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Function Names



Support Library


This function access the online B4P documenation. If no parameter (e.g. keyword) is provided, then the B4P home page will be opened.

Keywords can be specifified to access documentation of a specific features directly, e.g. docs(echo) opens the documentation for echo() directly. The keywords are not case sensitive.

Instead of keywords, search expressions using B4P wildcard symbols are also possible. For example, docs('*') will show the list of all keywords on the console where you can choose one from or narrow down the search. Note: When you use docs search for the first time, you will be asked to select the web browser. Select one which is installed on your system.
Note: Your own user-defined functions are not included here becasue this feature uses the B4P table of contents available on the B4P web page.

Call as: procedure


Under normal conditions, the 'Support Library' is loaded automatically, so no 'include(...)' call is needed.

Parameter count



Opt. 1.
string Keyword

If a matching keyword (e.g. 'echo') is entered, then the web page with the right contents will open directly. Wildcards like '*' and '?' are supported to provide a precise search.

Note: When using wildcard symbols, then put the expression in single or double quotation marks, e.g. "table lookup*"
Note: All keywords entered are not case sensitive.

See also

help welcome
help keywords