Tables - Example File

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A list of CCities

The table "Cities.csv" shown below will be used to demonstrate the various examples on accessing tables.

  table load( table, "Examples\Cities.csv" );
  table list( table );
    0 : Country | City          | State/Province | Inhabitants | Famous attraction  | Alt. (m) | Famous cultural place | Moving along
    1 : USA     | New York City | New York       | 8300000     | St. of Liberty     | 10       | Guggenheim            | Taxi         
    2 : USA     | Washington    | D.C.           | 650000      | Lincoln Statue     | 7        | Smithsonian Inst.     | The Beast    
    3 : USA     | Philadelphia  | Pennsylvania   | 1500000     | Independence hall  | 12       |                       | PCC streetcar
    4 : USA     | Boston        | Massachusetts  | 620000      | Freedom trail      | 43       |                       | Walking      
    5 : USA     | San Francisco | California     | 805000      | Golden Gate        | 16       | SFMOMA                | Cable car    
    6 : CAN     | Montréal      | Quebec         | 1700000     | Hôtel du Parlement |          | Rialto Theater        | Skidoo       
    7 : DAN     | Copenhagen    | Hovedstaten    | 580000      | Little Mermaid     | 24       | Royal Theater         | Bicycle      
    8 : ITA     | Venice        | Venetia        | 260000      | Doge's Palace      | 1        | Theatro la Fenice     | Gondola      
    9 : USA     | Los Angeles   | California     | 3800000     | Hollywood          | 100      | Getty Center          | Car          
   10 : AUT     | Vienna        |                | 1800000     | Prater             |          | Opera                 | Fiacre       
   11 : THA     | Bangkok       |                | 8250000     | Wat Phra Kaeo      | 5        | National Museum       | Longtail boat
   12 : SWI     | Zürich        | Kt. Zürich     | 404000      | Street Parade      | 408      | Kunsthaus             | Tram         
   13 : FRA     | Paris         | Île de France  | 2240000     | Eiffel Tower       |          | Louvre                | Métro        
   14 : SWI     | Davos         | Grisons        | 11000       | Weissfluhgipfel    | 1650     | Kirchner Museum       | Ski lift     

Try it yourself: Open LAN_Features_Tables_-_Example_used_in_the_Following_Sections.b4p in Decompress before use.