Linux - Download

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B4P for Linux can be downloaded by clicking on the following link:

( Placeholder for a link to download the file )

With the download carried out, you automatically agree to accept the Terms and Conditions for use of the B4P interpreter and all asscociated files such as libraries. The terms and conditions are binding at any time you are using B4P.

Extracting the Files

The downloaded file is either a compressed .zip or .tar.gz file.

  • Use tar -xzvf B4P_*.tar.gz, or
  • Use unzip B4P_*.zip

to decompress the files. The asterisk symbol is a wildcard feature ana allows you to specify a unique part of the file name only, as long there is no ambiguity with other files.

You should see the following files and directory in a new directory called b4p installation:

b4p B4P interpreter.
setup B4P installation program
List of Locales.csv Contains locale-specific details (e.g. number and date formats, weekday and months in different language, etc.)
lib\ Directory containing B4P library files
weblib\ Directory containing Web-specific library features written in JavaScript.

The contents in 'weblib' contain some CSS files and Javascript codes files which are provided by SpryMedia Ltd, Scottland, and are in use under the MIT license.

Included B4P programs:

main.b4p A default B4P program which can start automatically if declared so
interactive.b4p A 1-statement B4P program going to interactive mode directly
B4P Reference Manual.b4p A 2-statement B4P program opening the online reference manual on a browser of choice. A link to this file will be included in the start menu and added to the desktop if requested.
hello world.b4p Self-explanatory
start B4P here.b4p A 1-statement B4P program which sets current directoy as starting directory. If B4P is started without a B4P program file, then B4P will look in this directory for 'main.b4p'. If not found, then it will go into interactive mode.
My B4P Init.b4p A user-customizable B4P initialization file and template which will be copied into the user application directory and you.

Adjust File Mode Flags (Applicable only if .zip file chosen and extracted)

If you have chosen to use the ... .tar.gz file, then the mode flag settings (B4P files executable) are already preserved and you can skip the last step described below.

However, if you have chosen to decompress the ... .zip file, then you need to change the mode flags of selected files which include the executable program as well as all B4P program files included. Use the following command for this: chmod 755 b4p *.b4p setup

File mode: Enable ability to execute files with 'chmod' command
username@domain:~/b4p_installation$ ls
 b4p                         interactive.b4p        main.b4p              weblib
'B4P Reference Manual.b4p'   lib                    setup
'hello world.b4p'           'List of Locales.csv'  'start B4P here.b4p'
username@domain:~/b4p_installation$ chmod 755 b4p *.b4p setup

Ready for installation

Continue with Linux Installation to start the installation process.