Consolidation Actions

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The sorting options are used (amongst others) by following functions:

Overview of Available Consolidation Actions

The consolidation actions does only take place if a matching row further down in the table (or source table if 2 tables are combined) needs to be consolidated to the target fields. No actions are applied if only one row exists with same identifer contents.

Consolidation Action Description
none No consolidation: The destination fields will not be overwritten.
At the end of the consolidation run, the destination field contains the data from the first row belonging to the group.
overwrite Source field overwrites destination field.
At the end of the consolidation run, the destination field contains the data from the last row belonging to the group.
overwrite if blank Source field overwrites destination field if the destination field is still blank. See 1
overwrite except blank Source field overwrites destination field if the soruce field is not blank. See 1
blank Destination field will be blanked. Useful to void contents no longer needed after consolidation.
zero Destination field will be set to 0. Useful to void contents no longer needed after consolidation.
delete This column will be deleted after the consolidation run. Useful to get rid of contents no longer needed.
append Append string contents from source fields to destination fields. A separator string will be inserted if available.
append once Like above, but contents are only appended if not yet found in the destination string.
must match Checks source and destination fields. If they differ, then (Inconsistent) will be written.
blank if different Checks source and destination fields. If they differ, then the destination fields will be blanked.
min abc Choose the entry in the lower alphabetc sorting order (e.g. abc preferred over def). Blanks have highest priority.
min abc ignore blanks Choose the entry in the lower alphabetc sorting order (e.g. abc preferred over def). Blanks have lowest priority. See 1
max abc Choose the entry in the higher alphabetc sorting order (e.g. def preferred over abc). Blanks have lowest priority.
min Choose the entry with the smaller value. Blanks and non-numeric contents are treated as zero.
min ignore blanks Choose the entry with the smaller value. Blanks have lowest priority. Non-numeric contents are treated as zero. See 1,2
min ignore zero Choose the entry with the smaller value. Blanks and non-numeric contents and zero have lowest priority. See 2
max Choose the entry with the greater value. Blanks and non-numeric contents are treated as zero.
max ignore blanks Choose the entry with the greater value. Blanks have lowest priority. Non-numeric contents are treated as zero. See 1,2
max ignore zero Choose the entry with the greater value. Blanks and non-numeric contents and zero have lowest priority. See 2
sum Calculates the sum: Adds source fields to destination fields.
sum blank if zero Calculates the sum: Adds source fields to destination fields. If destination field is 0, it will be set to blank.
product Calculates the product: Multiplies source fields to destination fields. Blanks and non-numeric contents are treated as zero.
product ignore blanks Calculates the product: Multiplies source fields to destination fields. Blanks are ignore, but non-numeric contents are treated as zero. See 1,2
product ignore zero Calculates the product: Multiplies source fields to destination fields. Blanks and non-numeric contents and zero are ignored. See 2
average Calculates the average (sum divided by number of rows consolidated). Blanks and non-numeric contents are treated as zero.
average ignore blanks Calculates the average (sum divided by number of rows consolidated). Non-numeric contents are treated as zero. See 1,2
average ignore zero Calculates the average (sum divided by number of rows consolidated). Blanks and non-numeric contents and zero are ignored. See 2
count Count all fields. Is always 1 or bigger.
count ignore blanks Count non-blank fields only. See 1
count ignore zero Count non-zero fields. 0, blanks and non-numerals are ignored.
count positive Count if value is > 0. 0, blanks and non-numerals are ignored.
count positive or zero Count if value is >= 0. Blanks and non-numerals are treated as 0 and will be counted.
count negative Count if value is < 0. 0, blanks and non-numerals are ignored.
count negative or zero Count if value is <= 0. Blanks and non-numerals are treated as 0 and will be counted.

1 Fields are considered blank if they are absolutely blank, i.e. containing zero characters. Fields containing white spaces (spaces, tabs, new lines, etc.) are not considered blank.
2 If none of the fields qualify for calculation (e.g. min ignore blanks where all fields are blank), then the result will be zero.