delete members

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delete members


This function removes eiteher all member variables (if only 1 parameter, namely the variable, is provided), or a selection of members if a member name (for structures) or index value (for arrays) is specified, followed by an optional variable to specify the number of members to be deleted, beginnig with the specified one.

Attention: If the function call is executed in a local varaible contect (e.g inside a user-defined fuction or a B4P program called by another B4P program using start() or include(), then attempting to delete a non-local variable asserts an exception. You can circumvent this by deleting the global variable in a global context provided with the global() function.
example: global ( ) delete ( a global variable [ ] );

Call as: procedure


Indirect parameter passing is disabled

Parameter count

Min. 1


Variable name

The affected variable will be deleted resp. their members deleted.

Opt. 2
numeral Starting array index

Appicable to arrays and structures. The index must refer to an existing member in the array. Negative indexing is supported, e.g. -1 refers to the last member

Default value: All members will be deleted if the 2nd function parameter is not provided
Alt. 2
numeral Starting member name

Appicable structures only. It must match with an existing member name.

Default value: All members will be deleted if the 2nd function parameter is not provided
Opt. 3
numeral Ending array index

Appicable to arrays and structures. The index must refer to an existing member in the array. Negative indexing is supported, e.g. -1 refers to the last member. Note that the ending member must lie after the starting member, otherwise nothing will be deleted.

Default value: Only one member will be deleted if the 3rd parameter is not provided
Alt. 3
numeral Ending member name

Appicable structures only. It must match with an existing member name and alphabetically after the starting member name. Otherwise, nothing will be deleted.

Default value: Only one member will be deleted if the 3rd parameter is not provided


Variable is protected
Attempting to delete global variable in local context
Attempting to delete system variables


  array( a[], { 0, 11, 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 77, 88, 99 } );
  a[] = This is the base variable;

  delete members( a[], 2, 4 );    // Delete 22, 33, 44
  delete members( a[], -1 );  // Delete 99


  echo("Delete all remaining members");
  delete members( a[] );

  structure( a[], { Cat,   Dog,  Bird,  { Parrot, Parakeet  }, Rat,  Mouse, Elephant, Zebra },
                  { Katze, Hund, Vogel, { Papagei, Sittich  }, Ratte, Maus, Elefant,  Zebra } );

  delete members( a[], Bird, Dog );   // Bird (incl. Parrot, Parakeet), Cat, Dog
  delete members( a[], Rat);          // Delete Rat
  delete members( a[], -2);           // Delete Mouse

  see(a[]);                       // Elephant, Zebra


a[]                     This is the base variable    (softquoted string,full access)
Array [   0]            0  "0"                     (numeral,full access)
Array [   1]            11  "11"                   (numeral,full access)
Array [   2]            55  "55"                   (numeral,full access)
Array [   3]            66  "66"                   (numeral,full access)
Array [   4]            77  "77"                   (numeral,full access)
Array [   5]            88  "88"                   (numeral,full access)

Delete all remaining members
a[]                     This is the base variable    (softquoted string,full access)

a[]                     This is the base variable    (softquoted string,full access)
Elephant                Elefant                    (softquoted string,full access)
Zebra                   Zebra                      (softquoted string,full access)

Try it yourself: Open LIB_Function_delete_members.b4p in Decompress before use.

See also

insert members