Table Comparison Reports

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Two report types are suported: tabular (generated with all reporting options except 'journal') and journal. All reports also contain a statistics section with the headers 'Statistics Parameters' and 'Statistics Values'.
Function 'table compare'

Tabular Reports

The report contains the columns (with header names) of the newer table plus one additional column called 'Change Remarks'. This column indicates the changes identfied, typically "Data modified", "Row added", and "Row deleted".
Depending on the reporting option chosen, the report may contain fewer rows and/or columns, aiming not to show unchanged contents considered not interesting. Deleted contents are shown in brackets.


Journals contain a sequential summary of all changes found. One row is devoted for every change. It contains the following columns:

Header Name Contents
Old Table Row Number 1 or higher
New Table Row Number 1 or higher
Old Table Column Number 0 or higher
New Table Columb Number 0 or higher
Orientation Identifier header names Corresponding data contents
Header Name Header name related to change reported
Old Value Old contents
New Value New contents
Change Remarks Row added, Row deleted, Column deleted, Column added, or blank if just contents have changed.

  table load( t1, "Examples/Cities.csv" );
  table keep columns ( t1, {City, Country, Inhabitants, Famous attraction, Moving along } );
  table keep selected rows ( t1, [Inhabitants]>=1000000 );

  echo("Original table:");
  table list ( t1 );

  echo("Create a modified table:");
  table copy table ( t1, t2 );
  table sort rows ( t2, City );
  table delete selected rows( t2, [City]==Los Angeles);
  table delete columns( t2, Country );
  table insert columns( t2, Time Zone, "", 3 );
  table append( t2, {{ Shanghai, 23000000, "Jing'an Temple", "UTC+8", Bicycle, Bla }} );
      // Last entry 'Bla' lies outside the colums with headers and is considered an orphan.
  [t2:City,Paris,Famous attraction] = Moulin Rouge;
  [t2:City,Paris,Time Zone] = "UTC+1";
  [t2:City,New York City,Inhabitants] = 8323340;
  table list ( t2 );

  echo("Compare and create journal as output:");
  table compare( t2, t1, report, City, journal );
  table delete columns( report, {Statistics Parameters, Statistics Values} ); // Ignore them for now
  table delete blank rows( report );
  echo("Comparison Report:");

  table rename headers( report, { Old Table Row Number, Old Table Column Number, New Table Row Number,
      New Table Column Number }, { OR, OC, NR, NC } ); // Abreviate headers to fit on page

  table list ( report );
Original table:
    0 : City          | Country | Inhabitants | Famous attraction  | Moving along
    1 : New York City | USA     | 8300000     | St. of Liberty     | Taxi         
    2 : Philadelphia  | USA     | 1500000     | Independence hall  | PCC streetcar
    3 : Montréal      | CAN     | 1700000     | Hôtel du Parlement | Skidoo       
    4 : Los Angeles   | USA     | 3800000     | Hollywood          | Car          
    5 : Vienna        | AUT     | 1800000     | Prater             | Fiacre       
    6 : Bangkok       | THA     | 8250000     | Wat Phra Kaeo      | Longtail boat
    7 : Paris         | FRA     | 2240000     | Eiffel Tower       | Métro        

Create a modified table:
    0 : City          | Inhabitants | Famous attraction  | Time Zone | Moving along  |    
    1 : Bangkok       | 8250000     | Wat Phra Kaeo      |           | Longtail boat |    
    2 : Montréal      | 1700000     | Hôtel du Parlement |           | Skidoo        |    
    3 : New York City | 8323340     | St. of Liberty     |           | Taxi          |    
    4 : Paris         | 2240000     | Moulin Rouge       | UTC+1     | Métro         |    
    5 : Philadelphia  | 1500000     | Independence hall  |           | PCC streetcar |    
    6 : Vienna        | 1800000     | Prater             |           | Fiacre        |    
    7 : Shanghai      | 23000000    | Jing'an Temple     | UTC+8     | Bicycle       | Bla

Compare and create journal as output:
Comparison Report:
    0 : OR | OC | NR | NC | City          | Header Name       | Old Value    | New Value      | Change Remarks
    1 : 6  | 1  | 1  |    | Bangkok       | Country           | THA          |                | Column deleted
    2 : 3  | 1  | 2  |    | Montréal      | Country           | CAN          |                | Column deleted
    3 : 1  | 2  | 3  | 1  | New York City | Inhabitants       | 8300000      | 8323340        |               
    4 : 1  | 1  | 3  |    | New York City | Country           | USA          |                | Column deleted
    5 : 7  | 3  | 4  | 2  | Paris         | Famous attraction | Eiffel Tower | Moulin Rouge   |               
    6 : 7  |    | 4  | 3  | Paris         | Time Zone         |              | UTC+1          | Column added  
    7 : 7  | 1  | 4  |    | Paris         | Country           | FRA          |                | Column deleted
    8 : 2  | 1  | 5  |    | Philadelphia  | Country           | USA          |                | Column deleted
    9 : 5  | 1  | 6  |    | Vienna        | Country           | AUT          |                | Column deleted
   10 :    |    | 7  | 1  | Shanghai      | Inhabitants       |              | 23000000       | Row added     
   11 :    |    | 7  | 2  | Shanghai      | Famous attraction |              | Jing'an Temple | Row added     
   12 :    |    | 7  | 3  | Shanghai      | Time Zone         |              | UTC+8          | Row added     
   13 :    |    | 7  | 4  | Shanghai      | Moving along      |              | Bicycle        | Row added     
   14 : 4  | 2  |    |    | Los Angeles   | Inhabitants       | 3800000      |                | Row deleted   
   15 : 4  | 3  |    |    | Los Angeles   | Famous attraction | Hollywood    |                | Row deleted   
   16 : 4  | 4  |    |    | Los Angeles   | Moving along      | Car          |                | Row deleted   
   17 : 4  | 1  |    |    | Los Angeles   | Country           | USA          |                | Row deleted   

Try it yourself: Open LIB_Features_Table_comparison_reports.b4p in Decompress before use.