dump functions

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Function Names

dump functions


This function creates a B4P table which contains all availbale function names including their parameters, and rules such as minimum required and maximum allowed number of parameters. It also contains all user-defined procedures and functions, such as those provided in the included library files.

Advice: Call this function, the save the table as a file and open the file with Excel for inspection.

The table contains following info:

Header Name Description
Function Name Name of function. All visible functions, including user-defined functions are listed.
Function Type Takes 'procedure', 'procedure or function' or 'function'
Min Param Minimum number of parameters required
Max Param Maximum number of parameters allowed
Para Repetition If 'Max Param' > 'Min Param', the this value rules the intervals, e.g. from 4-8 in steps of 2 (4,6,8).
The following rows relate to every function parameter and are listed separately with contents to the left kept blank.
Para # Parameter number, begins with 1
Para Name Parameter namee
Para Direction See function parameter directions
Para Type Expected Lists the parameter types
Para Type Addtl Info Provides additional info, e.g. values looking like dates being converted to dates before the function is called.

Call as: procedure


Indirect parameter passing is disabled

Parameter count



string Name of table

A table will be created using this name.


    define procedure( mode, {{ meaningful text, string }} )

    dump functions( table );

    // table save( table, "All functions.csv" ); // Advisable for you to use.

    table keep selected rows( table, [Function Name]='mo*' );
    table transpose ( table ); // fits better in the output (wide table)
    table list( table );

    // The bottom paramters are blank because they are not listed on the
    // same row as the function name.


    0 : Function Name        | mod      | mode      | month   
    1 : Function Type        | Function | Procedure | Function
    2 : Min Param            | 2        | 1         | 1       
    3 : Max Param            | 2        | 1         | 1       
    4 : Para Repetition      | 1        | 1         | 1       
    5 : Para #               |          |           |         
    6 : Para Name            |          |           |         
    7 : Para Direction       |          |           |         
    8 : Para Type Expected   |          |           |         
    9 : Para Type Addtl Info |          |           |         

Try it yourself: Open LIB_Function_dump_functions.b4p in B4P_Examples.zip. Decompress before use.

See also

list functions
explain functions