table validate - Examples

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table validate (...) with 3 Parameters

'table validate' with 3 function parameters
In the example below, the fuction call provides 3 parameters: Target and reference table, and checking for the columns 'Hcp' and 'NTRP' (Golf handcap and tennis rating). The table entries are OK in following cases:

  • A valid tennis rating is provided, and golf handicap does not matter.
  • A valid handicap value is provided, but the player shall nto have any tennis rating (blank)

  table load( target, "Examples/Tennis and Golf Players.csv" );
  table list( target );

  table keep columns( target, {Name, Sport, Hcp, NTRP} ); // Look how skilled they are
  table initialize( ref,
      // Hcp = Golf Handicap, NTRP = National Tennis Rating Program
      { Sport,    Hcp,     NTRP               },
      { Tennis,   '*',     'Lvl ?.0,Lvl ?.5'  },
      { Golf,     '0..54', ''                 }
  } );

  table validate( target, ref, {Hcp, NTRP} );
  table list( target );
    0 : Name  | Gender | Hcp | NTRP    | Sport
    1 : Mike  | male   | 24  |         | Golf  
    2 : Jan   | Male   | 30  |         | Golf  
    3 : Tina  | female | 36  |         | Golf  
    4 : Nico  | male   | 99  |         | Golf  
    5 :       | male   | 45  | Lvl 1.0 | Golf  
    6 : Lynn  | female |     | Lvl 4.5 | Tennis
    7 : Yves  | female |     | Lvl 2.0 | Squash
    8 : Zoë   | female | 18  | Lvl 1.5 | Tennis
    9 : Chris | male   |     | Lvl 3.0 | Tennis
   10 : Willy | male   |     | Lvl 6.1 | Tennis
   11 : Andy  | male   |     |         | Tennis

    0 : Name  | Sport  | Hcp | NTRP    | Row Result | Group Result | Explanations                | Ref Row
    1 : Mike  | Golf   | 24  |         | OK         | Not OK       |                             | 2      
    2 : Jan   | Golf   | 30  |         | OK         | Not OK       |                             | 2      
    3 : Tina  | Golf   | 36  |         | OK         | Not OK       |                             | 2      
    4 : Nico  | Golf   | 99  |         | Mismatch   | Not OK       | [NTRP] = 'Lvl ?.0,Lvl ?.5'? | 2      
      :       |        |     |         |            |              | [Hcp] = '0..54'?            |        
    5 :       | Golf   | 45  | Lvl 1.0 | OK         | Not OK       |                             | 1      
    6 : Lynn  | Tennis |     | Lvl 4.5 | OK         | Not OK       |                             | 1      
    7 : Yves  | Squash |     | Lvl 2.0 | OK         | Not OK       |                             | 1      
    8 : Zoë   | Tennis | 18  | Lvl 1.5 | OK         | Not OK       |                             | 1      
    9 : Chris | Tennis |     | Lvl 3.0 | OK         | Not OK       |                             | 1      
   10 : Willy | Tennis |     | Lvl 6.1 | Mismatch   | Not OK       | [NTRP] = 'Lvl ?.0,Lvl ?.5'? | 2      
      :       |        |     |         |            |              | [Hcp] = '0..54'?            |        
   11 : Andy  | Tennis |     |         | Mismatch   | Not OK       | [NTRP] = 'Lvl ?.0,Lvl ?.5'? | 2      
      :       |        |     |         |            |              | [Hcp] = '0..54'?            |        

Try it yourself: Open LIB_Features_table_validate_-_examples.b4p in Decompress before use.

table validate (...) with 4 Parameters

In the previous table, the same checks have been applied to both tennis and golf players, and indicate if the target table contains sports not listed in the reference table. This is done by specifying common row match identifiers for both tables. In the discussed example it's the column "Sport".
'table validate' with 4 function parameters
In the example below, the fuction call provides 4 parameters: Target and reference table, and checking for the columns 'Hcp' and 'NTRP' (Golf handcap and tennis rating). The table entries are OK in following cases:

  • If the person favors Golf (column 'Sport' conains 'Golf'), then the handicap will be checked.
  • If the person favors Tennis, then the NTRP rating will be checked.
  • A valid handicap value is provided, but the player shall nto have any tennis rating (blank)

  table load( target, "Examples/Tennis and Golf Players.csv" );
  // table list( target ); // See previous section. It's the same table.

