Sorting and Ranking Options

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The sorting options are used (amongst others) by following functions:

Overview of Available Options

Sorting / Ranking Option Description
alphabetic Alphabetic order by UNICODE character set.
alphabetic down Opposite direction of above
alphabetic ignore case Alphabetic order, but ignores case (e.g. 'the Hague' comes before 'Uruguay')
alphabetic down ignore case Opposite direction of above
alphabetic ignore blanks Same as alphabetic. Blanks (incl. new line, tabs, space) are ignored. 'St. Moritz' and 'St.Moritz' are equivalent.
alphabetic down ignore blanks Opposite direction of above
alphabetic ignore both Same as alphabetic, ignoring both case and blanks
alphabetic down ignore both Opposite direction of above
numeric Sorts by numbers. Non-numeric contents are interpreted like zero. Smallest number comes first.
numeric down Opposite direction of above
date Sorts by dates. Fields containing no qualified dates are interpreted like blank dates. See rules below the table.
date down Opposite direction of above
time Sorts by dates. Fields containing no qualified dates are interpreted like blank dates. See rules below the table.
time down Opposite direction of above
date and time Sorts by dates. Fields containing no qualified dates are interpreted like blank dates. See rules below the table.
date and time down Opposite direction of above

Rules on strings:

  • Blank string '' comes first
  • One space symbol ' ' (UNICODE 32) comes next.
  • Sorting is done based on UNICODE character codes.
  • Sorting takes no cultural implications into consideration (e.g. Spanish: LL follows L).
  • Numbers are also treated as strings: 0100 comes before 10.

Rules on numerals:

  • For contents beginning a number: The 1st number will be recognized.
  • For contents beginning with non-numeric symbols: Interpreted as zero.

Rules on dates:

  • Blank dates come first.
  • If year is missing, current year is assumed.
  • If day is missing, the 1st day of month is assumed.
  • Month names in key languages like "Jan", "feb", "März", "avril", "May", "juni", etc. are recognized as months and sorted accordingly.
  • Local settings are used as rules to resolve country dependent date formats like 01/02/2015 (day and month ordering: 2. Jan 2015 or 1. Feb 2015). Local settings are in the system variables and can be changed.
  • Time values in the date are ignored. E.g. "14.07.2016 10:00" and "14.07.2016 11:00" are treated as identical values

Rules on dates and times:

  • Blank dates come first.
  • Date values without time come before date values with time (e.g. "00:00:00") if date are on the same day.
  • Time values are not ignored

Rules on times:

  • Blank dates come first.
  • Date values are ignored. "14.07.2016 10:00â€? and “15.07.2016 10:00â€? are treated as identical values

Following example shows a ranking based on the different options applied.

  table initialize ( t,
  { { Scheme, alphabetic, alphabetic down, alphabetic ignore case, alphabetic down ignore case, numeric, numeric down, date, date down, time, time down },
      "02-Dec-2020 10:00", "02-Nov-2020 11:00", "05", "1", "Dec", "apr 15", "-1", "", "begin" } );

  for all parameters( [t:1..,0], option[] )  table rank rows( t, option[], Scheme, option[], 113 ); // 113 - Same ranking share same ranking position
  table transpose (t);
  table list (t);     
    0 : Scheme                      | 02-Dec-2020 10:00 | 02-Nov-2020 11:00 | 05 | 1 | Dec | apr 15 | -1 |   | begin
    1 : alphabetic                  | 3                 | 4                 | 5  | 6 | 7   | 8      | 2  | 1 | 9    
    2 : alphabetic down             | 7                 | 6                 | 5  | 4 | 3   | 2      | 8  | 9 | 1    
    3 : alphabetic ignore case      | 3                 | 4                 | 5  | 6 | 9   | 7      | 2  | 1 | 8    
    4 : alphabetic down ignore case | 7                 | 6                 | 5  | 4 | 1   | 3      | 8  | 9 | 2    
    5 : numeric                     | 7                 | 7                 | 9  | 6 | 2   | 2      | 1  | 2 | 2    
    6 : numeric down                | 2                 | 2                 | 1  | 4 | 5   | 5      | 9  | 5 | 5    
    7 : date                        | 8                 | 7                 | 1  | 1 | 9   | 6      | 1  | 1 | 1    
    8 : date down                   | 2                 | 3                 | 5  | 5 | 1   | 4      | 5  | 5 | 5    
    9 : time                        | 8                 | 9                 | 5  | 5 | 1   | 1      | 5  | 1 | 1    
   10 : time down                   | 2                 | 1                 | 3  | 3 | 6   | 6      | 3  | 6 | 6    

Try it yourself: Open LIB_Features_Sorting_options.b4p in Decompress before use.