resolve path/directory/file name

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Function Names

resolve path name, resolve directory name, resolve file name


This function resolves specified directory path and file names (containing wildcard symbols in various directory and/or file names) to existing path and file names where
1. The full path name will be checked.

  • For resolve file name, the last name must be a file name.
  • For resolve file name, the last name must be a directory name.
  • For resolve path name, the last name may either be a file or directory name.

2. If path contains wildcard symbols (Attention: '*' and '?' only), then the matching name will be identified.
If 2 or more matches are found, then an exception will be asserted because the path is ambiguous.
3. If the path begins with a lone tilde symbol ('~/...', '~\...'), then the tilde will be replaced by the user home directory.
4. Wildcards along the full directory path are allowed, e.g. "C:\Prgram Files\*\*\Lib\Support Library*". B4P will search through the different
subdirectories accordingly.

Note:In interactive mode, B4P will automatically capture all 'cd' / 'chdir' / changing drive commands and take care of changing the directores in the B4P process, too. Reason: Operating System commands executed happen in child processes and changing direcctories have no effect on their parent processes.

Call as: function


Indirect parameter passing is disabled

Parameter count



string path name

This path name may contain wildcard symbols which will be resolved.

Default value: Current working directory

Return value

string Fully resolveld path name

All wildcards have been resolved.


      if ( system info[operating system] = Windows)
          echo( resolve path name( "C:\Program*\*\*4P.exe" ) ); // Look for B4p Program
          echo( resolve path name( "/usr/*l/*n/*4p" ) ); // Look for /usr/local/bin/b4p
      echo( resolve path name( "~/" ) );    // Your home directory
      echo( resolve path name( "~/.." ) );  // Parent directory of home directory


C:\Program Files\B4P\B4P.exe
Try it yourself: Open LIB_Function_resolve_path_name.b4p in Decompress before use.

See also

search files
directory listing