find ... (string function)

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Function Names

find, find ignore case, find ignore blanks, find ignore both


Searches the string for specified patterns and returns the character position number (0 = 1st character).

Call as: function


Indirect parameter passing is disabled

Parameter count



valid types input string or value

Attention: If 1st parameter is a parameter set, please refer to find [parameter set function] instead. Values of types other than string will be converted to strings first.

valid types matching pattern

String to search for. If the parameter of type parameter set, see description in nexdt box below. Values of other types (e.g. numerals) are converted to strings.
In case an unquoted or softquoted string is supplied, the wildcard symbol for single character placeholders (?, #, ^) will apply, but no commas (,) and asterisks (*) are supported here.

Alt. 2
parameter set matching patterns

List of multiple matching patterns. Non-string contents in the parameter set will be converted to strings. With multiple matching patterns available, the first match will be identified and returned. Here, no wildcards are supported.

Opt. 3
numeral starting position

Specify starting position to search. Eg. 1 excludes the 1st character in the string.
Negative numbers are supported: -1 = last character, -2 = character before last character.

Default value: 0
Opt. 4
numeral pattern number

Returned pattern number (provided 2nd parameter is a parameter set and 1st paraemter is not a parameter set)

Default value: 0

Return value

numeral Character position number

Positive or zero: Found and position number returned. -1: Not found.


  st[] = "We ate pizza, pasta and desert delights like gelati, and conclude with a caffè.";

  // 1st two finds point on 'pizza', the 3rd fine points to 'pasta'
  echo( "Testing '", st[], "':" );

  // Examples include quoted (1st 2 examples) and softquoted strings (last 2 examples)
  echo( find( st[], "pizza" ), " / ", find( st[], "p???a" ), " / ", find( st[], 'p???a' ), " / ", find( st[], 'p???a', 10 ) );

  echo( "Looking for Desert: ", find ignore case( st[], "Desert" ) );
  echo( "Ignore spaces: ", find ignore both( st[], "pizza,PASTA" ) );
  echo( "No match case: ", find ( st[], "pizza,PASTA" ) );

  // Demonstrate use of non-string values:
  // In 1st case, it's a numeral with preserved string, 2nd case it's a plain numeral after a calculation
  echo( "Locating a digit: ", find ( 00001234.56, 34, 0 ), " / ", find ( 0 + 00001234.56, 34, 0 ) );

  foods[] = { Gelati, Pizza, Pasta, Caffè };
  index[] = -1;

  for ( i[] = 1, i[] <= 4, i[] ++ )
      index[] = find ignore case( st[], { gelati, pasta, desert }, index[]+1, choice[] );
      echo  ( i[], ". order is ", foods[]{choice[]} );


Testing 'We ate pizza, pasta and desert delights like gelati, and conclude with a caffè.':
7 / -1 / 7 / 14
Looking for Desert: 24
Ignore spaces: 5
No match case: -1
Locating a digit: 6 / 2
1. order is Pizza
2. order is Pasta
3. order is Gelati
4. order is Caffè
Try it yourself: Open LIB_Function_find.b4p in Decompress before use.

See also

find [parameter set function]