  table keep columns( target, {Name, Sport, Hcp, NTRP} ); // Look how skilled they are
  table initialize( ref,
      // Hcp = Golf Handicap, NTRP = National Tennis Rating Program
      { Sport,    Hcp,     NTRP               },
      { Tennis,   '*',     'Lvl ?.0,Lvl ?.5'  },
      { Golf,     '0..54', ''                 }
  } );

  table validate( target, ref, {Hcp, NTRP}, Sport );
  table list( target );
    0 : Name  | Sport  | Hcp | NTRP    | Row Result      | Group Result | Explanations                | Ref Row
    1 : Mike  | Golf   | 24  |         | OK              | Not OK       |                             | 2      
    2 : Jan   | Golf   | 30  |         | OK              | Not OK       |                             | 2      
    3 : Tina  | Golf   | 36  |         | OK              | Not OK       |                             | 2      
    4 : Nico  | Golf   | 99  |         | Mismatch        | Not OK       | [Hcp] = '0..54'?            | 2      
    5 :       | Golf   | 45  | Lvl 1.0 | Mismatch        | Not OK       | [NTRP] = ''?                | 2      
    6 : Lynn  | Tennis |     | Lvl 4.5 | OK              | Not OK       |                             | 1      
    7 : Yves  | Squash |     | Lvl 2.0 | Not in ref list | Not OK       |                             |        
    8 : Zoë   | Tennis | 18  | Lvl 1.5 | OK              | Not OK       |                             | 1      
    9 : Chris | Tennis |     | Lvl 3.0 | OK              | Not OK       |                             | 1      
   10 : Willy | Tennis |     | Lvl 6.1 | Mismatch        | Not OK       | [NTRP] = 'Lvl ?.0,Lvl ?.5'? | 1      
   11 : Andy  | Tennis |     |         | Mismatch        | Not OK       | [NTRP] = 'Lvl ?.0,Lvl ?.5'? | 1      

Try it yourself: Open LIB_Features_table_validate_-_examples_01.b4p in Decompress before use.

table validate (...) with 6 Parameters

Advanced table validation is possible where different groups can be defined in order to apply different validation rules which can even be independent from each other.
'table validate' with 6 function parameters
Let's check some sophisticated tables: A list of electrical equipment for different locomotives which need to be checked against different contents.

  • Locomotives: AC locomotive, Hybrid locomotive (runs on AC power and Diesel), and DE Loco (Diesel)
  • 2 Groups: Different rules applicable to DE-Locos and the remaining locos
  • Every locomotive contains equipment like traction converter, motor, gear, etc.
  • Every equipment has different parameters (e.g.: Qty (numbers of units per locomotive), power, speed, weight).

Because the output file contains more columns than they fit in this screen, click on the following hyperlink to open the output as HTML file
Open output as HTML file in a separate tab

      table load( products, "Examples/Table Validate Target In.csv" );
      table load( ref,      "Examples/Table Validate Reference In.csv" );

      echo("Target table: Locomotives with technical data");
      table list( products );

      table validate ( products, ref, {Power,Speed,Qty}, Equipment, Vehicle Name, Vehicle Type );
      echo("Reference table");
      table list( ref );

      table save( products, "Images/Table Validate Reference Output 03.html", HTML );
Target table: Locomotives with technical data
    0 : Vehicle Name | Vehicle Type | Equipment | Power | Speed | Qty | Comments                      
    1 : AC Loco      | E-Loco       | Converter | 5400  |       | 2   |                               
    2 : AC Loco      | E-Loco       | Motor     | 1200  | 160   | 4   |                               
    3 : AC Loco      | E-Loco       | Gear      |       | 140   | 4   | Different speeds              
    4 : AC Loco      | E-Loco       | Control   |       |       | 1   | Safe TCMS                     
    5 : AC Hybrid    | E-Loco       | Converter | 6000  |       | 1   |                               
    6 : AC Hybrid    | E-Loco       | Motor     | 6000  | 120   | 4   | Power  too high, speed too low
    7 : AC Hybrid    | E-Loco       | Motor     | 1000  | 150   | 4   | But 2 motors listed           
    8 : AC Hybrid    | E-Loco       | Control   |       |       | 1   |                               
    9 : AC Hybrid    | E-Loco       | Bogie     |       | 150   |     | Bogie not in reference list   
   10 : AC Hybrid    | E-Loco       | Engine    | 300   |       | 1   |                               
   11 : DE Loco      | DE-Loco      | Engine    | 2000  |       | 4   | Alternator missing !          
   12 : DE Loco      | DE-Loco      | Converter | 2400  |       | 1   |                               
   13 : DE Loco      | DE-Loco      | Motor     | 600   | 140   | 4   | Wrong power                   
   14 : DE Loco      | DE-Loco      | Gear      |       |       | 4   |                               
   15 : DE Loco      | DE-Loco      | Control   |       |       | 4   |                               

Reference table
    0 : Vehicle Type | Equipment  | Power      | Speed    | Qty  | Additional Check    | Quantity Check
    1 : E-Loco       | Converter  | 5000..6000 |          | 1..2 |                     |               
    2 : E-Loco       | Motor      | 1000..1500 | 140..200 | 4    |                     | equal 1       
    3 : E-Loco       | Gear       | *          | *        | 4    |                     |               
    4 : E-Loco       | Control    | *          | *        | 1    | [Comments]='*Safe*' |               
    5 : E-Loco       | Engine     | 300        |          | 1    |                     |               
    6 : DE-Loco      | Engine     | 1700..2400 |          | 1    |                     |               
    7 : DE-Loco      | Engine     | 425..600   |          | 4    |                     |               
    8 : DE-Loco      | Alternator | 1700..2400 |          | 1    |                     | min 1         
    9 : DE-Loco      | Alternator | 425..600   |          | 4    |                     | min 1         
   10 : DE-Loco      | Converter  | 2400       |          | 1    |                     |               
   11 : DE-Loco      | Motor      | 425..600   | 100..140 | 4    |                     |               
   12 : DE-Loco      | Gear       |            |          | 4    |                     |               
   13 : DE-Loco      | Control    |            |          | 4    |                     |               

