table expand fast smart ...

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Function Names

table expand fast smart, table expand fast smart ignore case


This function combines the lookup strategy from table lookup smart() / table expand smart() with the data integration features of table expand().

Call as: procedure or function


Indirect parameter passing is disabled

Parameter count

6 - 9 (For parameter description and return values: see table expand() )


  table load( lookup, "Examples/Table Lookup Example 2.csv" );
  table delete remaining rows ( lookup, -2 ); // Remove last 2 rows (the mom's place and 'not found' row)

  table initialize( target, { Seating, inside, balcony, outside, bar } );

  echo("Target table before lookup:");
  table list( target );

  count[] = table expand fast smart ignore case
        ( target,   Seating, {Place to go, Table size},
          lookup, Ambience, {Restaurant Name, Table size}, {}, true, Counter );

  echo("Lookup table:");
  table list( lookup );

  echo("Target table after lookup (", count[], " items found):");
  table list( target );


Target table before lookup:
    0 : Seating
    1 : inside
    2 : balcony
    3 : outside
    4 : bar    

Lookup table:
    0 : Offering           | Table size | Ambience               | Restaurant Name       | Phone Number   | Counter
    1 : *Chicken*          | 2,4,6      | inside,bar             | Rôtisserie de Paris   | (212) 555-1234 | 2      
    2 : *Curry*            | 1..10      | "self-service"         | Bharat take-away      | (212) 555-2345 |        
    3 : *Pizza*,*Pasta*    | 4,6,8      | inside,outside         | Luigis                | (212) 555-3456 | 2      
    4 : *Beer*,*Wine*      | *          | bar                    | Luigis                | (212) 555-3456 | 1      
    5 : *Pizza*,*sea*food* | *          | inside,outside         | All-Italian Trattoria | (212) 555-4567 | 2      
    6 : *Fish*,*sea*food*  | 2..8       | outside                | Wharf Place           | (212) 555-5678 | 1      
    7 : *Burger*,Fries     | 1..20      | =inside,"self-service" | Mr. Burgermeister     | (212) 555-6789 | 1      

Target table after lookup (9 items found):
    0 : Seating | Place to go           | Table size
    1 : inside  | Rôtisserie de Paris   | 2,4,6     
    2 : balcony |                       |           
    3 : outside | Luigis                | 4,6,8     
    4 : bar     | Rôtisserie de Paris   | 2,4,6     
    5 : inside  | Luigis                | 4,6,8     
    6 : inside  | All-Italian Trattoria | *         
    7 : inside  | Mr. Burgermeister     | 1..20     
    8 : outside | All-Italian Trattoria | *         
    9 : outside | Wharf Place           | 2..8      
   10 : bar     | Luigis                | *         

Try it yourself: Open LIB_Function_table_expand_fast_smart.b4p in Decompress before use.

See also

table expand
table expand fast
table expand smart
table expand fast with rules