Linux - Installation

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To start the installation, type "sudo ./setup" click on "setup.exe" on a Linux console window which is in the directory "b4p installation". You may possibly be asked to enter the password in order to activate elevated access rights in order to run the B4P installation program as a super user. The follwoing contents will appear:

username@domain:~/b4p_installation$ sudo ./setup

B4P - Installation Program

Version 8.00 Candidate (2020-11-08)
Copyright (C) 2012..2020 Georg zur Bonsen, all rights reserved.

B4P installation program is starting (Linux and MacOS platforms) ...

1 >> Check the B4P privileges to run installation program ...

2 >> Installation program - Main Menu ...

     M :  Do Machine installation for all users
     D :  De-install B4P
     I :  Do Identification for acquiring a license
     E :  Exit installer without actions
Please select:

Choice 'M' makes the installation visible for all users and puts the executable file into a subdirectory of C:\Program Files\B4P.

The output shown below has been shortened in this documentation. The installer will list all working steps and files processed.

3 >> Check that all required files are available for installation ...
4 >> Identify locations for the program files ...
5 >> Deleting B4P program and application data subdirectories (if existing) ...
6 >> Create new folders for B4P program ...
7 >> Copy all files to destination directory '/usr/local/etc/b4p ...

Select Country and Language Settings

The B4P installaion program asks for both language and country. This combination is a locale information which rules things like number and date format, currency symbols, month and weekday names in the specified language, etc.

In order to avoid any trouble with your Microsoft Excel installation, I advise you to use the same country and language settings as configured for Excel so the CSV file format is compatible and not simply a choice you do personally favor. Depending on the settings, the CSV files may either use commas or semicolons as separators (In excel, take a look at a formula containing a function with 2 or more parameters and check how the parameters are separated), and numbers may either make use of decimal points or commas.

8 >> Restore user and locale settings (if available) ...

    Info: User settings file not found. Skipped copying

    Info: No locale settings have been defined yet.

    Loaded CSV/TSV file 'List of Locales.csv':
    31 rows, max 28 columns, 28 columns in 1st row, 868 fields, list separator: ;

    Step 1 - Choose language:
     A :  none
     B :  English
     C :  Hindi
     D :  German
     E :  French
     F :  Italian
     G :  Spanish
     H :  Swedish
Please select: D

    Step 2 - Choose country:
     A :  Germany
     B :  Switzerland
     C :  Austria
     D :  Italy
Please select: B
    Locale chosen: de_CH
    Done setting locale.

Activating B4P with License File or in Demo Mode

If you do not have a license file and you plan to use B4P for demonstration, evaluation and/or educational purposes, then press [Enter] to continue. Otherwise, specify the full path an file name of the license file you have received in order to deactivate all restrictions.

Hint: Instead of typing the full path and file name: if you see the license file in an explorer file, copy the path from the address bar, paste it into the line, and then copy the file name (not the whole file) and paste it here, with a directory separator inbetween. B4P will verify if the file is available and the license code is valid. If not, the query will be repeated.

9 >> Program Licensing ...

License activation ...

    Specify the license file (typically called 'B4P Licsense File.json'), or
    press [Enter] to skip this and run B4P in demo mode with some restrictions.
    Enter path + file name or press [Enter] to skip
    Nothing entered.  B4P will be activated in demo mode.

>>  Congratulations! Installation has been completed.

Option - Create a personal folder

This is a nice feature especially for beginners. Highly recommended. A directory called C:\Users\Your user name\Documents\Programs\B4P will be created and contains the following files:

  • hello world.b4p
  • interacctive b4p
  • main.b4p
  • start B4P here.b4p
  • B4P Reference Manual.b4p

In case the folder is already existing, then only the missing files will be overwritten. This is the case if you redo the installation.

    Do you want to create a personal B4P program folder ?  Y
    Creating directory: /home/georg/b4p
    If directory or files already exist, then existing files
    will not be overwritten.

    Done creating this directory.
    When you start B4P without file specified, 'Main.b4p' in this directory will be started.

    Highly advisable to restart your machine so all configuration settings for this installation are in effect.

Done - Press ENTER key

Concluding the Installation

Press [Enter] to close the installer. Now you are ready to start working with B4P.

Continue with Starting B4P on Linux.