existing (here and valid)

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Function Names

existing, existing and valid, existing here, existing here and valid


This function checks if the specified variable is existing.

existing Retruns true if the variable exists, regardless if declared locally or as a function parameter or globally
existing here Returns true if the variable exists and has been defined locally or as a function parameter
existing and valid Returns true if the variable exists, regardless if declared locally or as a function parameter or globally, and contains a value of valid type (not void).
existing here and valid Returns true if the variable exists and has been defined locally or as a function parameter, and contains a value of valid type (not void).

In the global variable context (neither a B4P user procedure or function code has been called nor a different B4P sub-program has been started), then the functions existing here and existing here return true if the variable is a global variable, but not a system variable.

Hint: Use existing here to check if function parameters have been provided in user functions and procedures allowing a variable number of parameters. Do not use existing as it may provide false results if an equally named global variable is already existing.

Call as: function


Indirect parameter passing is disabled

Parameter count



Variable to check

Return value

boolean Result

true if variable is existing.


gbl[] = Hello;
table initialize( result, {{ Context, Variable, 'existing()', 'existing here()', 'existing and valid()', 'existing here and valid()' }} );

define procedure ( ho, {{ par, string }} )
  table append( result, {{ ho, Function parameter,      existing          (par[]),  existing here          (par[]),
                                                        existing and valid(par[]),  existing here and valid(par[]) }} );
  table append( result, {{ ho, Unaccessible variable,   existing          (var[]),  existing here          (var[]),
                                                        existing and valid(var[]),  existing here and valid(var[]) }} );
  table append( result, {{ ho, Global variable,         existing          (gbl[]),  existing here          (gbl[]),
                                                        existing and valid(gbl[]),  existing here and valid(gbl[]) }} );
  table append( result, {{ ho, Valid System variable,   existing          (runtime settings[crlf]),  existing here          (runtime settings[    ]),
                                                        existing and valid(runtime settings[crlf]),  existing here and valid(runtime settings[crlf]) },{''}} );

define procedure ( hi )
  var[] = Ahoi;
  table append( result, {{ hi, Function parameter,      existing          (par[]),  existing here          (par[]),
                                                        existing and valid(par[]),  existing here and valid(par[]) }} );
  table append( result, {{ hi, Local variable,          existing          (var[]),  existing here          (var[]),
                                                        existing and valid(var[]),  existing here and valid(var[]) }} );
  table append( result, {{ hi, Global variable,         existing          (gbl[]),  existing here          (gbl[]),
                                                        existing and valid(gbl[]),  existing here and valid(gbl[]) }} );
  table append( result, {{ hi, Valid System variable,   existing          (runtime settings[crlf]),  existing here          (runtime settings[    ]),
                                                        existing and valid(runtime settings[crlf]),  existing here and valid(runtime settings[crlf]) },{''}} );
  ho( He );

  table append( result, {{ main, Nonexisting variable,  existing          (var[]),  existing here          (var[]),
                                                        existing and valid(var[]),  existing here and valid(var[]) }} );
  table append( result, {{ main, Global variable,       existing          (gbl[]),  existing here          (gbl[]),
                                                        existing and valid(gbl[]),  existing here and valid(gbl[]) }} );
  table append( result, {{ main, System variable,       existing          (runtime settings[    ]),  existing here          (runtime settings[]),
                                                        existing and valid(runtime settings[    ]),  existing here and valid(runtime settings[]) }} );
  table append( result, {{ main, Valid System variable, existing          (runtime settings[crlf]),  existing here          (runtime settings[    ]),
                                                        existing and valid(runtime settings[crlf]),  existing here and valid(runtime settings[crlf]) }} );

table list( result );


    0 : Context | Variable              | existing() | existing here() | existing and valid() | existing here and valid()
    1 : hi      | Function parameter    | false      | false           | false                | false                    
    2 : hi      | Local variable        | true       | true            | true                 | true                     
    3 : hi      | Global variable       | true       | false           | true                 | false                    
    4 : hi      | Valid System variable | true       | false           | true                 | false                    
    5 :         |                       |            |                 |                      |                          
    6 : ho      | Function parameter    | true       | true            | true                 | true                     
    7 : ho      | Unaccessible variable | false      | false           | false                | false                    
    8 : ho      | Global variable       | true       | false           | true                 | false                    
    9 : ho      | Valid System variable | true       | false           | true                 | false                    
   10 :         |                       |            |                 |                      |                          
   11 : main    | Nonexisting variable  | false      | false           | false                | false                    
   12 : main    | Global variable       | true       | true            | true                 | true                     
   13 : main    | System variable       | true       | false           | false                | false                    
   14 : main    | Valid System variable | true       | false           | true                 | false                    

Try it yourself: Open LIB_Function_existing.b4p in B4P_Examples.zip. Decompress before use.