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Function Names



Support Library


This function is a simplified version of file browser() which provides the directory listing where you can navigate. The cursor supported navigation keys, function keys and commands are described below. If called as a function, and the Enter key is used to return, the it contains the full path name of the selected file. The differences of dir() and file browser() are the following:

  • In interactive mode, use it as a short and familiarized command. Just type dir
  • Some settings are already made, e.g. files of known types appear in their characteristic caolors, e.g. green for (Microsoft Excel) spreadsheets.

Call as: procedure or function


Under normal conditions, the 'Support Library' is loaded automatically, so no 'include(...)' call is needed.
Not suitable for batch processing

Parameter count



Opt. 1
string Path

Specify an existing path. Relative paths such as specifying subdirectories, '..' for parent folder, '.' for current folder, etc. are supported. Wildcards are not allowed here.

Default value: . (current folder)
Opt. 2
string Pattern

Specify the pattern to be applied for the file names. Folder names are not affected by this. For exapmle, specify "*.xlsx,*.xlsm" to include all Excel files with and without macros.

Note: Regarless if running under Windows or LINUX, pattern checks with file names are always case-insensitive.

Default value: * (all files)

Return value

string Chosen file

If the directory listed is ended by pushing [Enter] on the selected file, then the path provided and file name will be returned.
If [Escape] has been pressed instead, then an empty string will be returned.


  dir ('.\Tables', '*.xlsx' );

See also

file browser
directory listing