Registry Access Functions

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The Microsoft Windows operating system provides a registry which is a hierarchical database to store sytem and application settings. The contents in the registry affect the behavior of the operating system, windows graphical user interface and application program. B4P provides a set of registry access functions, however access to them have been restricted due to a considerable risk that unexperienced usage could cause severe and irreversible harm to the system. The B4P installer program is actually accessing the registry in order to assign the file type ".b4p" to the B4P program, and to assign the icon to that file type.

For the reason above, the B4P contains no description of the registry access functions. Linux and MacOS do not maintain such a registry. If you intended to use the registry for storing individual values, then consider using the resident attributes functions instead, and this one works on all supported operating systems.

Please contact us if you need to write a B4P program which needs to access the registry and you have a good reason for that.