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This function deletes the specified variable including all members if existing. If an array member is deleted, (e.g. delete( a[2] );), then the remaining array members further down close up. Obviously, members of structures can also be deleted.

Attention: If the function call is executed in a local varaible context (e.g inside a user-defined fuction or a B4P program called by another B4P program using start() or include(), then attempting to delete a non-local variable asserts an exception. You can circumvent this by deleting the global variable in a global context provided with the global() function.
example: global() delete ( a global variable [ ] );

Call as: procedure


Indirect parameter passing is disabled

Parameter count

Min. 1


1, ...
Variable name

The affected variable will be deleted resp. their members deleted.


Variable is protected
Attempting to delete global variable in local context
Attempting to delete system variables


  values[] = { 0, 11, 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 77, 88, 99 };
  a[] = This is the base variable;

  array( a[], values[] );
  delete( a[4], a[2] ); // Deletes subscript 2 and 4.  Good idea to work from bottom to top

  for all variables( a[], v[] ) print( v[], " " ); echo ("Note: 22 and 44 are missing. OK.");

  echo("Attention when deleting lower subscripts before upper ones");
  array( a[], values[] );
  delete( a[2], a[4] ); // Deletes subscript 2 and 5 (not 4, becuase member variables have shifted up)
  for all variables( a[], v[] ) print( v[], " " ); echo ("Note: 22 and 55 are missing this time");

  echo("And with structures:", new line);

  structure( a[], { Cat,   Dog,  Bird,  { Parrot, Parakeet  }, Rat,  Mouse, Elephant, Zebra },
          { Katze, Hund, Vogel, { Papagei, Sittich  }, Ratte, Maus, Elefant,  Zebra } );

  delete( a[Zebra]);
  delete( a[Bird], a[Elephant], a[Cat] );
  delete( a[Dinosaur] );

  // B4P issues no error message if attempting to delete nonexisting variables,
  // assuming they have already been deleted

  see(a[]);               // Dog Rat Mouse

  delete(a[] );
  echo( "Variable a[] existing? ", existing(a[]) );


0 11 33 55 66 77 88 99 Note: 22 and 44 are missing. OK.
Attention when deleting lower subscripts before upper ones
0 11 33 44 66 77 88 99 Note: 22 and 55 are missing this time

And with structures:

a[]                     This is the base variable    (softquoted string,full access)
Dog                     Hund                       (softquoted string,full access)
Mouse                   Maus                       (softquoted string,full access)
Rat                     Ratte                      (softquoted string,full access)

Variable a[] existing? false
Try it yourself: Open LIB_Function_delete.b4p in Decompress before use.

See also
