them will be released.
  • Exiting a user-defined procedure or function, or a B4P program called with start() or include(): All locally defined references to variables will be released.
  • Redirecting references: The original reference will be leased and moved to a different variable.

Releasing References
Note: Please note that the target variables remain unaffected while releasing the references. Once all references on a target variable are released, then the target variable may be deleted.

Released references will not be deleted but mutate to simple variables containing void values.

  a[]    = Hello;

  ref1[] =^ a[];
  echo( ref1[] );

  release( ref1[] );
  echo( ref1[] );
# Invalid Value #
Try it yourself: Open LAN_Features_Releasing_references.b4p in Decompress before use.