table row width

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table row width


This table returns the width of a specific table row.
If a table context for partial table specifications is available, then the current table name and optionally current row number can be used as default values.

Call as: function


Indirect parameter passing is disabled

Parameter count



Opt. 1
string name of table

Specify the table name

Default value: If a __table context__ is available: current table name
1 / 2
numeral row number

Note that the first table row (header row) begins with row 0. Negative row numbers count from the bottom up. Example: -1 = last row.

Default value: If a __table context__ is available: current table row

Return value

numeral Width

Number of columns in the row


Table not found
No context available for partial table specifications
row number is outside table boundaries


  table initialize ( table 1,
  { { Animal, leg count, hair color }, { Worm,  0}, { Bird, 2, white, brown, yellow }, { Dog, 4 }, { Fly }, {}, { Tick, 8 } } );

  echo("table 1:");
  table list ( table 1 );

  print( table row width( table 1, 1 ),", " );      // 2 (2nd row)
  print( table row width( table 1  ),  ", " );      // 3 (row 0)
  echo ( table row width( table 1, -2 ) );        // 0 (2nd last row)
  with table (table 1, 1)
      print( table row width( 2 )); // 5 (Row 3)
      echo( ", ", table row width(  )); // 2 (Row 1)


table 1:
    0 : Animal | leg count | hair color |       |       
    1 : Worm   | 0         |            |       |       
    2 : Bird   | 2         | white      | brown | yellow
    3 : Dog    | 4         |            |       |       
    4 : Fly    |           |            |       |       
    5 :        |           |            |       |       
    6 : Tick   | 8         |            |       |       

2, 3, 0
5, 2
Try it yourself: Open LIB_Function_table_row_width.b4p in Decompress before use.

See also

table min width
table max width