Try it yourself: Open LIB_Features_table_validate_-_examples_02.b4p in Decompress before use.

table validate (...) with 7 Parameters

The function expects an additional column in the reference table which may contain expressions which return Boolean values. The row is considered OK if true is returned, otherwise it's Mismatch. Blank rows will be ignored. Exceptions will be asserted if the returned value is not Boolean. Partial table specifications refer directly to the columns in the target table and not the reference table.
'table validate' with 7 function parameters
In the reference table, the column [Comments] is checked if it contains 'Safe', provided this is in relation to Vehicle Type being "E-Locos" and "Equipment" being "Control". The resulting table now contains 1 additional message: The "Control" for hybrid locomotives contains no remark such as "Safe Electronics" in the column "Comments". Because the output file contains more columns than they fit in this screen, click on the following hyperlink to open the output as HTML file
Open output as HTML file in a separate tab

      table load( products, "Examples/Table Validate Target In.csv" );      // Same tables as in previous example.  
      table load( ref,      "Examples/Table Validate Reference In.csv" );   // They will not be listed here again

      table validate ( products, ref, {Power,Speed,Qty}, Equipment, Vehicle Name, Vehicle Type, Additional Check );

      echo("Reference table");
      table list( ref );

      table save( products, "Images/Table Validate Reference Output 04.html", HTML );
Reference table
    0 : Vehicle Type | Equipment  | Power      | Speed    | Qty  | Additional Check    | Quantity Check
    1 : E-Loco       | Converter  | 5000..6000 |          | 1..2 |                     |               
    2 : E-Loco       | Motor      | 1000..1500 | 140..200 | 4    |                     | equal 1       
    3 : E-Loco       | Gear       | *          | *        | 4    |                     |               
    4 : E-Loco       | Control    | *          | *        | 1    | [Comments]='*Safe*' |               
    5 : E-Loco       | Engine     | 300        |          | 1    |                     |               
    6 : DE-Loco      | Engine     | 1700..2400 |          | 1    |                     |               
    7 : DE-Loco      | Engine     | 425..600   |          | 4    |                     |               
    8 : DE-Loco      | Alternator | 1700..2400 |          | 1    |                     | min 1         
    9 : DE-Loco      | Alternator | 425..600   |          | 4    |                     | min 1         
   10 : DE-Loco      | Converter  | 2400       |          | 1    |                     |               
   11 : DE-Loco      | Motor      | 425..600   | 100..140 | 4    |                     |               
   12 : DE-Loco      | Gear       |            |          | 4    |                     |               
   13 : DE-Loco      | Control    |            |          | 4    |                     |               

Try it yourself: Open LIB_Features_table_validate_-_examples_03.b4p in Decompress before use.

table validate (...) with 8 Parameters

This last example also considers comparison directions as additional rules. Before that, "min 1" has been the standard rule.
'table validate' with 8 function parameters
Because the output file contains more columns than they fit in this screen, click on the following hyperlink to open the output as HTML file
Open output as HTML file in a separate tab

      table load( products, "Examples/Table Validate Target In.csv" );      // Same tables as in previous example.
      table load( ref,      "Examples/Table Validate Reference In.csv" );   // They will not be listed here again

      table validate ( products, ref, {Power,Speed,Qty}, Equipment, Vehicle Name, Vehicle Type, Additional Check, Quantity Check);

      echo("Reference table");
      table list( ref );

      table save( products, "Images/Table Validate Reference Output 05.html", HTML );
Reference table
    0 : Vehicle Type | Equipment  | Power      | Speed    | Qty  | Additional Check    | Quantity Check
    1 : E-Loco       | Converter  | 5000..6000 |          | 1..2 |                     |               
    2 : E-Loco       | Motor      | 1000..1500 | 140..200 | 4    |                     | equal 1       
    3 : E-Loco       | Gear       | *          | *        | 4    |                     |               
    4 : E-Loco       | Control    | *          | *        | 1    | [Comments]='*Safe*' |               
    5 : E-Loco       | Engine     | 300        |          | 1    |                     |               
    6 : DE-Loco      | Engine     | 1700..2400 |          | 1    |                     |               
    7 : DE-Loco      | Engine     | 425..600   |          | 4    |                     |               
    8 : DE-Loco      | Alternator | 1700..2400 |          | 1    |                     | min 1         
    9 : DE-Loco      | Alternator | 425..600   |          | 4    |                     | min 1         
   10 : DE-Loco      | Converter  | 2400       |          | 1    |                     |               
   11 : DE-Loco      | Motor      | 425..600   | 100..140 | 4    |                     |               
   12 : DE-Loco      | Gear       |            |          | 4    |                     |               
   13 : DE-Loco      | Control    |            |          | 4    |                     |               

Try it yourself: Open LIB_Features_table_validate_-_examples_04.b4p in Decompress before use.