table validate - Row and Group Results

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Row Result

The following values may be written into the column named 'Row Result':

Contents written Explanations
OK Was able to find (at least) one corresponding row in the reference table. All conditions in that row have been met.
Mismatch Was able to find (at least) one corresponding row in the reference table. However, no full match in the(se) row(s).
Not in ref list Was not able to find a corresponding row in the reference table.
Too many Excessive row: The row has been checked by the same row in the reference table where comparison directions imposed an upper limit: equal 0, max 1, equal 1.

Group Result

The following values may be written into the column named 'Group Result':

Contents written Explanations
OK All rows in the group are OK
No group found No corresponding group has been found in the reference table. Comparisons have not been possible.
Incomplete The group in the target table is incomplete, i.e. rows missing as expected in the reference table. This error message occurs only with comparisons directions imposing lower limits: e.g. min 1, equal 1.
Not OK At least one row inside the group contains a mismatch or is an excessive row
NO OK and incomplete Conditions for both "Incomplete" and "Not OK" are met.

See also

table validate