Matrix Functions

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B4P provides a library of powerful matrix functions. While vectors are modeled as 1-dimensional parameter sets containing numerals, matrices are modeled as parameter sets (rows) containing parameter sets containing numerals (columns). Example: {{ 1, 2, 3 }, { 4, 5, 6 }} is a matrix consisting of 2 rows and 3 columns:

| 1 2 3 |
| 4 5 6 |

  • mmul: Matrix multiplication
  • minv: Matrix inversion
  • mdiv: Matrix division
  • mdet: Calculates determinant
  • linear: Solves a set of linear equations (Gaussian elimination)

You may possibly be missing the functions like madd and msub for addition and subtraction. These two operations can be implmented with direct matrix mathematics using deep operators as shown below:

  • Matrix addition: a[] +^^ b[]
  • Matrix subtraction: a[] -^^ b[]
  • Scalar multiplication: a[] *^^ b[]
  • Scalar division: a[] /^^ b[]

Following functions, also described in this section, allow any types in their matrices because contents are only moved and not calculated:

  • horizontal: Converts a flat or vertical matrix to a horizontal matrix (1 row, several column elements)
  • vertical: Converts a flat or horizontal matrix to a vertical matrix (1 column, several row elements)
  • flat: Flattens the matrix to all values arranged in a simple parameter set
  • diagonal: Creates a matrix with values along the diagonal and zero in the remaining fields
  • transpose: Transposes a matrix

Procedures and Functions Provided:

matrix multiplication, matrix division:

matrix inversion:

matrix determinant:

linear equation:

Make matrix horizontal:

Make matrix vertical:

Flatten matrix:

Put values diagonally into matrix:

transpose matrix: